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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. You look so sassy and cute! Congratulations
  2. I have been so good... I eat really clean and choose my foods carefully due to struggling to get in even 800 calories. But in the last 3 days ive eaten a bag of dark chocolate covered almonds, a bag of cinnamon glazed almonds, two been burritos from taco bell and two slices of pizza!! I don't know what happened to me? Just out of the blue! I've been doing soooooooo great it's like im sabotaging myself. .. but I dont want to sabotage myself. I feel like I fell off a ledge or like I pushed myself off and im terrified.
  3. Seela

    Update time

    You are an amazing inspiration. . Thank you for sharing your progress and congratulations
  4. Seela

    light headed

    I felt like that until about 8-9 weeks when I finally was able to get enough water. I still struggle with staying hydrated enough alot though. But... I just went to a local tea bar (Starbucks for tea) and bought some super delicious herbal teas (my favorite is Orange ginger mint- yum!) And maybe it's the ginger but omg I feel so much better and I can easily drink a lot of it
  5. I dont know if it's pms or what but I decided to foray into forbidden pizza land today and ate 2 slices from a large pizza! Why can I even do that?
  6. Seela

    I can't eat

    I also had surgery 10/21 and that does not sound normal at all! Im so glad your doctor is taking this seriously and seeing you first thing in the morning. Please keep us posted.
  7. Seela

    Alex, question? ?

    Ahh lucky.. I can only see maybe one out of every 20 profile pics.
  8. Seela

    Alex, question? ?

    Btw.. im using a Samsung galaxy s3 on sprint
  9. Seela

    Fitbit - force or flex?

    Its actually really easy but I think you have to do it from the website not the app. Its easy because I continue to log in mfp and it syncs up with fitbit automatically
  10. Seela

    Alex, question? ?

    Sorry for posting in the wrong place but I'm glad you found it. It has been like this since the beginning. Every post with a pic, even ones that I've posted once I open the thread and look at the pic if I move out of that thread then go back to it later I can never see the pics again. It has happened on every single thread I have opened. Thanks
  11. Seela

    Fitbit - force or flex?

    Well, although everyone in town was out of everything I ended up at Target where they seem to be hoarding all the fitbits! After finally seeing them in person I decided to go with the flex. It's much smaller and I like that you can change the band. Thanks for all of your input.
  12. Seela


    Lol... funny, I didn't even realize it. That was a great thread and helped me a lot. Thanks
  13. I didn't know there was an "official" period of time that constitutes a stall. Lol... I hope this mini baby stall doesn't last two weeks or longer. That would suck
  14. Ok so I have posted some pics but they're almost always chest and up. I feel like I look great from the chest up and the butt and down but the middle..not so much. Mushy, lumpy and muffin-y. I still have a way to go but is there something specific that I can do to target the middle mush (other than compression garments)? I mean to really get rid of it. I used to look like the girls on my Zumba dvd's and I doubt I'll ever look like that again but I can't handle this.
  15. Seela


    I started a thread about this a while back and got a ton of responses. Ultimately this is the only area I have gone against my surgeon s instructions. I just couldn't get hydrated no matter how much I tried. I started drinking through a straw (against orders) and now hydration is no longer an issue. But I was cautious and started scared and slow. Now it's such a relief to drink with a straw... a comfort and I never have any problems with getting in all my liquids anymore. ***That being said, I do NOT recommended going against your surgeons orders.***
  16. Im so impressed with all your hard work. Congratulations
  17. Your right. All plans are different. Remember you choose your surgeon because you trust him/her. Follow your plan and don't deviate without permission from your surgeon. That plan sounds miserable but I'm sure your surgeon has a good reason for it. It'll be over before you know it. Good luck
  18. Seela

    sleeve failed

    I have no idea what your journey has been but most of the time our sleeve doesn't fail us, we fail it. That being said, you STILL have your sleeve so it's not to late to get back to basics. Start working it and remember it's a tool not a cure. Im only 11 weeks out so I don't know much about it but a lot of successful vets on here do 5:2. Maybe you could search it and get some help from some experienced vets. They probably won't be easy on you but it just might be the kick in the pants that you need. I know for me a good kick and some tough love always make me mad enough to help me help myself. Good luck
  19. Thanks! I feel pretty great. Starting to feel pretty again. How nice!
  20. Skin isn't the problem (yet). I'd rather not go straight to surgery to fix things and I am only 11 weeks out. I'm wondering what 'I' can do to help flatten things out faster in the middle
  21. Seela

    Rude awakenings....

    I used to get this all the time. For me it wasn't so much what time I ate but if I over ate. Hasn't happened since being sleeved because I no longer over eat.
  22. [ATTACH]39734[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39735[/ATTACH] Before picture was actually a couple of years ago and not even at my highest weight... HW 250 CW (still) 201.7

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
