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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ccb332

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/29/1955

About Me

  • Biography
    Mother of 2 young adults
  • Interests
    reading, sunning at the beach and swimming
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  1. Happy 57th Birthday ccb332!

  2. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary ccb332!

  3. Hello from a new member! I was banded on June 13, 2007...just a few more days on liquids and then I can have the pureed foods, I am so excited. Need any suggestions for good pureed foods. Good Luck to all the new bands.:clap2:
  4. ccb332

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi...got banded on June 13, 07 wish I could go...lol need to trade my liquid diet for the one that causes diarrea
  5. Banded June 13, 07...I have had some swelling, I think because I went back to work post 5 days. No pain, not to much bruising

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
