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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. [ATTACH]38878[/ATTACH] My son got poison ivy literally in Paradise, CA! Names can deceiving.
  2. Um... yeah. Big difference. Even in the dark.
  3. That is not a small victory, it's huge!! Good for you
  4. Good for you.. What a wonderful day. I'm so happy for you!
  5. Seela

    How much has everyone lost

    Great work. . Congratulations! SW. 250 CW. 209 Sleeved 10/21
  6. Most likely you are detoxing and it's very common for people to detox through their skin. It will most likely go away on it's own soon.
  7. Seela

    Romance vs sex

    I'm worried about the same thing. It's like, great now that I'm losing weight my husband is more affectionate and that's great but it sort of pisses me off to. I mean I was hoping this would help our relationship and it is but on the other hand I'm still the same person and it shouldn't make a difference. I don't know, it's to soon to know how I really feel about it.
  8. I did the whole 3 week stall thing (fun).. not! And I was wondering if there was another stall that was as predictable? I'm on a decent roll right now but I can't stop wondering when it's going to stop. Thanks
  9. [ATTACH]38537[/ATTACH] I feel like a normal sized person for the first time in a long time! [ATTACH]38538[/ATTACH]
  10. Seela

    The saga continues

    Rj... I dont know what to say. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that it's not for us to question but to do the best with whatever challenges God gives us. It's stories like yours that reinforce my faith. It's so incredibly unfair what continues to happen to you and yet the way you continue to inspire us throughout your own suffering is nothing short of miraculous. You are truly a special gift and I pray that you find peace and health.
  11. I like 4 oz Turkey chilli with half scoop protein'd cheese sauce mixed in. Yummy
  12. Seela

    To all veterans...

    Nice thread. Thanks Earthy for starting it.
  13. Thanks all!! I still have a way to go as I'm still in a size 16 but I feel great! I appreciate the encouragement.
  14. While tit-for-tat is fun it could backfire in a work environment. Simply tell her that the topic of your weight loss and your food choices makes you very uncomfortable and you would appreciate it if she never brought it up again because it's really starting to feel like harassment and affecting you job performance.
  15. One I get a lot... Wow! You don't even look like the same person! ... Well, I am.
  16. Seela

    Why Am I So Hungry?

    Once you start eating more solid dense protein your hunger will most likely go away.
  17. I've also found it at rite aid, cvs and walking greens
  18. Omg, I can't even rap my head around what you've been through. My thoughts and prayers are and will be with you.
  19. Well... a normal size anyway! Haha.. good for you, what an awesome feeling.
  20. So, I've pretty much been an open book about being sleeved. But today I had a client that I hadn't seen in about 6 months. About half way through her service she says... 'You know, you really look great. It looks like you've lost some weight'. FINALLY someone that didn't already know is noticing! Yay me
  21. Seela

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    I know I'm a day late, a dollar short and 6 days early but... I just hit my Christmas goal!!! 210! New goal... 204. .. hehehe
  22. Seela

    My surgeon

    Nice! You've earned it
  23. I don't know how to say this without pi**ing some people off, but please understand that is not my intention. I know where you are coming from. But... I think it's somewhat unfair to say you 'regret' getting sleeved when you are so early out. A lot of us had really sucky beginnings and even major struggles. My heart goes out to you, sincerely. I completely understand the feeling of regret early on. But I think you'll find with time that most of us end up loving our sleeve despite early complications. The reason there are so few negative stories on here is just that... thrre ARE few. The people who have lasting complications break my heart. And while I'm sorry you are struggling I would venture to guess 6 months from now you'll be whistling a different tune. That is my sincere wish anyway <3 good luck and I hope your regrets vanish with the loss of your weight and the return of your health

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