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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela


    Yes, I totally agree. . I got used to some people and I'm having a hard time finding posts... it seams everyone is slowly finding their way back. It wad really hard dealing with the silence of this new site for a while.
  2. Seela


    I missed this thead before so I'm glad it's been reposted. ** My name is Seela and I am an addict. Notice I didn't say food addict? It doesn't matter what it is.. if I like it its almost like an obsession. I am an ex smoker. I can NEVER take even one hit off another cig or I will be back up to a pack a day. I am an ex gambler. I can never have another diet pepsi... I go through these, I don't know, stages, I guess where I start eating something and I take it way overboard. For ecample... a few years ago I bought a pack of sunflower seeds. It turned into such an obsession I was eating 2-3 bags of sf seeds a day. I had to quit. Last year I discovered cinnamon and sigar Stacys chips. I would eat a least one whole bag every night. It didn't really matter what it was.. I would get focused on it and I would do it to death. This is just who I am and I will struggle with addiction my entire life. On the up side I get addicted to good things too... I (not so) simply Just need to make better choices.
  3. Yes.. pain would certainly be normal if eating at only two weeks out. Have you tried using the chocolate protein poder like hot chocolate? Or the plain and adding it to soups? Or the ubjuy protein cheese sauce?
  4. Seela


    This thread is very long and I've been busy trying not to overdo it at work. Anyway... I absolutely love this thread for so many reasons. It is very thought provoking and compassionate. I love how everyone can agree or disagree and nobody got ugly or got their feeling hurt or pissed anyone off. I, for one, do not need or want to be enabled. If I am all you have done is make my problem bigger. I think some people will post their fears or mistakes as a way of being accountable. What I can't stand (and won't read) are the posts where people brag about how they cheated and how great it was. Then accountability turns into a game of enabling fun... I don't think I could have made it through this surgery ordeal without all of the experience and knowledge that you all have shared. I appreciate people that make me think... with exception of the "fun" threads I mentioned above, the others , while annoying, have been helpful to me too. I read them, and all the enabling responses and I think to myself 'That will not be me. I will not put my health at risk then look for encouragement'. At only three weeks out I have a lot to whine about. But I'm sure not going to have a buger or a doughnut with my whine! ...rambling, sorry... anyway, great thread
  5. I don't really know anything about the 6 month pre diet... but as far as the liquid diet it (usually) isn't for weight loss. It is to shrink your liver and make it more flexible so that you don't end up having to have an open surgery. Most of us have "food funerals" leading up to pre op diet. This diet consists of protein shakes (55-80g) and water (broth, popsicles ect...) I personally had a 10 day liquid pre op and a 10 day liquid post op. Good luck!
  6. Hi.. I'm in my last week of purees, week 3, and I feel like I'm gonna starve to death. I feel great except it seems whatever liquidy mush I put into my system just goes right through my stomach. I don't have any energy and I don't care if its the yukiest, healthiest thing on earth I just want some real food!
  7. Seela

    "know It Alls"

    Does anyone else find this very condesending? " I am very happy that you responded in an articulate way"? What does that mean? That kind of comment is exactly what everyone is talking about. Your sharing of knowledge and experience is great but your delivery sucks!
  8. Seela

    "know It Alls"

    You know... it's really a shame that I approached you without an attitude and with sincerity and you are so defensive that you can't even see your own hand in front of your face. You just keep repeating the same things over and over. Instead of sharing your information you shove it. I don't believe anyone said anything about you being a bander... just a know it all with prejudice and a superiority complex. And for the record... oh.. never mind, your not worth it. If you could figure out a way to come down off your high horse you might actually be able to help someone. Otherwise you are just NOISE *(was that loud enough?)*
  9. Seela

    "know It Alls"

    I have moved on but I haven't forgotten. Thats the point isn't it. I'm not beating my self up.. lol.. not even close... just sharing my knowledge and experience in a (hopefully) non threatening and clear way, so that maybe this op can see that her attitude is louder than her message. .. one can only hope! ??? I'm hungry
  10. Seela

    "know It Alls"

