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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Thanks, I appreciate your response. It's just weird, having such a steady loss then BAM! nothing.
  2. I started out at a size , tight, 18/20 and now (almost 11 weeks later) in a loose 14. Whenever I say something about being overweight or wanting to lose another 61lbs people look at me like im nuts. That would put me in a comfortable size 7. It's been about 12-13 years but I look great in a size 7. When I was 18-20 years Old I was a size 4... people would tell me I was too skinny often they looked worried. Now, when i tell people that at xxx lbs lost would put me at a 7 they say, oh! Like it's a surprise. I think people were so used to seeing me fat and now that I look normal they just dont realize just how fat I was until I show them a picture. Then they're blown away. As for getting to a certain weight or size it really depends on the person. Some women at my hight (5'5) look beautiful at a size 4, but I (used to) have a very athletic body type, I was never willowy, bigger boned I guess and a 4 was just to skinny for me. It's very subjective. I agree with the posters above. I'll continue to follow my plan and take care of myself. I'll continue to monitor my progress in pictures because I have body dysmorphia. If "strangers" start saying I'm too skinny I'll reevaluate. Because the people close to me have dysmorphia too when it comes to me.
  3. So many out there and most of them have mysterious ingredients. Anybody making their own?
  4. My surgeon says 6 months but I haven't had an ounce of trouble and I'm wondering if I really need to wait that long. Im at the end of my 10th week. Thanks
  5. Seela

    Shoes! NSV

    I wore my favorite cute sandals to work about 4 weeks post op and literally had to shuffle around all day. If I picked up my feet they fell off. Lol. I'm now down to one pair of boots and I bought new tennis shoes so I'm extra light in the shoe dept. Also I can't wear my wedding ring anymore because I'm afraid I'll lose it
  6. I always follow my plan.. I'm not a deviator. Just curious. Thanks for your replies. Just. Want. Salad. Really. Bad.
  7. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    No Zumba today or tomorrow but super frustrated shopping and cleaning instead. Sigh... got a fitbit though! Back to Zumba on Sunday!
  8. If you consider having major surgery, sipping all the damn time, eating under 800 calories a day, logging everything in my life, trying to get 80g protein but usually only getting 65-70, taking chewable vitamins 3 times a day, trying to stay hydrated, dealing with everybody's curiosity, trying to fit in exercise when I really dont want to and being obsessed about this darn forum "falling off", then yes, the weight just falls off.
  9. Seela

    Myfitnesspal - buddies?

    Please ad me... Seela13
  10. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    Ok... HW 250 Sw 247 Day of surgery 10/21 236 CW **201.8 Goal for Valentine's day 188 Good luck to everyone
  11. Seela

    Fitbit - force or flex?

    Went to 4 different places today and everyone's out of everything. . Bummer. . Gonna have to order one
  12. Seela

    Fitbit - force or flex?

    Thank you all for your responces! I know I want a fitbit but I still can't make up my mind between the flex and the force!! Arg... decisions decisions
  13. Seela

    Bypass vs sleeve

    While you can get dumping with the sleeve it's a much less common occurrence than with rny. For me the reasons are the same as those stated above plus.. just the word malabsorption scares me, with rny the stomach is left inside your body. With sleeve it's excised along with the hormone Ghrelin that it produces. It is a much less invasive procedure with less chances of things to go wrong in the long run (in my option). I had the opportunity to have rny 240-2503years ago but waited until my ins approved the sleeve. I just felt is was right for me. That being said, if you do your research whatever surgery you decide on will be the right one for you as long as you remain committed to the protocols. Good luck
  14. Seela

    Dumping 101 & burping anyone?

    Get used to burping! As you're so newly sleeved it's probably gas and air from all that sipping. As for dumping, while it's not as common in sleeve patients as run it does happen. If you eat too much of the wrong foods or eat them too quickly, especially early out, you can experience any number of symptoms like headache, diarrhea, vomiting etc.. not fun
  15. Seela

    Before and during...

    You look beautiful
  16. Congratulations and well said
  17. Seela

    Artificial sweetners

    Yeah... I just fount that out myself recently. I was having this same discussion the other day I and I started wondering that if Stevia is 1000 times sweeter than sugar how come there's the same amount in those little packets? ? So I dis a little research and wouldn't you know it. CRAP! The drops come in plain and multiple flavors though, no fillers
  18. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    Seriously! If it ever gets to be too much we will understand!
  19. Seela

    Artificial sweetners

    Also, what has saved me are the sweet leaf sweet drops. I use them as a water additive, in plain yogurt, hot tea etc... it's about a 1000 times sweeter than sugar so a drop or two is all you need
  20. Seela

    Artificial sweetners

    The dry or powdered Stevia has fillers... bad. Use the liquid Stevia..
  21. Seela

    Artificial sweetners

    The way I understand it it is splenda and the like are processed artificial sweeteners and Stevia is natural and does not have any affect whatsoever.
  22. Seela

    January 2013 Planking Challenge

    [ATTACH]39480[/ATTACH] My brother and me exhausted on Christmas eve... does this count? I held this position for over 5 minutes! !!
  23. Seela

    January fitness challenge

  24. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    Can't wait to check in on Friday. .. goal for starting weight 199.9 cw 201.6.. fingers crossed

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
