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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    Well, it's started!

    I don't mind them asking as I was open with them about my wls so I kinda brought it on myself. However it is surprising just how forward some people can be. I'm starting to get to a point where instead of a number I'm just gonna say' alot' and leave it at that.
  2. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    1/17 ... 196.4 = 1.8lbs Goal 188
  3. Seela

    Well, it's started!

    It's gonna take one hellofa strong wind to blow me away! Lol...
  4. Seela

    Remind me again...

    I am 12 weeks out. Hw 250 Cw 197. ... actually 12 weeks plus 10 days pre op. I was averaging 4.6lbs per week. Then 3.5 now it is slowing and I'll be thrilled with 2 lbs per week. I use mfp and log my weight under food notes so I can see what I weighed on any given day.
  5. Seela

    Upset by old - fat - pics

    Ditto. This was exactly me 3 days ago. I'm still a little bit in shock and a little teary when I think about all the life I just threw away. At the same time, while I can't get those years back, I'm excited about what all the future years will bring. Especially since I won't be hiding from the world anymore.
  6. All the advice above is golden. Im 3 months out and except for my tiny meals I pretty much feel normal now. Going back to work at two weeks was hard but I have a very active job. With the exception of the first few days weeks 2-4 were the hardest because I had a very hard time keeping hydrated. So make sure you get all your water in even if it's hard. Best of luck!
  7. Seela

    Sleeve chain...

    I have several clients that had rny and tried to convince me to have wls. I went with the sleeve but am still part of the group. Several of my clients have asked about the sleeve and recommended it for their friends or family to look into. The best gift I've been able to give is the recommendation of this forum to my wls friends.
  8. I am not an alcoholic. I never had a drug or alcohol problem. But I've had plenty of other dangerous addictions and I also happen to work next door to a building where AA meetings are held. It's always easy to spot the newbies. They are the ones with their heads held down in shame refusing to make eye contact with anyone. The vets, if you will, some of who go several time a week, some that I've talked to for over 20 years, go in with their heads held high like they just can't wait to get the show on. I think it's interesting so I watch. I see this 3 times a day 4 days a week. Mostly the same people with new ones thrown in here and there. As an outsider I can tell you the only thing that goes through my mind each and every time I see a meeting about to start is, good for them. Because I know how hard it is to actively seek help and actually benefit from it. Get help. People really do care and it really does make a difference. No body will judge you. They will hold your hand and walk you through it. I've seen it and I commend it. I have nothing but respect for the addicts that go to these meetings. I think they must be the bravest people on earth.
  9. Hw 250. .. sleeved 10/21... cw 197... yay me!
  10. Also be careful about eating too many types of food so early out. 6 days? I know all plans are different but most of us are still in some stage of liquids at this point.
  11. Omg.. laughing so hard. Crying. .. so funny
  12. Get used to it! Lol... most of us are very noisy. 3 months out and my sleeve still makes loud noises at inappropriate times.
  13. Seela

    My rant update (dh)

    I have two children and while they don't have special needs I too left my husband almost 3 years ago. I just couldn't have them living in a home where everyone walked on eggshells all the time. The blatant disrespect just got out of control. Our situations are different but oh so alike. I am so proud of you for making this incredibly hard decision. And while it will be far from easy your girls will grow up in a home with a mother they can look up to and respect. Hang in there, you're doing the right thing.
  14. A couple of major difference for me... first.. the force is built into the band so if you have a problem with the band sour screwed. The flex band can be switched out for a different one or different color. The force is also considerably wider. I like the low profile of the flex. Just looks like one of those rubber arm bands and people aren't asking me what it is all the time.
  15. Seela

    My fitness Pal

    It's different for everyone but since I'm not eating very much of that stuff anyway I just set protein at 80 g, calories at 800 and let mfp take care of the rest
  16. Seela

    Tricks to drinking enough water?!?

    Try drinking things other than plain water. Gatorade, flavored water, etc. Mix it up... it all counts. Also invest in a really great water bottle that you love and always keep it with you.
  17. The premiere protein shakes from Costco are good and 30 g each
  18. Seela


    My husband and I were married in 2001. We rarely fought or argued. About 3 1/2 years ago he became very unhappy in his job and that really started affecting our home life. He started being disrespectful and we disagreed on everything. Then the cold shoulder all the time and the arguments. The kids and I basically walked on eggshells when he was home. One night things came to a head, in a very bad way, and the next day I rented a Uhaul called my parents and they came over while he was at work and helped me and the kids move out. That was May 1st.. 2 1/2 years ago. (This is a very shortened version)! Anyway, coming up on three years my husband and I, while still living separately, are doing great and working toward getting back together. Was it easy? No. Leaving was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But if I hadn't we would have ended up divorced for sure. The space gave us both a chance to figure out if we even wanted to be together anymore and how we can be a better family in the future. It may not have worked out this way but it was better than just jumping straight to divorce. I still don't know what the future holds but I feel I did the best thing possible for both of us and for our children. And because our children saw that I didn't let us stay in a bad situation but handled it with respect and patients I hope they can handle their own relationships better in the future. I know your situation is different but I thought you might appreciate a different perspective. Good luck
  19. I confess I didn't read the entire article but I did research this pretty extensively and there were just too many reasons not to get the Force. I recently got the Flex and I love it.
  20. Seela

    Mothers and Husbands

    When I'm dealing with something very important and emotional and the other person can't or won't really "hear" me I find it much more effective to put it in writing. That way you can say everything you have to say, be very respectful and not get into any arguments where she or you just shut down. Good luck
  21. Seela

    January fitness challenge

    Omg... I love it! Just can't seem to find a big enough block of time to do it! So after my discussions the other day I remembered I had a rebounder (mini trampoline) and some resistance bands in storage. I went and got them and I've been doing little 5 min sessions on the rebounder several times a day( which my kids think is hilarious)! And so far mostly just playing tug of war with the bands with my son. ... I can find time to do little mini things throughout the day.. like a quick walk around the block or some calestetics here and there but a full out work out routine is just few and far between right now. Thanks:)
  22. Seela

    Great skin 4 days out

    I have had a skin condition since I was two called keratosis pilaris and although it's not gone it has gotten substantially better since surgery. My thoughts on this are since surgery I dont eat simple carbs or wheat anymore so maybe some type of systemic sensitivity? Makes sense since it started around 2 years old. Also I dont really need foundation anymore.
  23. Seela

    Shoe size changed?

    Funny... I can't wear ANY of my shoes anymore and am just buying cheap ones for now because I still have about 58 lbs to go.
  24. Seela

    This gas pressure will be the death of me!

    It gets a little better every day but you really NEED to walk. Even short slow walks will help. I promise it will make you feel better.
  25. Seela

    WLS ... is not cheating... it is a tool...

    Inspiration and truth. Thanks

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