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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by skinnygirlwithin

  1. well i am not a year out.. and maybe not great at advise but I am 5 1/2 months out and 18lbs away from my goal weight ( down 82lbs so far) Honestly 94lbs in 3 1/2 months is pretty freakin awesome! you should be so super excited about that!!! Motivation... look at your before pictures & take pics of you now.. You have to push pass the lack of motivation... for example, tonight it poured for a few hours & its now chilly out, but a little after 8pm i got my sneaks on & made myself go out and run/walk/jog for an hour. because you have to push yourself through the "i don't want to".... even if you just walk... tomorrow walk a house more then today... and so on.. before you know it, you will be walking miles like its no big deal... Everyone's weight loss slows down.. just make sure you are getting in all your Water & Protein... I am sorry you are going through so much... try to remember to put yourself first and be good to yourself... don't beat yourself up if your weight slows down... it happens to all of us... good luck!!!
  2. skinnygirlwithin

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    @JManuel894 & @InfiniteButterfly - love it! what does it say? or what would you have it say? I don't have any tattoos but I have said a few times now, once I hit my goal i was gonna get one... hmmm
  3. skinnygirlwithin

    Love my ticker! Less than 100 lbs to lose now!

    Congrats!! Here is to your loss!!!
  4. skinnygirlwithin

    Foods that make you barf! Literally.

    I cannot eat anything from a Pig... nothing and just about anything made from white flour is also a no go for me too. or anything that has a lot of sugar... and for the record... Bacon was a food group for me... (sigh) but i am 18lbs from my goal... so i am ok with it
  5. skinnygirlwithin

    Crazy Memorial Day Weekend (i.e. men are clueless)

    Wow.... just wow.... while reading your post.. i was shaking my head- NO way- i would have been like "here are the ground rules... or you all are free to LEAVE" I think you should make a spa day & send the bill to all the dads there... including your hubby... lol
  6. Over 80lbs down today!! I am doin the happy dance today!!

    1. hmk715


      That's flipping awesome!! :) Congrats!

    2. ChavaBling


      Awesome!! Congrats!

    3. Crosby




  7. skinnygirlwithin

    Almost 9 months out WoW!

    HOLY HOTNESS! Girl you look awesome!!! like 2 different people! So happy for your successful loss!!
  8. skinnygirlwithin

    Busting through the curse of the lost 4th grader

    Here is to taking out the 4th graders... and 5th graders!!!! Very Exciting!!!
  9. skinnygirlwithin

    Momemtous Day

    WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! doing the happy dance for you!!! That is wonderful
  10. skinnygirlwithin

    How do i break through a stall?!

    I have to agree Bfatfree - I was messing around with "gain a pound, down a pound" for what felt like forever (a month).... After going over my diet etc with my NUT, she said it didnt sound like i was drinking enough Water, so after a good look at my water intake, i was right about 30-40oz... i have increased that, and my work out - and today FINALLY the scale moved... everyone is different, and the closer you get to goal, the harder it will be. good luck & dont give up...
  11. skinnygirlwithin

    Another huge step and couldn't be happier!

    Congrats to you!!! Here is to the finish line
  12. skinnygirlwithin

    Risk of Blood Clots

    @Fuff - i guess... I had a hysterectomy in 2012 & not one issue - I dont know how i got this blood mutation or much about it... but he just said it added to it, but all 3 things coming together there was no way not to have a blood clot... idk... i am just glad its over with. And thank you im trying!!
  13. skinnygirlwithin

    Risk of Blood Clots

    My doc called it a "perfect storm".... Meaning i had Dec surgery, 6 weeks later (mid Jan) i was on an airplane for 2 hours.... when i was in the hospital for the DVT (blood clot) (mid march) they tested my blood & i tested postive for mthfr blood mutation - I had no idea i had this mthfr - but the doc said anyone who has JUST surgery or JUST flys can get a clot from either one if they sit for too long without moving their legs/feet or getting up & moving around... honestly all the docs were surprised at 3 months out that i had a blood clot... (granted i had pain for about 3 weeks before i went to the dr - i was thinking i just "over did it" and ignored the signs until my leg was so painfull i couldnt walk & started to turn blue.. then i was like uh oh ) I am now totally fine... off blood thinners as of last week(ish) - cleared to start working out & walking again (woohoo) the blood mutation thing is nothing for me to worry about unless i am having surgery... the doc just needs to be aware of it prior to any surgeries...
  14. skinnygirlwithin

    What size to sew?

    Well when did you have surgery? Did you have the sleeve? what size are you in now & how much have you lost so far? I am 5 mos out (sleeve) i have lost 77lbs went from a size 20W to now a 12 Surgery was in Dec - by Jan i was in a 16... by march i was in a 14... May a 12 - but everyone is different... maybe make a few things in a few different sizes
  15. skinnygirlwithin

    Risk of Blood Clots

    Well... not to make you worry... BUT i was 3 months & 1 week out and got a blood clot...
  16. skinnygirlwithin

    New me in 14, part 2

    Congrats to both of you! its really an awesome feeling!
  17. Having a really great day! no reason... just woke up on the green side of the grass - Happy Thursday Everyone :)

  18. skinnygirlwithin

    Almost one year out (with pics)

    Lookin good
  19. skinnygirlwithin

    Philly sleevers?

    Hi - I am in S/Jersey near the C.Barry Bridge - My first look into the sleeve was @ Einstein at a seminar - but someone one I knew recommended Dr K in woodstown, NJ - after meeting with him... i knew in my gut that he was the right doc for me. I am 5 months out (i cant beleive i am already 5 months out..) I am 77lbs down and have gone from a size 20W to 12 I have no idea how many inches i have lost (i wish i kept better track of that & took more pictures these last 5 months) Nice to meet all of you
  20. skinnygirlwithin


    HI Everyone... I am not sure if i am allowed to do or say this on here... So i will only do it once, PM if you would like more details... @Pretty_In_Purple I have NEVER had pimples my whole life...however After my surgery i started to break out... i am currently using Rodan & Fields (they are the Docs who created ProActive) I sell these products, and I no longer having an issue... they do work, 60day money back guarantee and have stuff for ALL skin types IF anyone would like more information please PM me - (im sorry if i broke any rules on here, i dont normally "plug" my business, but i know these products work... I just want everyone to be happy with there new "self" )
  21. skinnygirlwithin


    Mine lasted about 5 - 6 days... make yourself get out and walk... and tomorrow walk just a little more then today and so on... even if you can only do 5 mins today... tomorrow do 10... it was the BEST thing i could have done for myself... fresh air... clears the mind & helps melt the pounds away... remember why you did this, to get healthy... - this feeling will pass... good luck!!
  22. skinnygirlwithin


    My Doc said at 4 months i could have 1oz of red wine - Only wine, nothing else until after a year... i was out with a bunch of friends and asked to have a sample (it came in a small shot glass @ no charge) but my tummy didnt like it... so i waited and had it again at 5 months & all i have is 1-2 oz once in a great while... yes i got tipsy off that little bit... I will say, make sure you messure, cause what you think is 1/2 glass might acutally be 8 or more oz...
  23. skinnygirlwithin

    I can't believe it!

    CONGRATS on your loss!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  24. skinnygirlwithin

    Before and After Pics

    @luckyknickers57 Just totally busted out laughing! ok here are head shots...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
