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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    Gah! I Just Want Food!

    Ahhh. I can tell you that for me the hardest part of this whole process was pre op... I wish I had some grand advice but really you just have to suck it up and do it! It will get easier. .. but not for a little while just think though. .. in a couple of months you'll be dozens of lbs lighter and able to eat most anything. .. hang in there, you CAN do this!!!
  2. Seela

    Size 10!

    HOLY CRAP!!! I mean, wow, you look amazing! !!
  3. Seela

    Evaluation Was Today

    My psych actually told me that people that are crazy like me tend do do very well with wls. Um, thanks? Lol
  4. Seela

    How Much Are U "eating"?

    Hi I recently asked this same question as I will be 4 wreks out on Monday. I started puree on day 10... I'm starving! But the answers I got were all the same... because purees are watered down they go right through and its hard to stay full. Everyone says once you start on solid food it changes. Be careful with how much you are eating though... I think at 10 days it's only 2-3 tbls... you don't want a leak because you overfilled your sleeve... you are not supposed to eat until full.. you are probably experiencing head hunger or reflux...
  5. Seela

    Are You Nervous?

    Actually. .. sleeve has been around for about 20 years.. it was done as a gateway surgery for people that were too heavy to have rny... when people started having such great results without all the complications they started offering it as a stand alone surgery. As far as 5+ years out... I have read many threads on this forum of people who are 5, 6, 7 years out and doing great. Sleeve isn't a magic fix all... it still involves hard work and commitment, but whem you give it that hard work and commitment it sure helps you along nicely. And if you do some research the statistics are staggering! Not to mention wls increses life span by an average of ten years. See... most of us can work our butts off to successfully lose weight. .. but statistically we can't kerp it off. Thats whrte the sleeve comes in... but again, it sounds like you are uninformed and shouldn't have wls until you become informed. Good luck
  6. Awesome. . I made some a week ago and added the plain unjury and whole chicken breast to it, puree and yum! Glad ur feeling better
  7. Honestly, I think the anticipation and pre op was harder than anything else. Oh yeah... and don't lay down all the way for 4-5 days... getting up is a b $@!&
  8. I agree but I have to say that most people do say 'food for you'... or are genuinely happy for me. Its the one's that almost argue about that fact that i am not fat that get to me.
  9. I think you are absolutely right. .. still frustrating though. I mean if one of my black friends was looking for foundation I wouldn't say.. oh your not THAT black! Haha
  10. Haha.. I hope you don't mean they're gonna see you nude now! Lol
  11. Seela


    Hi, I'm almost 4 weeks out and while there have been times when I felt like I could have killed somebody just for a bite of their food, I can honestly say I've never felt any regret. I don't want to "feel normal" because for me normal was eating crap and wearing a size 18-20. So while it may be really hard, and it sucks not to be able to eat, if you are in the mindset of regret you won't be successful. Try changing your thinking to, yeah this really sucks but in a couple of months it will be so worth it! I mean, really, what's a minth or two of sucky-ness compared to a lifetime of being healthy and feeling and looking great?
  12. Hi, I'll be 4 weeks out on monday. From my first office visit until surgery it was almost 2 years. I don't regret one second of my decision. I had only one night in the hospital. For me, more important than the pain meds was the muscle relaxer! I was back to work in two weeks (hair stylist). The only problem I have is that I wear out fast but I attribute that to not getting in enough water. You'll do great.. good luck!
  13. I can't help you with the Mexico thing but my heart goes out to you and I wish you the best luck
  14. Well! I'm glad it's not just me! It seems that everyone that posted here has something in common, we are all proportionate. I figure that's why you can't really see my loss yet too. Funny thing, in the am I'm 5'5, after being on my feet all day I'm 5'4 started at 250lbs.. Conclusion. .. people are weird
  15. Hi all! Sleeved 10/21.. loss is slow but I'm not complaining! Down 15lbs from surgery date. I decided early on to do something that most of you will disagree with. So.. I'm a stylist and over the years I have known a lot of people who had wls. Over the years I've noticed a trend. Most start working out with a vengeance and lose lots of weight early on. Then their real life kicks in at some point and that iron man lifestyle slowly wears off causing them to start re gaining. I've seen this over and over again. Well.. as much as I (sincerly) love going to the gym, I don't because for me its more important to come home and spend as much time with my kids as possible after work. So instead of starting out strong I've decided to start with simply taking 1/2 hour walks with my kids after dinner. As they get older (my youngest is almost 12) and don't need me home as much I will increse my efforts. I'm hoping this strategy will make me better in time and that I can go forward instead of sliding back. That's my theory anyway. Anyway, I'm doing what I think will work for me and I love reading about how grat everyone is doing. <3
  16. I'm not the least bit hungry, quite the opposite. I have absolutely no intention whatsoever of having anything to eat... but, damn, I just really want to eat. So, what the hell do I do with that? It's driving me nuts for the last 3 days..
  17. Seela

    I Want To Eat...

    Ok so... after being on my feet alllll day I still don't have the energy to work out after work... wish I did, but I did do something today that I've been putting off because its time consuming. ..I had my hair done (in my own salon) but I feel so much better to just be able to cross that off my list! Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone, you have no idea how much I appreciate it! !!
  18. Seela


    Hahaha... that just really struck me funny and now my stomach hurts!
  19. Seela


    Congratulations. .. and a lovely protein shake toast (here here!) to your sentiment
  20. Seela

    I Want To Eat...

    You hit the nail right on the head girl!! It's a strange and mean disorder isn't it? I think maybe I'm just not recognizing it because I'm so happy at the same time. Weird right! OK.. I VOW TO DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE AFTER WORK TONIGHT! I will check back in and let you know how it goes.
  21. Seela

    I just can't believe it!

    I couldn't be happier for you! ! And you got that November date you were hoping for it's gotta feel good knowing not only did you make this huge decision for yourself but you fought for it and you won! You've barely started your journey and your already and inspiration!
  22. Seela

    I Want To Eat...

    I know your right... I'm in this really weird place right now. I can't really explain it. It's like depression (which I know well) but I'm not depressed? ?? I usually get really busy this time if year crafting but every time I get started on something I just don't want to do it. I'm sure this will pass soon... part of the healing process I guess... i'll get there
  23. Seela

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    Um... mine's not that creative. Seela is my name
  24. Seela

    First day pre-op diet

    For me the lack of social eating at work has resulted in an increase of stuff getting done. I own my own business so that has been great. The pre op is the hardest part of the whole thing. It will be much easier to obtain after surgery.

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