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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. I haven't started yet, but, yes this is very normal. Most people that have wls have quite a bit of hair loss for a while... for some it's minimal for some it's extreme but it comes back usually at or before the year mark. Just part of the process. Hang in there
  2. Seela

    First visit back home

    Congratulations. . You look amazing!
  3. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    So I got off early today and it will be one of the days I can get in a workout without feeling guilty. Zumba here I come!
  4. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    Yeah.. It's tough no matter what isn't it? The me first comment I made wasn't intended to be derogatory. . Quite the opposite. I was more wondering how everyone did that and still held it all together. I need to learn how to be more me first. **damn forum one way conversations!** Thanks
  5. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    I couldn't agree more! My problem is finding that balance because I feel so guilty when I've already worked all day and they just want my attention. If I don't get home too late I'm like... come on guys! And we have a blast laughing at eachother trying out all these workout tapes. But its when I'm home later that I struggle with it. I don't know what the right thing to do is or how to go about doing it. But whatever it is I need to find a way to do it that we can all do (and want to do) together.
  6. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    Thanks. I have been going for walks around the block between clients and although it doesn't help the sore feet it certainly helps with my energy levels throughout the day.
  7. I'm really sick of everyone looking at my ass! Im a hair stylist and I've been very open about my wls... I mean, it's kinda obvious so why not? Now that I'm down 50 lbs (yay me) everyone is so generous with compliments and accolades. Great, I earned them, I'll take them. But, you know the way creepy perverts will look their prey up and down, like undressing you with their eyes? It's astonishing to me how many people blatantly do this to me daily. Creepy. Just sayin
  8. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    I apologise to anyone who read something into my previous post that I didn't intend. I was expressing the problems and thoughts I am having and it had no bearing on my thoughts of how you are doing. I am just so exhausted at the end of the day I can't figure out how you (I) could possibly find the energy and time to concentrate on myself. No disrespect intended.
  9. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    Oh please! Lol... don't even go there... I dont think that at all... I said 'for me' and I haven't figured it out yet. I just haven't found a way to balance it yet and right now I feel like a lousy parent. Butter, I dont even know why you would want to start up something like that. I come on this site everyday and I'm amazed at all of the energy you guys have and so impressed that you have found a way to balance work family and working out. I haven't been able to do that, but im still pretty early out. I thought this was a safe place to express my feelings and concerns without having them twisted around. You and I have somewhat of a history on here (even though short) and that remark was just hurtful.
  10. I don't have many before pictures. . Avoided cameras like the plague. The one with the balloons is from my birthday in mid August, two months before surgery. The other is with my husband last weekend. 51 lbs lost [ATTACH]40188[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]40189[/ATTACH]
  11. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    I appreciate your understanding. I own a hair salon and am literally on my feet all day. Sometimes I have energy at the end of the day but my feet have a different idea!. I got a fit bit which helps me to remember to get in more steps during the day. And while I appreciate everybody's me first attitude, the reality for me is that my kids come first. After working all day, cooking dinner and doing homework I dont want to spend the last hour or so of my kids awake time working out, I want to snuggle up with them and talk to them and such... I live in a small apartment so no room for any gym equipment. If i get home early enough I try to do workouts with my kids.. it's fun. But I guess, for me, my time with them is more important to me than being in great shape. Im sure as we head into spring and summer I'll spend more time outside riding bikes and running around.
  12. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    I guess im just not there yet... after being on my feet all day and trying to run my business, raise my kids, blah, blah, blah... I've got nothin left.
  13. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    Ok! I am really trying but I honestly just dont know how you people find time to work out so much! 13 hours at work on my feet all day. Zumba, or anything else for that matter just ain't gonna happen... not tonight anyway, and since tomorrow is Saturday and I already have over 8 hours of clients scheduled plus bookkeeping and cleaning, probably not tomorrow either. You guys must all be retired or something!
  14. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    SW 201.8 CW 198.2 3.6 lbs
  15. If I only ate when I was hungry I would starve to death... especially in the early weeks. I ate on a schedule or I would never get all that protein in.
  16. Congratulations. .. what an awesome accomplishment. . On both fronts
  17. I had a bad cold over Christmas. . Went back down to 200-300 calories a day.. it sucked. I used zicam and liquid dayquill. After my cold I spiked up to like 1200 calories for a few days then it all leveled out. Lots of broth... added plain unjury to broth to keep protein up. You can look at my diary on mfp for those few days before and after Christmas if you want. Hope you feel better
  18. Seela

    Bariatric Advantage

    So with all of the other bariatric vitamins I was told I would need additional supplements... calcium, b12.. with Bariatric Fusion I only need 1 3x daily no other supplements. Dr said most people that take fusion have perfect labs a year out so that's what I'm taking (berry)
  19. Seela

    Second thoughts

    This was my first surgery too. I researched it for over two years. I had the opportunity to do rny for years but just never felt comfortable with it. I stayed on the fence for another year after my ins started covering the sleeve. I was terrified. Do I REALLY need this? Yeah.. I really do, my only regret was waiting so long to make up my mind. I lost a whole year of feeling healthy, running around with my kids, shopping in normal stores, and living my life. I'm not scared anymore... I'm healthy
  20. Your doing everything right and it's so totally normal! Almost everyone goes through an initial period of loss followed by an annoying slow down or stop for a while. Your body is in shock and needs a minute to catch up. This could last for a few days to a few weeks so even though it's scary and frustrating try not to worry. It just means you're on the right track!
  21. A LOT of people on here use My Fitness Pal (mfp) app and or website to track their intake. It will track your calories consumed, calories burned, protein, carbs, all nutrition information. It sounds complicated but it's actually really easy as it does all the work for you. If you go to the website instead of the app at least once you can customize your goals. For example... the main things I want to track are calories and protein. . My daily goals are set for 800 calories and 80 g protein. But it's still interesting to see all my other stats as well . You can also track water intake. If you download the app you can send me a friend request then you can see my mfp diary. Go to friends.. ad friend by email but instead of email ad username. . Mine is Seela13 then send. Once I get the request ill accept. I love this because then you can see exactly what everyone else is doing for their diets.
  22. Im only 11 weeks out and all of a sudden I feel like most of my restriction is gone. I've been eating way to much at a time lately. It's not that I'm hungry but I feel like my body needs more fuel. The loss of restriction worries me a lot though
  23. Seela


    No sleeve explosions or spontaneous combustion? ? Lol.. me either
  24. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    I totally agree.. I know your heart is in the right place and I totally appreciate that but it is a challenge after all and the only way to be successful at any challenge is to at least show up. If people can't remember to show up, then, I'm sorry but it's just not that important to them.
  25. Oooh... haha.. didn't catch that, thought you were calling me chicky... lol

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