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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    Full Of Air

    Wow! If talking a lot did this to me I would literally explode!
  2. Seela

    Depression Bites!

    I feel for you because I'm in the same boat. It's a constant war. I have no magic advice you don't already know. If you can, try to get up. I know it's hard but it's also 75% of the battle. I hope you find whatever magic you need to help you get through the day. <3
  3. I agree with most all of the above, but in reality, and although I mostly love even my "cons" it can sometimes be frustrating. Please keep in mind I'm just shy of 8 weeks out... .. sometimes my body NEEDS food but my sleeve disagrees ..still struggling to get hydrated.. low energy .. head hunger is a bi*** .. scared of regaining in the future ... everyone always wants to know how much I weigh ...I still get hungry ...no matter how hungry I get I can only eat just a little bit and very slowly All these things are awesome and a pain in the butt at the same time! ... I love my sleeve! Good luck!
  4. Seela

    Sugar Addict

    I couldn't agree more. It's addiction. All or nothing. I'm an addict so for me if I slip up even once I'm screwed. For me, no soda..ever...no sweets.. ever... since I haven't had any in so long it's not that hard. I just have to have little arguments to myself every once in a while
  5. It's awesome you have such a great support system. Good luck!
  6. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this but when I look at myself now (in a picture) I look so much older (mor mature) than I ever did before. It's been almost 8-10 years since I've been the weight I am now but I guess part of me expected to look like I used to. Kind of depressing.
  7. I'm having a difficult time getting in all my fluids. I used to drink fluids all day long but through a straw. I hate drinking without it. I'm 6 weeks out and just can't get used to it. I feel like (as long as I don't hurt my sleeve) I could get in a lot more water if I went back to using a straw. Thoughts??
  8. Seela

    1 Year Surgiversary!

    Wow! Congratulations on your success! You really look amazing!
  9. Seela

    Reflux Question

    Maybe stop eating too much sugar
  10. Seela

    Surgey Is Still On!

    Awesome! !! Good luck!
  11. Seela

    Can't Feel...

    Been there.. once you start figuring outways to get more hydrated you'll feel better. Good luck... I'll be thinking about you.
  12. Yes.. pb2 is awesome! ! Grat ideas.. thanks everyone!
  13. Thanks. .. nice to know I'm not the only one that tends to eat the same things. And I've seen your pic. You look just like those young skinny b*****s!
  14. My surgeon said no nuts until six months out. I miss nuts!
  15. Me too... I get just over 700 most days. I've gotten close to 800 a couple of tomes and I feel like I've over eatten. then again a few weeks ago the thought of getting in over 300 calories made my head spin.. lol one day at a time
  16. Seela


    I had a hiatal hernia (that I was unaware of) and it was repaired during surgery. No big deal.
  17. Hi Laura-Ven... would you add me to mfp? I would love to get a peek at your diet!
  18. Update.. again.lol... I drank through a staw all day yesterday and for the FIRST time I hit my fluid goal!!! Yay me! I just don't get the gas thing?? I feel so relieved (sigh)
  19. Um... I would at least go to a walk in clinic... that doesn't seem normal. Good luck
  20. I'm just about 7 weeks out and I can tell you the pre op was just about the hardest thing ever! It starts to get easier around day 4. Remember your reasons for doing this and remember it's temporary. This diet is not for weight loss. It's to shrink down your liver so that you don't have any complications or have to have open surgery. You got this!! Stay strong
  21. Be careful with the broccoli! Gas is a HUGE problem after surgery. . Dont want to anything that could exasperated the problem.
  22. Seela

    I Traded Fat For Old!

    Arg.. what a trade off. I guess its better to just be old rather than old and fat???
  23. Welcome! And congratulations on your success so far! Ae far as the fried chicken goes... a little story. .. My 16 year old daughter just got a job at Popeyes (chicken joint) and my family went there last week to eat (and watch her work) lol... I have not had any food restrictions up to this point. Seems my sleeve can tolerate anything. I took two bites of chicken because I just wanted to taste it. 5 min later I had my first bout of vomiting. .. 3 times! I was 6 weeks out and never had any nausea until that night. Felt like crap for the whole next day too. Fried chicken? Not worth it!

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