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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    Waiting Game

    That wait was the hardest part of the whole thing for me! Good luck
  2. Thanks guys! You are so sweet. I think my daughter is the most beautiful thing on earth so it's hard for me to accept the compliment but since it's Christmas I'll take it... lol thanks
  3. Now that I've lost over 43 lbs I hear all the time how much I look like my daughter. Best compliment ever! The other day someone asked if we were sisters! (Yeah right) lol... [ATTACH]39151[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39151[/ATTACH]
  4. I absolutely love Christmas and everything it stands for. I love to celebrate the birth of Jesus and spend time with my family and I have so much to be grateful for. BUT... thank God it only comes once a year! If I had to go through life surrounded by sugar cookies and pie even the sleeve couldn't save me! Although I didn't do terrible I did discover that peppermint sugar cookies are very yummy and don't seem to affect my sleeve at all... bummer. Love it, glad it's over.
  5. Seela

    I love Christmas, but..

    Good for you! I cookie led to 5 for me and I didn't feel sick at all. Wish I had. Other than last night's cookie fiasco I did good though
  6. Seela

    I love Christmas, but..

    Yeah.. sigh... it was nice (and surprisingly easy) to get back to basics today.
  7. I felt the same way at first. I was so hungry for the first month. As soon as I started solid (not puree) food it was like someone flipped a switch. Weird.
  8. Same here.. I thought I would never lose but after a while it just started coming off. Since surgery I have AVERAGED about 3.3 lbs per week. Slower than some... great by me! Hang in there
  9. Seela

    More calories?

    I try to keep by body guessing by adding more calories a couple days a week. So far the only stall I've experienced is the three week.
  10. Seela

    Almost Passout Everytime I stand

    Maybe not enough fluids or iron?
  11. Ok... that was so totally random lol!
  12. I could rant about my husband all day but he did good this year. I got the fancy scale I wanted and a gift card for Ross. Perfect
  13. Some of us have very serious and dangerous food addictions. Would you tell a recovering alcoholic it's ok to have an occasional drink and not to beat themselves up over it? Because that's what it's like for me. All it takes is just one slip up and it's like I fell off the wagon. I'm so happy for you that you don't have these issues, sincerely, but please don't judge those of us that do. For some of us that little slip of really can seem like the end of the world. Just saying. .. lol
  14. Seela

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    207.5 today. Merry Christmas
  15. I'm sick, I'm up a lb (and I've been good) and I'm feeling very Grinch-like. I know I'll have fun once I get there but celebrating is not something I feel like doing right now. I just want to crawl under some blankets and sleep till I feel better. I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself and pathetic. Poor me. Lol.. thanks for letting me vent
  16. Seela

    Sensitive to smells?!?!

    The first few weeks after surgery I was super sensitive to smell. I posted about it. I could smell catsup from across the room. My daughter opened a little bag of cheese its in her room and I could smell it from the living room! I'm nine weeks out now and it seems to have gone away.
  17. Seela

    sex life and the changes

    Now that I'm thinner I can do more so mostly its a lot more work (and fun) and really exhausting
  18. Seela


    A lot of people on here use mfp (my fitness pal) and the parameters can be customized
  19. Seela

    Oct 21-26

    Sleeved 10/21 not losing as fast as some but thrilled with my progress Hw 250 SW 236 CW 207.5 I bought two pair of jeans today... one a size 14 and one size 12 (the 12's run small but who cares)? Down from an 18/20... tops from a 3x to an xl. Yay me!
  20. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    I am so in! I appreciate all the work you do for these challenges
  21. Seela

    Beef Jerky?

    I started with Jack links about 6 weeks
  22. Seela

    Can't eat food

    I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow and although I've come very close I've yet to hit 800 calories.
  23. Seela


    Good for you! So exciting

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