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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. No, I'm losing so fast right now that I but cloths and a week later they're too big. I'm 41 years old. Just hate all this extra... stuff
  2. I've lost darn near 50 lbs and almost half of my excesses weight. I look and feel great, but... I feel so much fatter now than I did the last time I was this weight. For the first time in my life I'm squishy and hangy. I hate it. I have such great skin, which runs in my family, never even got any stretch marks even with having kids. My skin just always bounced back. Even my surgeon said he didn't think I would have any skin issues. But, alas, I'm embarrassed by my body. What kind of sick joke is this that I've finally lost all this weight and now I feel gross? Not fair, just sayin. Really hope it gets better. What a mixed bag of emotions.
  3. Oh, my heart really goes out to you. You have worked so hard to get here and that is a huge set back. I know you can get past this. You've already done so much, please don't give up. You're already an amazing inspiration and in addition to doing this for yourself just imagine how many people will be helped by your story one day. Take some time to heal then rock it out! We are all here cheering you on. Hugs
  4. Oh, my heart really goes out to you. You have worked so hard to get here and that is a huge set back. I know you can get past this. You've already done so much, please don't give up. You're already an amazing inspiration and in addition to doing this for yourself just imagine how many people will be helped by your story one day. Take some time to heal then rock it out! We are all hear cheering you on. Hugs
  5. Seela

    I Lost ******* in 2013

    You ladies are such an inspiration! ! My surgery was on 10/21 but I've already lost 48.6 lbs! I lost my feet killing me at the end of the day, all of my clothes as I just look ridiculous in them now, I lost my desire to stay hold up in my house all the time, I lost the ability to shop in plus size stores, I lost my big fat invisible-ness, and I lost my ass! But I've gained so much. I'm so greatful every day.
  6. Seela

    Cannot get enough....

    Umm.. yeah, it's awesome right! !!
  7. It is the difference between a size 18/20 and a size 12. People don't look at me with pity anymore. Feels great
  8. Seela

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    I can hardly even remember my goal I've been losing so much lately! (Giggling) I believe my original goal was 210... passed that.. new goal 204... yeah right! Drum roll. .... this morning. . 201.6!!! OMG!!! Congratulations to everyone whether you made your goal or not. It's gonna be a great year!
  9. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    I am really having a hard time getting going with exercise. In my younger days I was an athlete. .. 3 years ago, with my weight fluctuating between 240-250 I did Zumba for an hour or more 4-5days times a week, but since then, not much. I thought with my surgery I would be more motivated to exercise, but then I remembered I had surgery on my stomach and not my head... lol Anyway, I thought after the new year (haha) I would start. BUT I was sitting here tonight, alone, just looking at all my pretty little Zumba dvd's that I purchased over a month ago, and at 10pm I decided I wasn't waiting until the new year! So at 10:10pm on New year's eve I did 40 minutes of Zumba. I feel like I'm gonna die but feel great too. Anyhoo... I WILL do Zumba a minimum of 3 days every week for the entire month of January. I won't commit to more but I will most likely do more, we'll see. I'm a little scared of committing to exercise right now. But to keep myself accountable I will check in when I exercise (in a shorter post, promise). Thanks for letting me ramble:)
  10. Seela


    No. You need to be getting 8-10 glasses a day. That's a minimum of 64oz
  11. Seela

    New whey protein shots

    I really like your attitude great response.... when I was newer on this forum there was a lot of discussion about these. I never researched them myself but the general consensus was that they wouldn't be absorbed properly and best not to use them. This was back in October or before.
  12. You look so fantastic! Congratulations
  13. Seela

    New years resolution anyone?

    I resolve to exercise this year!
  14. Seela

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Congratulations! !! So awesome
  15. I haven't had a good cry in a while but your husband's words are what we all hope our husbands are thinking, aren't they? Thank you so much for sharing. This thread has truly put me in a good place tonight.
  16. Sleeved 10/21 have 250 pre op 247 SW 236 CW 203. Doing great and loving my sleeve! [ATTACH]39386[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39387[/ATTACH]
  17. Just found this. I'm in chico too. Sleeved by dr. Simchuch (Ludwig assisted). Who was your surgeon and how are you doing?
  18. Seela

    You have got to be kidding me!

    All the waiting was one of the most difficult things of the whole process. Keep after them its what I had to do but it will be over before you know it. Hang in there
  19. Seela

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Both pictures are beautiful but you certainly look happier in this year's! And so pretty in red
  20. Question. On my android app, once I've opened a thread with pictures if I go back later to same thread I can never view the pictures again??? Annoying
  21. Seela

    Reel me in, sleevers

    Umm... wow, your really something
  22. I'm a hair stylist and was back in two weeks but just took one client a day for the first week and two clients a day the next week.
  23. I agree the restrictions change all the time. I was getting just under 800 calories for a while then all of a sudden I struggled to get in 300-350 calories and now back up to 800. So weird.

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