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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    Can't Feel...

    Good question. In the first couple weeks it's directly attributed to the gas they pump into you during surgery. Aftrr that.. no idea! Lol
  2. Seela

    I Traded Fat For Old!

    I totally agree.. I'm thrilled with my progress. I just wasn't expecting to look so old.
  3. Seela


    Just curious. .. why not wait till after kids to have skin removed? Often times pregnancy can cause excess skin.
  4. Seela

    Can't Feel...

    Another thing... I'm almost 7 weeks out and still have trouble getting in all my water. When I don't get enough everything is just bad. But on the days I do get enough I feel like a normal person. Just a thought.
  5. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. .. how frustrating and scarry. I have no experience in this but the advice you've been giving above is great. I can tell you when I've had a problem I turned to the members here and received invaluable help. Good luck, my thoughts are with you.
  6. I want some courage cheese!
  7. Seela

    Mfp Username

    Please add me Seela13
  8. Ohhhh... your so close to onederland!!!
  9. Seela

    Progress Pics. 60# Off

    You look so happy and healthy. Congratulations
  10. Seela

    65# Down W/pic

    You are so adorable!
  11. Seela

    Oh Em Gee! Squeeeeeeek!

    Sooo cool! Must feel great!
  12. Update: so I'm a naughty girl and I went against my drs advice! I drank through a straw all day. My sleeve did not explode, I did not spontaneously combust, and I got in more water than usual. If I make it through the night I guess we'll just keep it our little secret.
  13. This forum and those of you on it have been so helpful to my success with this surgery. I don't think I could have done this without you. BUT... the way you came to my aid when I needed help with a different personal problem was very touching to me. I will never forget it. Thank you.
  14. Thanks butter. Temporary mind loss was not going to keep me from getting what I needed. I really appreciate the way everyone has supported me despite my rough beginning.
  15. Weight loss is a mathematical certainty. Stay on track. It will happen. Good luck
  16. Thanks.. I'm so relieved! Also I decided to wait to sign up for medi cal. They told me if anything happens I can get coverage retro active 3 months. Sigh.....
  17. Seela


    I was nervous too. I had never had any type of surgery or procedure done before so it was scarry. I remember talking to my surgeon. The last thing I remember was my surgeon saying "you might not even remember this conversation. .." next thing I know they were waking me up and I was going back to work. If I didn't know better I wouldn't even know anything was done. Easy peasy. Good luck!
  18. Seela

    Cant Sleep!

    Don't worry... I was so tired day of I could barely stay awake during admission! I think the nurse thought something was wrong with me because I kept dozing off. Lol. You'll get plenty of rest after surgery. Good luck!
  19. Seela

    Anybody Else Cheating?

    I couldn't agree more. It will never be easier to make good habits than early on. Going back now will be easy. Six months from now? Not so much.
  20. Seela

    4 Weeks Out

    My favorite thing is going on walks with my kids. My son gets particularly excited about walking with me and takes advantage of this time to talk his little head off. Other times getting him to talk is like pulling teeth. I knew I would be able to do more with my children after weight loss but I never expected the closeness it would bring to my son and me. Beautiful.
  21. Seela

    My Story

    So beautifully written thank you. I'm so happy for you.
  22. Congratulations to all of you! Such a wonderful feeling to be on the recovery side!

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