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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    I Want To Scream!

    Call them! You can't sit back and wait.. I had a similar situation and the Dr office kept telling me to be patient that sometimes it just takes time. After a week +I called the ins anyway and they never received the request! If I hadn't called I'd probably still be waiting.
  2. You are absolutely right! Time to get tough... thanks
  3. Seela

    Peanut Butter

    Sorry, had somewhat of an emergency earlier so couldn't respond. I haven't tried regular peanut butter because I'm trying to be smarter about my choices. The pb2 isn't exactly like regular peanut butter but it's really darn good and an option I feel good about. Hope that helps
  4. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much. It's funny isn't it that although I don't know any of you and I essentially turned to nameless strangers for help and support, I felt so comforted by the fact that you all took the time to try and help me. <3 And you did help me. I will be getting help from the drug manufacturer and fr om the county. I took some of my meds that I have been hoarding and trying to go off and I feel better. My daughter is a little banged up and shooken up but she is ok and home safe in her bed. (Sigh)... You all gave me exactly what I needed and I am so grateful. I only hope I can return the favor someday
  5. I respect your decision to keep it private. I am an open book. I don't mind questions and concerns just hate being policed. Tonight I pored myself a cup of tomato Soup. My daughter asked if I could eat that much now then immediately appologized for "policing" me. I told her that asking me a question is different and explained why I could consume more liquid than solid food. It's a fine line isn't it?
  6. Sleeved 10/21 down 35lbs! Yay!
  7. Seela

    Peanut Butter

    Powdered peanut butter.. tastes like peanut butter just less oily and you can make it as thick or thin as you like. Also 85% less fat and calories. I'm totally addicted. I get mine from amazon or walmart. They have regular and CHOCOLATE. .. mu personal favorite
  8. Seela

    Peanut Butter

    Pb2- best stuff on earth!
  9. I am contacting the drug company and I have an appt at the local mental health (humiliating) to get on medi-cal until the ins kicks in. While on the phone a call beeped through. .. my daughter got hit by a car on her way home from school. Omg... thank God she is ok but the guy took off. I can't think straight so I'm signing off for a while. . I need to be with my kids. Thank you all for the help
  10. Its not about just paying for them.. unfortunately they cost a couple hundred bucks and after years of trying different ones I finally hit on one that works. It's not as easy as just trying a different one and the money just isn't there rig ht now. Thanks though, I sincerely appreciate your thoughts
  11. I couldn't agree more! While I'm an open book I do understand the need to keep this private for some of you. I don't understand the desire to flat out lie! Tell them it's private or personal and leave it at that. Lying always catches up to you
  12. Seela

    How Do You Know When To Stop Eating?

    I'm so glad I came across this thread. I have struggled with this too. Great advice from all, thank you
  13. The only thing I personally can relate that to is the feeling I get when starting or stopping depression meds. Maybe you have an imbalance of depression chemicals? ?
  14. Seela


    Hi, I'm a stylist and from what I've seen over the years is just about everyone gets a good amount of hair loss no matter what they do. But it always comes back and due to better diet usually better than it was before. Fish oil, biotin, protein and iron... the staples of healthy hair
  15. Seela

    Compression Clothes

    I wear them sometimes but sometimes I just don't want to feel squished
  16. Seela

    Help? Post Ops

    Protein shakes.. cold and room temp gets old.. try chocolate in hot water... I didn't bother with the fat free broth because there's so little fat in your diet at this point for me the low sodium was better. Plain protein powder to add to broth.. jello..
  17. Seela

    This Is How I Stay Regular - Tmi Warning :)

    Thank you so much! I already have a dehydrator... I can start making them now even if I can't eat them yet... my kids will love it!
  18. Not a table with chairs, but a tiny stationery booth like a normal person. I'm down to a 16 but I was still nervous when I went to sit. Then I just felt normal. Cool
  19. All your hard work has definitely paid off! You look amazing! !
  20. Seela

    Tomorrow Is The Day!

    Good luck today! I hope you come out of it thinking it wasn't nearly as bad as you thought!
  21. All of the pictures are beautiful! You look amazing
  22. I was a mess the day before but I woke up morning of like it was Christmas morning! Good luck

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