    I live in a small town. Shucks... I guess I don't like diversity. Hmmm... nope... I think it's just that I don't feel the need to browbeat everyone who doesn't see things my way. Nana... you do have experience and obviously you have done your research. .. it's funny though that people that agree with you are "smart" and to be respected and those that don't are ignorant and uninformed. I'm happy for you that you found something to be so passionate about but putting down every one else's opinions, experience and choice of surgeons will not earn you respect. I too, made a comment recently( while recovering and in a bad place) that really put a lot of people off. The next day I went back and read through all the drama. All I could do was shake my head. I realized if that many people where ganging up on me then maybe I should check myself. It's not always what you say but how you say it. For example; I am a hair stylist, I have seen other stylists that have been in the business for 20-30 years and still have very little talent, while I have also seen stylists one year out that produce the most beautiful work. My point is maybe people are reading into what you say as being better than them just because you've done it longer. And while in some ways the years of experience give you more knowledge on some level, constantly bringing it up and YELLING in your posts isn't working. You seem to have put a certain surgeon on a pedistal and continue to put down others. Maybe that is not your intention but that's how it comes off. ... Now, if you don't care then carry on... but if you really want to reach people and help them then maybe really look and listen to how othet people are reacting to you. Good luck
  11. You look so healthy and beautiful!
  12. Seela

    I'm Eating. At 1 Am This Morning. Wth?!

    I always gain w/TOM. about e days in it goes down... must be water retention. I am 3 weeks out, up until the last couple of days I could only get in maybe 400 calories, all of a sudden I'm at 700-800. And want more. Scarry because it doesn't seem like I'm eating anything, still in puree stage. I think it's that everything is healing up and our bodies are ready to move on ro moee solid foods but our surgeons are not. We'll see next week when I move onto soft if I still feel as hungry
  13. Don't you feel sorry for all of us that eent to a lowly u.s. surgeon?
  14. Wow.. and y'all thought I was bad... my momentary mind loss is nothing compared to this self absorbed know it all. I thin all of us.. bandsters, sleevers and rny alike should just stop thinking for ourselves because this one seems to have it all figured out! Hahaha
  15. When was the last time you lost 27lbs in 3 weeks! That's fantastic. .. That's 9 lbs a week! It will slow down and your probably heading into the 3 week stall. Remember you just had major surgery and your body is in shock from severe calorie restriction. It didn't go on over night. . It won't come off over night. Try tracking with mfp that way you can see the patterns. For most people the weight isn't a steady loss. When graphed it looks more like a flight of stairs or a mountain range. While it's sloped downward there are heaps and valleys. Hang in there, you're only 3 weeks out as am I and it will happen.
  16. Yup. Just happened to me 2days agp. Up 2 1/2 lbs. Next day...down 3 1/2. And I re-weighed 4 times to be sure!... I find the graph on mfp very helpful. It looks like a staircase...
  17. I know its not Thursday but I'm checking in anyway! Lol... cw222.5... getting closer
  18. Most ppl on here use mfp... my fitness pal
  19. Seela

    Girdle Or No Girdle?

    I use flexies (spelling? ) you can get them mist anywhere. .. khols, walmart Amazon etc..
  20. Seela

    I just can't believe it!

    I am so glad you got mad enough to fight for yourself. I have no doubt if you keep up that tenacity that you will not only be sleeved but you will do great! Good luck!
  21. Yeah.. I do fine on my days off but I'm a hair stylist and tryong to stop every few min to drink. I don't have scheduled"breaks" so when I do get time to eat I can't get in that 30 minutes of no drinking ahead of time. Last week was my first week back to work and the first few days were really tough. A desk job would be sooo much easier. Lol.. oh well, ill figure it out eventually
  22. Seela

    I Feel Like A Trader But...

    Same here. And if I reply to a post I have to completely exit out of the app before I can post again
  23. Seela

    Am I missing a stage?

    When do you find time to drink water ?
  24. Is anybody eating anything other than protein yet? I really want to eat some vegetables or fruit or something but I'm afraid I won't be able to get in all my protein. Also, having a hard time getting in all my water because of not drinking before, during and after meals.

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