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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. I had no idea...lol. oops
  2. Seela

    7mo post op...I need help

    I'm not sure but I think I remember you from a few months ago. I gave you a really hard time and I'm sorry for it. I'm sorry to hear you are still struggling so much. You were given so much good advice last time you posted. Did any of it help? It sounds like from your post you know exactly what you're doing wrong and what you need to change, but I understand it's not always that easy is it? Maybe go back and re-read through the old post (ignoring mine) lol... I know it's really hard but getting back to the very simple basics helps for me. Logging everything, protein first, water. Remember in the beginning how hard it was? But after a little while it got easier before it got hard again?Maybe if you just really make an effort to get back to your program and detox off all the crap again you can get past this. What about your psychologist? You know, they really can't tell your mom so you should take advantage of all the support you can get. Also maybe take a break from all the bad influences for a while. If you know going out to eat is gonna make it impossible for you, then don't go. If you don't cook at all there is still a lot of ok choices you can make. Although not ideal, there is a lot of different frozen dit food that would be better than what you're doing now. I sincerely hope you find your balance. Fyi... I drink through a straw too
  3. This person is obviously reaching out for help, which I'm sure at some point you have done. And while I agree op may not be ready for vsg I believe insults and name calling are unnecessary. We're here to support each other, not make each other feel worse than they already do.
  4. Seela


    I had tomato soup this early with no problems but be careful because it's very acidic.
  5. I was so scared and disappointed early out because I was so hungry all the time. It stopped cold once I started eating real food again. Hang in there
  6. I agree with above but also considering going to the gym 5 days a week you may not be getting enough calories
  7. Wow, you are really newly sleeved. First off you will still be able to feel stuff internally for a while yet. As far as hunger, what you're probably experiencing is head hunger, healing and acid so make sure you're taking your acid blocker. Fyi... I used to be an ice fanatic, even purchased a mini freezer so I could have ice at work, an now almost 4 months out I still can't drink anything colder than room temperature. Weird. Most of us go through the "I don't think this is gonna work for me" thing very early out but stick with your program and give it some time. Most if not all of your early issues will go away in time. Congratulations and good luck
  8. I thought average was 60%.. now I'm gonna have to recalculate. . Lol... anyway I started at 250lbs and am currently 192 in less than 4 months (sleeved 10/21). I will be at 60% when I hit 184lb. My loss was 4-5days lbs per week for a long time then went to a couple of tenths per week now about 2lbs per week. I figure once I hit the "average" 60-65% it will start getting harder. I haven't done much exercise yet but I plan to start in the spring. I use mfp to log my food. I don't stress over it but it keeps me accountable to myself and I don't think I would ever hit my protein goals without it. Also I would probably eat either 200 calories a day or 5000 calories a day if I didn't keep track. For me this surgery was about change. I may not always like it but I will continue to log my food and track my calories and protein so if I end up regaining in the future I can plainly see why and make adjustments. Also I struggle with getting in enough water so logging helps me push it.
  9. Seela

    My sleeve is in a knot.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know your mom would want you to take care of yourself so try to take some mental breaks to meditate and breathe throughout the day. Stick to your program and know that now your mom can enjoy your success without suffering. Now she can take care of you. Hugs
  10. Omg! I haven't seen anything like that. I'm not so sure that's normal. I would get another opinion. Good luck to you
  11. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. Also this forum is a place for support and a place where I truly feel we care about eachother so thank you for sharing and giving us the opportunity to pray for your family. It's always amazing what can come about with the power of prayers. The more the better.
  12. Seela

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Well, since I'm half Irish... I love doing these challenges Bea, and I'm going to be really sad when you get tired of doing all this work. I know it's early yet but I already have a goal in mind. When I hit 184 I will be at 60% loss so for now, since my loss has started slowing down, I think that will be my goal. I really hope I have to make things harder on you and change my goal half way through! Lol...
  13. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    Week 1 - 198.2 Week 2 - 196.4 Week 3 - 194.8 Week 4 -194.2 This week - 192 Don't know if I'll make goal of 188 by next Friday but I couldn't be more happy with my progress
  14. Scale finally moving again! Sleeved 10/21. HW 250lbs CW 192.. 58 lbs gone AND I have pms so, yay sleeve
  15. I'm not an expert but at 7 months out it seems like you should be eating more than 700 calories. That could be the problem
  16. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    week 1 ~ 198.2 Week2 ~ 196.4 Week 3 ~ 194.8 This week ~ 194.2 Not much happening this month. Kinda stall and bounce
  17. Seela

    Valentine's Challenge

    SW 201.8 week 1 198.2 Week 2 196.4 This week 194.8
  18. I'm about 3 1/2 months out and prior to the new year I was really rockin my sleeve. I hit onederland... yay me! Then nothing. I've been stuck between 196-197 since the beginning of January. I know, I know, stally are normal, blah blah blah. Still sucks! I get around 70g protein every day and 6 to 8 glasses of water. Around 800 calorie. Do you think I'm getting enough calories? Or should I just keep doing what im doing and be patient? Frustrating.
  19. Omg! I was so happy to get home from work and see so many responses! Also I found it interesting that most of you that responded were sleeved in October as well. Thanks for the pep talk and thank you for the info from your dr about stalling at 3-4 months. I wasn't really whining as much as I was looking for support which is exactly what I got, so... thanks. 95%of the time I do great so I'm gonna keep on truckin and trust the process!
  20. Fir the first couple of months I actually looked forward to taking my chewable vitamins. Something I can chew that was like a sweet little candy snack. Yum! Now I dread them. After over 3 months of no carbs and no sugar the sugary sweetness of the vitamins is yucky! Never thought I'd think anything sweet was yucky, but there it is. I also put Stevia in just about everything but lately I'm just turned off by all the sweet. It is possible the sleeve cured my sweet tooth? Sweet!
  21. Seela

    How am i doing?

    I was sleeved 10/21 and down 53 lbs. But you were a little heavier than me so it makes sense that you would lose a little faster. If you go to one of the October threads you'll see that you are right on track. Of course some lose more and some less I've overall it seems about average. Also as time goes on you can't expect the weight to come off as fast as it did in the first couple of months. Your doing great but at this point you will probably have to work a little harder to keep up the pace, I know I do.
  22. I've lost 53 lbs but still have about 57 to go. Now that I am an "average size woman" at a size 14 people are saying it's so great that I'm so skinny now and I shouldn't lose any more weight. I'm sorry but that is just so weird! Yes, I know that (compared to before wls) I look great and I know I look "normal" now, but since when is a size 14 skinny? When someone asks how much more I want to lose (I am very open) and I tell them they are shocked. Total disbelief! I have a picture of myself from when I was 140 lbs... size 7 and I'll show it to them. They're like, oh! Then, they'll say something like I really don't think that's necessary. Really??? Whatever, just think it's strange that today's society thinks size 14 is good enough. Maybe I'm just getting old but when I was younger size 14 was still considered fat. Although I feel healthier I still feel like I have a long way to go and the real work is just now starting since my weight loss is starting to slow down.
  23. Seela

    Well, it's started!

    Thanks! Yeah... It's pretty awesome
  24. Seela

    ADHD Meds And VSG

    I take aderall xr with no problems.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
