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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Oooh... haha.. didn't catch that, thought you were calling me chick... lol
  2. I wasn't all dressed up at a light club. I was at work so nice jeans a blouse and an apron... nothing fancy. Certainly I dont think about dressing for men as I work in a women's (mostly) hair salon. This thread has gotten way off topic. But if I was getting dolled up it would be for myself and my husband. Unfortunately I do have to actually put clothes on and brush my hair to go to work. Man or woman it's still creepy when I'm blatantly looked up and down like a freak.
  3. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    No Zumba today but went for a walk
  4. Considering how newly sleeved you are I think you should definitely wait. Most of us lose a lot the first few weeks, then it slows down considerably for a while then it tends to even out again. Also, at only 7 weeks out 1100 calories sounds like ALOT. You should talk to your nutritionist. I can see doing well after a year or more out but certainly not this early. It's a totally different type of plan and having done ww and having had wls I just don't see how the two could mesh healthily in the beginning. Also keeping it from your surgeon and from ww is your first inclination that you're doing something you shouldn't. Good luck
  5. Seela

    October Sleevers - Who else

    Um.. WOW! That's incredible. Congratulations
  6. Seela

    How often do you weigh?

    ...and sometimes at night. Lol... but who's obsessing?
  7. Seela

    How often do you weigh?

    Most dont recommend it and I try not to obsess about it but I weigh every morning
  8. Also... I did log every single thing.. I have since the beginning. I may have screwed up but I will still be accountable for myself. Definitely being able to come here and get support from you all that understand better than anyone really helps me to stay on track. So, thanks!
  9. Lol... I could spend all of my waking hours in a psych office and still be crazy as a loon. And while I appreciate your concern I think everyone has a hard time from time to time and running off to the psychologist at every weak moment is counter productive. Thanks
  10. YES! That is exactly right. Most of the time my restriction is pretty great, I just had this weird blip. Thinking back I think it was a combination of pms and starting to work out. After I posted this thread I got back on track and I feel so much better
  11. Uhh... I wasn't sick, unfortunately, but I was very full and I did feel sick emotionally.
  12. I Knooowww. .. (whining)... that's why I was so upset. I do know and I have done great then all of a sudden, bam! Why??? But I'm back on track now and with the exception of cramps (TOM) feeling great. Thanks for your support
  13. It's funny, , I never mind being looked at, its the blatant eyes up and down and all around by the women that's creeping me out. I expect it from the men and honestly I'm not quite at the point to get that type of ogling yet. This is more in your face sizing me up in disbelief and it's just down right creepy.
  14. Haha! I wasn't talking about the guys... I was talking about the women that obviously feel threatened now that the fat chick looks good! Lol
  15. Seela

    Gaunt and an Amazon, really!

    It was supposed to say cease not seem... but you're absolutely right. I have learned that for whatever reason wls is or weight in general is fair game and no holds barred. You can't say anything about race, or sexual orientation without being completely demonized but people can say anything they damn want about your weight with no repercussions whatsoever.
  16. Seela

    Lower Abdominal Pain

    Yeah... I thought it was getting better then it seemed like it got alot worse then all of a sudden just gone
  17. Seela

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I posted here early on and I've followed this thread. Lately I've been thinking that the best and worst "compliments" I receive are the ones that come from me. Especially the worst one's since, truly, no one can hurt me or be more cruel to me than me. Mostly, I just chalk what others say up to ignorance, stupidity ir just plain meanness. It's the stuff I tell myself that hardest to get past. Sooo... I'm gonna work on being nicer to myself.
  18. Seela


    Yay!!! Amazing accomplishment. .. you must feel so great. That is definitely a nsv to celebrate
  19. Seela

    Lower Abdominal Pain

    I'm sorry but I can't remember exactly when this went away for me. But I can tell you this is (probably) normal and for me one morning I was getting ready for work and put on some boots then I realized. .. Omg! I just put on my boots! I tested my new range of motion carefully and realized, just like that (snap) all pain was gone.
  20. Two weeks and couldn't wait to get back. Until I went back. Could have used an extra week but my job is fairly demanding
  21. I'm an open book so yes everyone knows. I have had some people be judgemental and I either walk away or tell them that I'm thrilled with my decision and I am only allowing positive thoughts and gestures so if you don't have anything positive, then please refrain from ever bringing it up again because your negativity really throws off what a great day I'm having. *smile*
  22. Seela

    Gaunt and an Amazon, really!

    Some people just never seem to amaze me
  23. Seela

    What's happening to my stomach?

    After almost a year of sever vomiting episodes, weeks and weeks of missed school and I don't even know how many dr visits my daughter was diagnosed with gerd. In addition to medication she was put on the BRAT diet for a while and still has to be careful about what she eats. It took drs almost a year to diagnose her.
  24. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    Early morning, before work Zumba. .. happy and pissed about it all at the same time. But I'm doin it... here I go

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
