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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Woke up to TOM but still had a great week! SW 189 Week 1 186.6 CW 183.4
  2. Yay me!! 198.8... I just made it by the skin of my teeth but... I'll take it!!! 50.2 lbs GONE
  3. Seela

    Life Decisions...

    Personally I would take the promotion. You sound excited about it and it's not like you're not going to be able to have the surgery. You're just putting it off for 6 months. Use that time to continue to make healthier changes. Getting a great boost at work and not being miserable in your job can really help you have more success with wls. Good luck
  4. So, when I started this journey I was 110lbs overweight and in poor health. My sleep apnea was really scary and I just ate crap and didn't care anymore. There were so many things I couldn't do because I was so fat. Mostly I had pretty much quit participating in life. Since vsg I have, thus far, lost 63.4 lbs, I have an (almost) great diet, sleep apnea is gone, and I can do pretty much anything I want. So, now that I've conquered the health demon and it's no longer an issue I seem to be more concerned with how I look. My focus has totally changed. In the beginning my health was my main focus and looking better was a nice side effect. Now looking better has become my main goal, and getting even healthier in the process has become a nice side effect. Head games. I have tons of them. Weird
  5. Seela

    Sleeve Myths

    This is a really great thread. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Even the non-newbies appreciate the reminders.
  6. Seela

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    SW 189 lbs CW 186.4 Goal 178.5
  7. Seela

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    SW 189 CW 186.6 2.4 lbs
  8. Low carb pita pockets are good
  9. RJ, you are truly an inspiration. You story has always been touching to me. Anna, while I can't even imagine what you are going through I urge you to try and change your way of thinking. Thing are not hopeless. You will get through this and I just know that in the near future you, too, will be a great inspiration to someone in need.
  10. I told my family and friends that while I respect whatever their feelings are toward wls, if their feelings weren't positive to please keep them to themselves. What I need is support whether you agree with my decision or not. I just walk away shaking my head when people say something stupid.
  11. Seela

    gaining weight

    At that far out I'm not sure it would be wise to start back on liquids. Just get back to the basics and what you know. Protein first, 60-80g daily, water and log everything. Watch your calories and protein and water and you know it will work. Good luck to you
  12. Seela

    ginger tea ? for nausea

    My favorite is Orange ginger mint tea. Yum
  13. What's that about? I've been hearing 'be careful' a lot lately. It seems some people are "concerned" that I'm getting too thin and I should be careful not to lose too much weight. I'm a size 12 for God's sake! I still need to lose another 45+ lbs to get to goal which will put me at about a size 7. Apparently I will be 'skin and bones' at a size 7. Really? I don't think so. I think the jealousy monster is starting to appear. I wish everyone would just worry about themselves and leave my pants size alone... yeah right! Lol
  14. I don't have the whole break down in front of me but... I'm 5'5" started at 250 lbs. 10 day pre op and sleeved on 10/21/13. At HW size 20 and 3x. 4 months later I weigh 187.2 lbs and size 12, and large. In 3 more lbs I will have lost 60% of my excesses weight.
  15. Wow, I was told nothing like that for 6 months and I'm to scared to push it.
  16. Seela


    Hair loss and growth is internal and has absolutely nothing to do with coloring it. The hair on the outside of your body is dead and while coloring it can damage it and cause it to break it can not cause it to fall out. If you're only two months out your hair is probably better due to all the extra protein, water, and vitamins you are getting. Give it another couple of months and you will probably lose a bit of hair. I have seen it be quite extreme but only once have I seen someone who's hair didn't grow back and it was because she refused to eat protein or take vitamins. This, for most people that have wls is just par for the course.
  17. Instead of lying how about some truth, like... It's personal but thanks for your concern.
  18. Started at a size 20 in October now size 12 and large tops. Still can't figure out what size underwear to buy though. .. lol
  19. Seela


    But flax oil or fish oil or whatever and mix in in with your shake/smoothie, you'll never know it's there.
  20. Seela


    What about acid? Do you still take an acid blocker?
  21. I also thought puree would be nasty but after 20 days of liquids it was great. It's just what you would normally eat in a blender. Tastes pretty much the same, not so bad. Just stick to your plan, it's hard, I know, but really it's for such a short time then you'll never have to do it again. In a month you'll be glad you followed the plan.
  22. It's just an early stall. Very normal, we all go through it. Your body is in shock and needs time to catch up
  23. Seela

    My first day as a veteran

    Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
  24. Seela


    Woohoo! Congratulations

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
