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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. I am waaaay to obsessed for that!
  2. Oh! Haha.. I'm on the app so can't see It ..lol
  3. Seela

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Whoop whoop! Great week! 211 today- 5lbs this week
  4. Seela

    Terrible Guilt

    I agree with (most) of the above. Educate them. Direct them here. Tell them you love them and that's why your doing this. At the end of the day your the only one that can live with this decision. Good luck to you.
  5. I hear you... I was barely crawling along then bam! It just started falling off. It'll happen, hang in there
  6. Every response here has been so interesting. The only person I know of who found balance perfectly was Mr Miagi. (?)... I keep extra protein shakes at work along with pouches of tuna and beef jerky. I dont have to worry about them going bad. I involve my kids in everything I do. They help me plan my meals, add up my protein and exercise with me. I see it as a way to teach them healthy habits and a way to spend more time with them. I sit at the table with them..m even if I'm not eating the same things. I'm not perfect and I'm not striving to be. Perfect is boring and unsustainable. I got the sleeve because I just want to live. Yes, sometimes life gets in the way... but it's supposed to. What else would we have to remind us how lucky we are? ... btw ... I love you guys
  7. You have to take into account pre op too. I hit the three stall just before 2 weeks out and it lasted forever. .. now the weight is flying off. It's not an exact science. Keep up with your program and I promise it will work for you.
  8. Seela

    Tomorrow Is My Two Year Anniversary

    Congradulations on your success and thank you so much for hanging around to encourage us
  9. Oooh.. your doing great! Congrats on onederland! I'm totally jealous. Hw 250 Sw 236 Cw 211
  10. A lot of people on here use my fitness pal (mfp)
  11. Seela

    Extra skin...?

    It's so different for everyone so you may or may not. No way to know for sure. But you probably will in the beginning but I've heard it tightens up some with time
  12. Seela

    My Pants Are Falling Off!

    My 16's are actually getting loose! Not yet there but 14 here I come!!
  13. Seela

    Before Surgery ***tom***

    Mine is very predictable but I started a week early about a day and a half after surgery
  14. I can't remember when you were sleeved but around 4-5 weeks I finally realized I had absolutely no more pain when bending or twisting
  15. Seela

    30 minutes versus 60

    Thank God I was only told 30 minutes. It's hard enough to get all my fluids in as it is! !
  16. Dont let yourself get constipated
  17. Seela


    I don't have personal experience with drinking yet but from what I understand an occasional drink after about 4 months out is fine
  18. Oh, no fun... hope that goes away
  19. Seela

    What do I say?

    There are many threads on this very subject and they all mostly come to the same conclusion. .. if you want to tell, great... if you don't... great - nobody's business. But dont flat out lie. Dont say you had your gallbladder removed or you have cancer. Lying always come back to bite you in the arse. Good luck
  20. I'm getting between 500-800 daily... usually 700-800

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
