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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by skinnygirlwithin

  1. skinnygirlwithin

    22 days

    Try not to stress over the Stalls... just know its going to happen, it might happen early (few weeks out from surgery)... Just stick with the plan that your doc & nut put in place. Good Luck! Cant wait till your on this side of it !!!!
  2. I cant believe its been 6 months since I had my surgery. Todays weight 169..SW 253... I have lost 84lbs in 6 months. I still cant wrap my head around it... This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself... I cant remember the last time I was this happy!! I feel good... and that is worth EVERYTHING!!
  3. Always wear cute undies... you NEVER know when your pants will fall down...
  4. @par1959 I was going to say the same thing... How much is the true question... I have heard of the small weight gain once you have hit your goal & are year or more out... between 10-20lbs... Thats what my Doc & Nut told me... I just cant see how someone would gain all the weight back when your not eating like you use to....
  5. skinnygirlwithin

    Just did something scary!

    You will be in that dress in no time! I bought size 12 pants when i was still wearing size 16... with in 4 weeks I was wearing those size 12's...
  6. @Sharon C. the only thing i can say is you need to update your stats... You havent had surgery yet & you have already lost 300lbs. SHE IS NO FRIEND! Say good bye, have a funeral or whatever you need to... but as it was said many times before, Dont walk, RUN as fast as you can away from this nightmare of a friend. she is very unstable & it will continue as long as you keep feeding this fire. No matter what she does, dont allow her name to cross your lips... treat her like she doesnt exist.... She sounds really messed up... just think of it this way, you might have lost one "friend" but have gained all of us as friends!!
  7. I have to agree with @greensleeve - My husband & I have been through our share of ups & downs (he has an AWFUL EX-Wife - they were divorced before i ever met him) if she didnt tear us apart... me losing 100lbs shouldnt either... I wasnt always overweight. He is a very active person & always wants me to do stuff with him, but i wasnt able to... ITs been awesome that now i can! He has been very supportive. We work a few buildings from each other, and he always makes sure i have enough Water & all my Protein to eat. and when i know he didnt pack a lunch, i make sure i pack extra & drop it off to him. We take care of each other - Since i have had WLS, i feel like we are stronger then ever... It makes me sad to think that we would ever part ways because of WLS...
  8. skinnygirlwithin

    You know you lost weight when

    I know this is corny, but your comment made me cry. How sweet he was to carry you and how wonderful that he could!!! You hD to feel like a princess! @jjinWA I finally weigh less then him! its a great feeling that he can pick me up, or wrap his arms around me... He is 5' 8" and 177 - so by no means is he a big guy... for him to be able to pick me up... yeah it was a moment i wont forget...
  9. skinnygirlwithin

    What do you love about your new personality?

    Great question! I have to say, i am Happier... I find myself "glass half full" rather then "half empty"... I try to show the postive side of things... I find my self more supportive...
  10. skinnygirlwithin

    Approaching my 4-year surgiversary

    wow! you look amazing! I agree it doesn't look like you need lipo.. Thank you for sharing
  11. skinnygirlwithin

    Happy Surgeversary to me!

    SWEET!!!! love hearing stuff like this!! Way to go
  12. skinnygirlwithin

    boooooobies lol

    BHAHAHA um i went from a 42DDD to a almost a 36Dish... (my 38 is too big) and i say "ish" because i really think if they took the extra skin off, i would be a C... LOL they are armpit warmers now.. HAHAHA most boobies are fatty... and seems to be the first thing to go... once i hit goal weight & keep it off a year, I am going to look into a lift... hope you are able to hold on to yours.
  13. skinnygirlwithin

    Eating too much too often

    We are slowing down at work... so i have time on my hands... i have found that i snack during this down time when i am bored... i started to freeze my Water till it just starts to get icy... put in a cup & drink it and chew on the ice ... its really fine ice & not hard on my teeth... Im getting my water in & still "chewing" something... if i still want something - i go for a walk - to the bathroom another floor in our office building... I try to distract myself for about 15-20 mins.. this seems to help... IF the above doesnt work, then i have some raw veggies, fruit or nuts... (if its time for one of my meals then i skip the above two things and go straight for my snack/meal - but if its between meals... i really try to drink water/ice or distract myself with something non food related) Good luck!!
  14. skinnygirlwithin

    I'm back! And at goal!

