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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Im not at the falling out stage yet but as a hair stylist I have seen a lot of wls patients. I have never met one that didn't have significant hair loss however I have only met a few where the regrowth wasn't fantastic and I think those were the people who didn't take very good care of themselves. I think it's really important to take all of your vitamins and supplements every day and eat according to your plan. Eat enough good fat and stay really hydrated.
  2. Tim but I always do a sniff test before I rewear pants
  3. Another thing I always have on hand are the individual packs of tuna. They're in a foil envelope so you can keep them in your purse
  4. That's why I love it here... I doesn't matter the circumstances or your walk of life, we're all in the same boat and we're all here to support each other. You got this. . Now go rock your sleeve!
  5. Seela

    Stress, newly sleeved

    My sincerest condolences to you and your family.
  6. Seela

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Thanks for the info! I'm lol because I'm only an hour or so from Sacramento. .. pretty good stores
  7. What have you tried and why do you love/hate it?
  8. On my android app, once I read a thread that has pictures I can never see those pictures again. Is there a way to get around that?
  9. Seela

    Insecure about myself

    11 weeks post op tomorrow 48.2 lbs lost total [ATTACH]39777[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39778[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39779[/ATTACH]
  10. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    Well... I didn't do Zumba today but I cleaned my teenagers room for 3 hours and had a good cry. Does that count?
  11. 11 weeks out and my stomach is hilariously and embarrassingly LOUD a lot of the time. All you can do is laugh about it.
  12. Seela

    I got married Saturday!

    Absolutely beautiful. Congratulations
  13. I had my mom which was amazing but after the third day of her not letting me do anything I kicked her out! Lol... I was very lucky to have such great support
  14. Seela

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Omg!!! You look stunning! How much have you lost?
  15. Seela

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    You ladies all look totally amazing! Have you all had plastics? I have lost 48.2lbs and had an event to go to the other night that I really wanted to wear a dress to. I haven't worn a dress in years. I tried on several and some of them looked really great except for the tummy area. Just couldn't do it. I wore black slacks and a pretty red top and I felt great but I was disappointed that I didn't feel comfortable enough to wear a dress.
  16. Seela

    October Sleevers - Who else

    [ATTACH]39768[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39769[/ATTACH]
  17. Seela

    October Sleevers - Who else

    Hey all October buddies! Glad to see everyone doing so great! I was sleeved 10/21 down 48.2 lbs and feel pretty for the first time in YEARS! yay us!
  18. Surgery 10/21.. down 48.2 from HW. Finally starting to feel normal (almost)! My husband and I went out the other night and for the first time in years I felt pretty. What a great nsv! You should stop by my salon sometime (SeelaDavid Salon) for a yay us, we did it! Hug.. lol
  19. I'm not so sure going back to a post op liquid diet is such a good idea that far out. Check in the vets forum for 5:2 diet. Even if you don't go that rout you will get lots of good advice and support from the vets. <3
  20. Seela

    light headed

    The first few days they say sip sip sip. What a joke! It's more like barely dipped your upper lip into the water = sip. Gets better (for most of us) pretty quickly though
  21. Great! How are you doing?
  22. Seela

    Insecure about myself

    I agree and disagree with the above posters. I do recommend this surgery but only if you do your research and understand all the risks first. And I certainly feel more confident now that ive lost 48lbs. As for waiting until your older and fatter with more health problems? Um.. what? I wish I could turn back the clock and do this ten years ago BEFORE I got old, fatter and unhealthy. If you're informed, and you feel you've tried to loose weight unsuccessfully through other means then I say go for it. Barring any unforseen difficulties you are young and should bounce back easily. Hopefully this will set you up for a lifetime of good habits instead of a lifetime of yoyo dieting and unhealthy weight fluctuating. Best of luck to you
  23. Since I went back to work I haven't excersised until last week. Im 11 weeks out and have lost 48.2lbs. Im 5'5" started at 250 now 201.2 and holding. .
  24. I would ask your doctor to write you out a specific schedule. Let them figure it out

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
