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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela


    I have same ins. Sleeved 10/21. My surgeon requires a $2500 "lifestyle management program" fee is hat is not covered by ins. I spent one night in the hospital and I paid about $5000-$5500 all together. My copay is $1000 and out of pocket us $4000. So.. without the program fee about $3000... if I required anoth night in the hospital it would have been another $1500. ***requirements. ..bmi 40+, 100+ lbs overweight or bmi 35+ w/2 co morbidities...
  2. Seela

    I Just Want To Cheat

    I've never heard of that. My surgeon said as a last resort to use carnation but it was imperative to use the higher quality and higher protein drinks. Maybe instead of asking your NUT you should call your surgeon and ask him.
  3. Seela

    Me And 6 Months Later Me.

    You look so great! Congratulations
  4. Don't want to add it to water... but you can add it to just about anything. . Sauces, soup.. juice.. as previous poster said just don't go ove 140degrees
  5. I haven't actually tried this because I haven't had any problems, but my NUT gave me some other options... Add dry powdered milk, it adds a lot of protien. Add powdered egg whites = protein... Carnation instant breakfast, sugar free with powdered milk or plain protein powder. Broth with plain protein powder (I did that, it was good). If you have greek yogurt, you may want to thin it out, it might be too thick for liquid stage until you get into puree or soft. good luck
  6. Seela

    What To Pack...

    You won't need much. I brought my toothbrush and toothpast. A couple changes of underwear, my cell phone, charger and extension cord. A long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt ( you might get cold, even if you never do, it changes after surgery.) Slippers that are good for walking around the ward. And something very loose and comfortable to wear home. Oh,, I also brought my own pillow because theirs suck! Good Luck!
  7. You're doing great!! I had a major victory today, I, for the first time in, like, 6-7 years am down under 220! 219 to be exact... Yay me!
  8. Ok,,, The comment was supposed to say that saying something like that WOULD be offensive. I didn't actually say that. It was part of a conversation and it was said like... People don't think before they talk and saying something like that would be offensive. I believe the person I was replying to understood my post, but because I didn't quote her or add anything to explain it I do understand how it could have been taken out of context. I did appologise for the fact that it was taken wrong. It was not said wrong. The comment was about what should never be said. This is getting way off topic. I think it's obvious at this point that there was nothing racial in my comment, it was a rediculous comment as it was supposed to be, it was,,, like something you would never say. It was in response to another comment. I'm hoping by my explaining the comment you (everyone) will understand better that the comment itself was not the problem, but my delivery. I hope we can now move away from this as it has turned really ugly and is a topic that I am very uncomfortable with. It was never my intention to offend anybody, quite the opposite. Anyway, It happened again today... My second client..." NO way you were heavy enough to need surgury! You look great"! Oy Vey
  9. I have never weighed as much as you, I started at 250, and I was miserable. I can't imagine how hard it is for you and how frustrating. I am just shy of 4 weeks out, but what I can say is that a lot of people on this forum have lost that much and more. There are a couple of threads for sleevers over 300-400 lbs. You should also check out the verterans forum... they can be great help. I can also tell you that none of the wls are fool proof. They all require hard work and dedication. But they make it possible. I have seen many people have bypass that have gained back their weight. I chose the sleeve for the same reason you did. And for me, after my pre-op then almost 4 weeks of post op, all of my cravings are gone. I've been off of carbs and the "bad stuff" for so long now that I just don't even want it anymore. I'm sure it will get harder the farther out I get but at least I have this awesome tool that actually works, so if I want to work harder I will see results instead of working hard for nothing like I did for years before the sleeve. It is scary, but now that it's done, I would do it again in a heartbeat! And this is a great place for support. Good luck, and remember, whatever decision you make will be the right one for you.
  10. Actually I pm'd the person I offended and we delt with it their and I said earlier that I regret it was taken wrong. I'm not sure how much appologizing you would like... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
  11. I was responding to a continuing conversation and directly to this post on this thread. It seemed appropriate at the time, I regret that some people took it for something that it wasn't. Cabingirl said
  12. Omg!!! That wasn't a dig... I don't think black is a bad word any more than I think fat is. I was talking about make-up... and last time I checked a lot of women of all colors do wear make up. It wasn't personal or defamitory... I think you are being way overly sensitive, as this wasn't directed at anyone. I could easily have said one of my white friends and 'you aren't that white'! What difference does it make. The comment didn't have ANYTHING to do with race until you went there. I used a similar analogy the other day... something about wearing glasses.. not one person that wears glasses took it personal. I'm sorry you took it that way, but really???
  13. Not much to report this week .. 3 week stall... HW 250 SW 236 CW 221.5 total loss 28.5 lbs including pre op.. started challenge at 227 Goal 210... we'll see..
  14. Seela

    100 Roses

    Ahhh... how beautiful, sweet and thoughtful. . Congratulations! !!
  15. Been there. Trust me, that is not love. It's familiarity. Get out. The longer you stay the more damage is done.
  16. Seela

    Attitude And Emotions

    I was crazy stressed out for the 3 weeks leading up to my surgery. .. but not just because of the surgery. A lot of it was due to me leaving my business for two-? Weeks. But I was able to be excited and not overly emotional. Until the day befoe surgery when I turned into a raving lunatic bi***!! Then I woke up on the morning of as if all was great and the lunacy of the day before never happened. . Go figue
  17. Seela

    Gossip About The New Neighbors

    Yeah... ehe really takes the cake (pun unintended)
  18. I haven't posted it on any social media and I didnt have it printed on a t shirt but it would have been extremely difficult not to let my regular clients know due to all my time off. Plus I can't keep a secret
  19. Seela

    18 Month Follow Up

    Being normal is overrated
  20. Seela

    Gossip About The New Neighbors

    Ha! Then you haven't been here that long! Lol
  21. Apparently I have lost just qbout the amount of cheese the average american eats in a year. Yuck
  22. Seela

    18 Month Follow Up

    You look a-may-zing!
  23. Seela

    Let's Talk Fashion

    That's what I'm getting!
  24. Seela

    Gossip About The New Neighbors

    Worse... it has the word Nana
  25. Seela

    Sick Of Compliments And Comments

    Honestly this is a problem that I can't wait to have!!! However, insread of reporting your co-workers why not just speak up and say, I appreciate the compliments but talking about it makes me uncomfortable. If you say that a few times they will stop. You had the surgery, I'm assuming by your post it's not a secret, so either enjoy the ride or simply tell them.

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