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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    Slim Fast Pre Op Diet

    There are many good protein shakes to choose from. I was on a 10 day protein shake and water diet pre op... no food
  2. Seela

    Protein bar question? ?

    Awesome! Thank you
  3. When was the last time you lost 25 lbs in 6 weeks? That's over 4 lbs a week! That's a great loss!!! I've lost just over 45 lbs and gone from an 18/20 to a 14/12 and people still dont say anything. You are still very early out and so far it sounds like your right where you should be. Just stick to your plan because it sounds like your doing great
  4. My prayers are with you that your recovery will be as easy as mine. Congratulations and good luck!
  5. Seela


    At first it's exciting. .. then it gets expensive. Almost all of my tops are like tents on me now and I have to wear an undershirt to keep from being obscene! I go to Ross or TJ Maxx to get a new pair of jeans about every 3 weeks because I just can't wear my pants too big. I'm not spending a significant amount of money on one size of clothes until my weight loss starts to stabilize. In 9 weeks I've went from a size 20 to a 12-14. Pretty much wear the same pants every day and with a different tent on top.
  6. Seela

    Stall Already?

    Search forum for 3 week stall.. You'll feel better
  7. Seela


    Keep a log of how much Water your drinking so you are sure to hit your goals
  8. Seela

    Fried food

    Fried food. Only time I've ever thrown up through this whole thing! Stay away... lol
  9. Seela

    looking 4 my fitness pal friends

    Feel free to add me Seela13
  10. Seela

    How bad is the nausea?

    I haven't had any at all
  11. Tried it. Baby food sucks! I can't believe I ever gave that craps to my precious babies
  12. Hmmm... that's a tough one. I've already broken so many bad habits. I think for me the number one thing is to eat more slowly. .. remember it's not a race and since I have such a small amount of food it's ok to take longer to eat it. And exercise. . Remembering how much healthier I feel when I get at least some exercise even if I dont want to.
  13. Ah.. the dreaded food police! I had an "issue" with this big time at thanksgiving. Lol... I threw a fit and it has gotten better. It still happens from time to time but even though annoying I feel it's now out of simple curiosity or concern so I try not to flip out. Going postal seems to have worked for me though! Good luck!
  14. Seela

    First NSV/thanks for holiday help

    Nsv's are the best. . Congratulations
  15. My surgeon told me he sees the best ling term results in patients that continue to have one protein supplement a day through the first year.
  16. Seela

    Nervous & Struggling

    I have an incredibly low tolerance for pain but I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the recovery was. Just dont lay down flat for the first 4-5days!
  17. Seela

    Onederland! yes!

    What a great accomplishment, Especially considering everything you've been through. So glad you have something to celebrate! !! Congratulations
  18. Seela

    Pain from muscle

    So wonderful for you to have it all figured out! I bow down to your superiority and perfectionism. As for the rest of us stupid people with lives to live... just before the stitches break (normal) that muscle starts hurting bad again for a couple of days. Then all of a sudden it'll be gone. Get some rest and remember not to over do it. You'll be fine
  19. Seela

    Newbie on the block

    Welcome. . You'll love it here
  20. Take your meds. Almost all of us are given the acid reducer for the first couple of months. It doesn't matter that you never had reflux before, you never had your stomach severed before either. It was prescribed for a reason and taking it is important to your overall health and success.
  21. I don't feel hungry from my stomach. When I'm working I don't always get time to eat and I can feel that my body needs fuel. I get a headache, light headed, weak... must be my new hunger.
  22. Seela

    I Surpassed My Original Goal

    Awesome work. .. I'm very impressed.
  23. Seela

    Cute baby picture competition.....

    What a beautiful baby! !!
  24. Seela

    Nsv that Ive wanted since I was a teen

    That is so awesome! Congratulations

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
