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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. I came on here to share what I thought was an interesting experience. That was all. As I said before, I wasn't judging everyone. I believe most of us that are only a few months out would be curious to go to something like that and I believe my reaction was human nature. I left an honest post on here about something that caught me off guard and I think, whether everyone wants to admit it or not, if you'd gone you'd have had the same thoughts. Unsettling
  2. Please understand, I wasn't judging as much as surprised.
  3. I couldn't agree more, and I thought about that. I was taking in the whole picture and out of 150-200 people there were only a handful that weren't still very fat. I doubt that almost every one of them started at over 400 lbs. It was just depressing and surprising. I wasn't trying to judge anyone as I was in the same boat, it was simply unexpected.
  4. I realize that, and I took that into consideration, but in a room with a couple hundred wls patients I expected to see more that were thinner. Especially at over a year out for a lot of them.
  5. There are 14 carbs just in my vitamins alone!
  6. Seela

    Yum yum!

    I love Pb2 and I really like premiere protein shakes. Soooooooo. .. I added a tbls (1/2 serving=2 g protein) to a premiere chocolate shake for a total of 32g protein and YUM!
  7. The hair loss sucks. That sums it up. Sucks sucks sucks. I'm a stylist and salon owner so it's my job to have great hair. I have no words for how devastating this is other than, sucks! My only condolence is that I know it's temporary. But for now it just really sucks.
  8. A friend and client who knows very well that I had wls as we have discussed it several times sent me an email after seeing me the other day. She said she was so surprised at how great I look and could I please share my "secret" to weight loss. Hu? Seriously? I emailed her back that my secret was surgery followed by eating a diet of mostly protein to the tune of 600-800 calories a day. When did people get so downright stupid? **frustrated**
  9. Seela

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    SW 189 Week 1 186.6 Week 2 183.4 CW 183.. not much but at least it's something!
  10. The good news is one slice of pizza has about 20g of protein...
  11. I think the reason most of us stick to a strict diet, at least for the first year, is that we can only eat just a little bit so what we eat better count! After pre op then liquid diet then mushies etc... you kind of lose your taste for all the junk... for a while anyway, so you use this time to help break all your bad habits. As far as going back to work at one week, I'm a stylist but I used to be a nail tech and I think if you lighten your load some and assuming you have no complications you should be fine. Tired but fine. I'm almost 5 months out and that"strict" diet is becoming increasingly difficult. I'm starting to crave things I haven't wanted in months but I just stay away and the cravings quickly go away. I love my sleeve#
  12. Seela


    I'm really looking forward to cheaper electric bills this summer. It's so much easier to warm up than it is to cool off!
  13. I'm 4 1/2 months out and I think I had a darn near perfect recovery. My experience was almost exactly like the OP. of coarse some people take months to recover, with complications and some people recover as if they never even had surgery, but I think the OP's post was pretty accurate for most of us the first month out. Nice.
  14. It is very normal to have slow weight loss and plateaus the first couple of months. It's not advisable to go back on a liquid diet without your surgeons support. Stick to your program, it will work. Be patient. I only lost 4 pounds in all of January and it was way discouraging but I stuck to my plan and lost about 14 lbs in February. Don't assume you know better than your surgeon. Trust the process
  15. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl and before pre op I kinda got pissed off and just went balls out and ate everything I could get my hands on. I drank as much diet Pepsi as I could until midnight before pre op. Then I quit everything cold turkey and haven't looked back. I was miserable but from what I read so was everyone else no matter how they did it. I don't recommend doing it my way but even with my screwed up brain I have been very successful. 68 lbs down in 4 1/2 months.
  16. Seela

    Weight Loss?

    Oh yeah... I am completely off caffeine, just don't need it anymore
  17. Seela

    Weight Loss?

    It was 40lbs for me, too, before I went down a size but now it seems like I go down a size every 3 weeks! I tend to gain and lose very evenly so it was at about 50 lbs when people started really noticing... very frustrating. Although at this time I still have some loose fat low on my belly, in clothes my stomach looks nice and flat. I love that I don't feel like I look pregnant anymore. I still have about 40lbs to goal and I really think my skin will tone up and I won't need plastics. My skin gets alot tighter when I'm on a plateau and when I'm losing fast it gets all loose again. Very interesting.
  18. On the bright side a month from now this will all be a long forgotten nightmare. It sucks but it's short lived. Hang in there, you all are doing great
  19. While I totally agree with all of the above, I went in very educated and knew that would be the case from the beginning. For me at 4 1/2 months out the biggest challenge I'm facing is clothes. I don't stay the same size for more than a couple of weeks so my wardrobe is VERY limited and, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm sick of shopping! Plus it's expensive. I know, boo hoo, but honestly between that and trying to figure out what size bra and panties to buy, its a constant never ending ordeal. Did I mention expensive?
  20. Seela

    Stomach Size....growing?

    I was sleeved about a month before you two and about a month ago I went through a few weeks where I was eating 1300-1400 calories a day. Scared the crap out of me! Then I just couldn't. Now I'm back down to 600-800 calories a day again. I don't know, Weird. ..
  21. Seela


    I'm so glad. I wasn't trying to imply that you were, I remember well how hard that post op period is. Just don't chance it. A month from now it will be a non issue. Good luck!
  22. Seela


    I used to be a size 8 then with weight gain I went up to a 9 1/2 and now back to an 8
  23. Seela


    Seriously, you could get a leak or a food particle caught in your staple line or any number of problems. I know it sucks but, really, it's only five more days. If you're wanting to give up this soon out you're gonna have nothing but issues moving forward.
  24. Seela

    Your first Party

    Knowing that early out sweets of any kind made me sick made it easy for me. I have since had to completely adjust how I celebrate. A celebration isn't about food, or eating something that makes me feel bad or feel bad about myself. Now I can do more of what I really love to do at parties. .. talk.. I mean visit lol
  25. Seela

    So Dry....

    It's definitely dehydration. I average about 6 glasses of water daily, I just can't seem to get in more, and I always feel like I'm on the edge of dehydration.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
