I had a consult with a surgeon and he's trying to talk me into the band. Given my bmi is only 36, He thinks I will loose a great amount of weight and become malnourished. I believe there are other reason for his push on the band. Like follow ups and the fills, means more . I over heard him through the wall, to the room next to mine, trying to push the band on another patient. Should I give the band a try first then have revision later if it fails?? So stressed over this!
I have had the band for five years and for about the first 2 1/2 it worked great. I am finishing my final process to have a revision to the sleeve. Because my complications with the band are becoming so unbearable! I am actually on an all starch diet due to gastritis which I have NEVER had in my life. Now with these last few weeks constant diarrhea and dry heaves are horrible and make u feel dizzy!
Honestly I would choose the sleeve first if I knew what I know now. Aftercare is set up for any and everything required. You don't even come in till you feel you need it.
Why put yourself through two surgeries the sleeve was the newest option When I got my band five years ago
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