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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by shumaked

  1. I am on the "mushy" diet. I am down 21lbs. I Haven't loss a pound this week and I am ok with that. I am slowly telling family members about my surgery and some are supportive and some are not. I am ok with that too. I can't wait to start back at the gym, and swim in a pool. I am so excited for my new life. I am proud to have patience with this, but by summer my goal is to be a lot smaller, and able to ride on rides with my girls!
  2. Update!! Since I left the other surgeon, I have found a new surgeon. My surgery is already scheduled for Nov 11. I am just getting a few more test done per the new surgeon and I will be done! The new office is staff have been extremely nice and professional! I have heard nothing, but, but good things about this office! Fingers are crossed!
  3. I start my liquid diet tomorrow. My surgery is scheduled for September 16. I am super nervous about this diet. My family and I leave for vacation on Thursday. It just worked out best that my surgery was scheduled right after. Any suggestions on liquid foods to pack for travel?
  4. shumaked

    WLS Cover-up Story

    Fpmr96 I say you do what you are comfortable with. I have lost 25 lbs and I haven't had my surgery yet and everyone at work keeps asking what are you doing, blah blah blah. I am comfortable to say I have made a lifestyle change and I work hard. I keep it very generic. You have the right to privacy and no one needs to know your business!
  5. shumaked

    21 Months Out Update!

    That was so powerful! Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you!
  6. Thanks Slimagainsoon! Not that it was my advice, but it's advice I can take with me for future references
  7. Sounds like it could be. I don't wanna scare you, and I understand your insurance situation, but it's definitely something you want to look at getting taken care if sooner than later. Hence as to why I had mine out when my child turned 6 weeks old. One other thing is I heard from a coworker that she had the same feeling and it was actually her liver. I would suggest to eat light, very light and as green as possible until you can see a dr.
  8. I was gonna ask about the gallbladder too. When I had my gallbladder attacks I was 7 months pregnant and I felt the same way. I couldn't eat anything heavy, greasy, or oddly enough salads and some other foods triggered the attacks. The pains would last 15-30 minutes or so. i would get nauseous, have sweats almost felt like how I would imagine a heart attack would feel. Pains going through my back and sides. B/c I was pregnant I just had to deal with it. Was your gall bladder checked prior to surgery? Also, I read online when having an attack (if this is the case) some foods that are good to help you feel better are green foods especially cucumbers and a "cabbage soup"
  9. shumaked

    Skin Elasticity?

    That is awesome!! Thanks for sharing!! You give me hope that I my skin could do well. That was a concern of mine
  10. shumaked

    Anyone from Maryland?

    Terpgirl thst is rather far for me! Acampbell I have a friend with those initials from Southern Maryland.. how ironic! I actually scheduled an appointment with Dr Halmi over at Fairfax Inova for the 3oth.
  11. shumaked

    Anyone from Maryland?

    Terpgirl I am actually looking for a new doctor. Where is your dr located? My surgery was scheduled for 9/16.. but due to my drs office being jerks, I cancelled and now I am looking for a new one.
  12. shumaked

    Liquid Diet Menu?

    I meant to say it depends on the doctor**
  13. shumaked

    Anyone from Maryland?

    Hello Ladies! I am also from Maryland, Southern Maryland Kellylynn who is your dr?
  14. shumaked

    Skin Elasticity?

    Sassygirl06 If you don't mind me asking how old are you?
  15. shumaked

    Liquid Diet Menu?

    Ajayb I was allowed fat free yogurt, diet soda, 1 cup of raw veggies a day, all the broth I wanted, water, protein shakes, 1 cup of canned fruit, and SF pudding or jello.
  16. shumaked

    Liquid Diet Menu?

    Ree from what I see it depends on the diet. The purpose of the liquid diet is to shrink your liver so when it's tine for surgery it would make things easier. My dr has you do a liquid diet for 2 weeks post surgery.
  17. shumaked

    so where do I start?

    JourneyToLife and italian-girl I am most definitely moving on. I didn't have a chance to contact anyone today. But I will do so tomorrow.
  18. I completed my 6 month NUT visits and just was approved. My surgery date was set for tomorrow Sept 16. I cancelled it! The drs office I was dealing with have been giving me a headache! They would get rude on the phone, not return my calls, or emails and I finally said enough is enough! I don't feel comfortable getting cut open by their dr b/c of their nasty attitudes. The lady I have been dealing with told me my surgery was approved weeks ago. I knew this wasn't true b/c my insurance hadn't sent me anything andnI called and asked them. I called her back and told her this because I didn't want to get stuck with a $20,000 bill! She tells me that she has a reference # and she is not sure why I am calling blah blah blah.. I call my insurance company back and they assured me it HAD NOT been approved.. after calling back and explaining this.. yet again and her getting nasty yet again, I had my insurance company call them. The lady from the insurance company calls me back and explains they only had the overnight stay at the hospital approved, not the surgery! She says the lady even got nasty with her! Another week goes by and finally they have submitted my paperwork.. I was on vacation dealing with this nonsense, trying to enjoy myself, and doing the disgusting pre-op diet. I decided on Tuesday to just cancel the darn surgery and to find a new surgeon. I am so angry and upset because I already had the time scheduled to be off and at my job I am heavily dependent on and it's hard to get time off of work. I was SO close, but like I said earlier I wouldn't have felt comfortable letting this surgeon perform my surgery knowing how his staff is.. this is so hard because my husband is the ONLY one that knows I will be having surgery because my family does not think I should have it. ... this sucks!
  19. shumaked

    so where do I start?

    You are so right (again) MissMac.. I will start this today!
  20. shumaked

    so where do I start?

    Sorry to hear you had to cancel. I am still angry! I've been upset all weekend about this crap! Then I couldn't sleep last night b/c today would have been the big day! I'd be omw to the hospital as we speak..Well it's actually 2 ladies.. but the major one is the one I'd have to see EVERY time I go into the office. She takes your weight and etc.. I am just giving up on them because even if I do have another visit with the dr and tell him how I feel, I am afraid of him feeling some type of way b/c these women have worked for him for years. All I can think of is what if something happens to me during surgery.. accident or not I would think it was on purpose. I am washing my hands of the situation. Unfortunately, I asked if I could speak to him and the receptionist told me I'd have to start with the lady with the nasty attitude. Well I've left her 2 messages to call me back and she hasn't! Good luck to you and really think about what you want to do. Don't just go to the "troublesome" dr because it's convenient. Make sure you are comfortable and that's what you want.
  21. shumaked

    so where do I start?

    I agree! I feel that I made the right decision. They never once apologized nor did she call me back after I left message saying I was cancelling! I am tempted to go there tomorrow, sign a release and ask for my file so that I can begin my journey elsewhere!
  22. shumaked

    so where do I start?

    Thank you MissMac

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