    So glad you are home. Congrats on your goal (even though its an awful way to hit it... at least there was a sliver lining?) Hope you are feel better each day & back up on your feet in no time!
  15. skinnygirlwithin

    Day 2 pre op. I am the biggest b***h alive?

    I know i was a little cracky during my 10 days of liquids pre-op.... My doc allowed me to have 1/2cup of raw carrots, celery, and umm something else... and 2 oz of chicken (nothing on it - no salt no seasonings) a day...
  16. skinnygirlwithin

    Salad at 6 weeks!

    I just started Salads at about 5 1/2 months - can only do the spring mix though & it has to be cut up in to little bites... BUT I am So happy to be able to have a little salad with my Protein
  17. skinnygirlwithin

    No weight loss since week 1

    you have just gone through a major organ surgery... just follow the diet plan your NUT & Doc put in place for you... everyone goes through some kind of stall or period of time without weight loss... your body just has to catch up... it will happen... just make sure you are getting in your Water & Protein every day and start walking. Good Luck!!!
  18. @swedishfish1020 Funny my hubby says the EXACT same thing... I think its cute! Although he is far from over weight at 5'8" and 175lbs @JenSul- This surgery at first was tearing us apart... but then i had the surgery and got through christmas... by Feb, we were back on track & stronger then ever... We do so much more together... we are enjoying life together... its like we are dating all over again...
  19. skinnygirlwithin

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Thanks Skinnygirl! I'm only 5'4", so technically I'm still overweight according to BMI, but I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say that chart can kiss my ass!! Hehe. I have a lot of muscle tone and just generally broad shoulders, big hips, etc. I feel like I'm healthy and I think I look healthy. I keep getting comments like "geez, how much more weight can you lose??" And I sort of agree. I'm completely happy with my body. My skin totally tightened up though I do have a bit of the bingo arms and my upper thighs are a little flabby. But really the belly is gone! Never thought that would happen! And my big bum is also mostly gone. Woohoo! Lol. @fostermama LMBO!!! It can totally kiss my butt! haha... Agreed, I too am getting the same comments...and my hubby doesn't want me to lose any more weight, BUT I just saw my doc on Tuesday... he wants me to lose 20 more by my 9mo check up... I am SAY WHAT??? I don't know if that's going to happen... I feel conflicted... I know I started out to be "healthy" but until I hit my goal I will be considered "over weight"... and on the other hand I am happy with the way I look... I need to work on my toning but that will come in time, I was just cleared two weeks ago to start walking / jogging - end of June I can start the other stuff... Congrats on your successful LOSS!!
  20. skinnygirlwithin

    Great Protein Drink!

    I was just going to say that very thing Revgray5. Got to make sure it has the right Protein (I just learned or relearned this in our post op meeting) amino acids are very imporant for your body. I would say double check with your NUT -
  21. skinnygirlwithin

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    WOW! @fostermama that is impressive!!! If you dont mind me asking, how tall are you? What did you have done (band/sleeve) - thats really awesome - have a wonderful trip!
  22. skinnygirlwithin

    I have officially made it to ONEDERLAND!

  23. skinnygirlwithin

    Body Weight Ticker

    @MOLLSY did you click "add to signature"? Cause it didnt show up...
  24. skinnygirlwithin

    Body Weight Ticker

    at the top / rigth of the screen you will see your "screen name" and a * - click on the *, then a few other subjects will drop down... click on "my ticker" it should walk you through it... then at the end click "add to signature" - good luck - if you have any other questions just ask
  25. skinnygirlwithin

    NSV for me!

    YOU LOOK AWESOME! Congrats to you!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
