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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kindle

  1. Would you consider lap band, instead? This could help her learn healthy choices and to lose weight and yet not affect her physically for the rest if her life. That would leave her options to have the band removed once she's reached goal and still have the sleeve if she chooses to do it as an adult. Here is a link to Obesity Control Center's surgical options page for adolescents http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/surgery-options/adolescent-weight-loss-surgeries.php You may contact Dr. Ortiz to discuss your daughter's best option.
  2. I lost 22 pounds 2 weeks preop and 17 in 7 weeks post op. It's normal. A "3week stall" is normal. Losing every single day is not normal. Losing 10 pounds/week is not normal. You are doing fine. Just keep getting your fluids and Protein and exercise and you will lose. It took years to put on weight, and you certainly won't lose it all in a few weeks. This is a lifelong process, it won't happen overnight and you shouldn't stress over.
  3. My sister and I walked to the Walmart several times. You make a right after you exit the front of the Marriott and it's up the hill about 1/2 mile. You are walking along a major highway and have to cross one busy street, so to me, the traffic was the most "dangerous" part. Not sure about walking completely alone, though. The husband of a fellow patient walked several places by himself, but one, he's a guy, and two, he spoke Spanish. I'd ask the bell hops in the lobby what they recommend.
  4. You will do great! But feel free to cry away. I'm sure it's scary to be there by yourself, but the Marriott staff is really friendly and you will meet fellow sleevers on Monday. Our gang of 5 (plus Slvrsax for a short time ) had a fun 3 days bonding and kinda travelled in a "pack".
  5. I'm a vet tech, so pretty active, on my feet all day kind of job. Went back part time after 1 week and full time at 2 weeks. Still had lifting restrictions until 3 weeks out.
  6. I was just there in December. In general, my experience was the same as the OP. My arrival was a bit hectic because my original flight was cancelled due to weather. Instead of getting to the Marriott the day before, I got in to San Diego at 1am day of surgery. It was too late for the OCC van to pick me up, so I had to stay at a hotel in San Diego. Another couple headed to OCC was on the same late flight, and Joel the driver picked us up at the airport at 7:30 that morning and took us straight to OCC. Since we were late, we were the last two surgeries of the day (#4 and #5). Meanwhile, my sister had arrived on time the day before and she stayed at the Marriott and met me at OCC that morning. I met Dr. Martinez, Dr. Ortiz, Dr. Jimenez, the nutritionist, and the anesthesiologist before surgery. All my preop stuff was the same as OP and Surgery went by in a blink. I briefly remember talking to my sis when I was taken back to my room about 6pm. I slept until about 9pm and ended up Facetiming with my sister who had gone back at the Marriott. I really had no pain postop and my biggest complaint overnight was the volume on my TV remote didn't work. The nurse came in to adjust the volume for me . I was discharged the next morning and we walked to the Walmart twice that day. (It was great to walk, but really my sister just wanted her Starbucks fix) The staff at the Marriott were all really great. The next day, after making another trip to Walmart/Starbucks, we went back to OCC for drain check and dressing change. Afterwards, instead of going back to the Marriott, the OCC driver took 4 of us and our companions down to the Avenued Revolucion shopping area. Found a great little corner stand that sold yummy Popsicles and iced drinks. Took cabs back to the Marriott. The last day we all got our drains removed and a barium swallow fluoroscopy before heading back to San Diego. Dr. So did all of our followup stuff. It was the Monday before Christmas and OCC was technically closed for the whole week. We basically had the place to ourselves. The office manager warmed up some chicken broth for all of us while waiting for our turn. We had one person leaving earlier than everyone else, and it didn't look like she would make it across the border in time for her plane. So Joel and the office manager got us a last minute medical pass so the border crossing only took 15 minutes. Of course that put the rest of us at the airport hours early. For me that worked out great because I was able to get on an earlier flight and get home 2 hours sooner. Anyways, had a great experience and sounds like things are done pretty much the same as when the OP was there. Dr. So and the nutritionist have both been great with followup questions I've had via emails and phone calls.
  7. My insurance excludes WLS. It also excludes any WLS complications unless it is for a "life saving emergency". I guess you just have to decide to take your chances. If it is a direct surgical complication (leak, stricture, etc.,) I would be stuck with the costs. I actually did end up at urgent care for severe dehydration from diarrhea. Turns out I have a Clostridial infection and as long as they don't enter the billing codes under WLS, insurance should cover my visit, fluids, and lab work since I technically presented with diarrhea and dehydration. My OB/Gyn said she would run my followup labs as routine annual checks so insurance should cover that, too. I figure I pay them $3600 in premiums every year...it's the least they can do. For me, it didn't really matter as far as complication costs whether I did it in Mexico or US. Insurance wouldn't cover in either case. I researched surgeons within. 200 miles of me as well asMexican surgeons and went with the one I felt was the most qualified.
  8. Kindle

    When will the GAS STOP?

    Yes, you do have a lot of surgical gas, which walking is the only thing to help. But you could have intestinal gas, too. I did for almost 2 weeks. GasX strips really helped with that.
  9. I had a lot of energy right after surgery. But I've felt pretty run down since about week 5. Of course I've got a Clostridial infection and the Meds I'm on make me nauseous so I'm struggling with eating and have needed IV fluids twice in the last 3 weeks, so I'm sure that's the reason. As for tastes, like sassy pants, everything seems too sweet now. Flavored yogurts are way to sweet....Chobani plain is just right now. Even tomato soup tasted sweet! I added hot Italian sausage to cut the sweet. And I'll have a craving for something, eat it, love it, and then be turned off by it the next day.
  10. It's called O.S.M. And made at The Bunnery restaurant in Jackson, WY. I live just across the border in Idaho, so it available in our local grocery stores. I don't know how far they distribute, but they do have an online store you could order from.... http://www.bunnerynaturalfoods.com/products/osm-oatmeal
  11. I mix whole grain, high protein oatmeal and plain Greek yogurt in a small coffee mug the night before. By morning, the oatmeal has soaked up moisture and is ready to eat. I stir in puréed fruit (peaches, blueberries, whatever) and take it with me. The oatmeal I use has sunflower seeds and millet, so it makes the yogurt "chewable". I also have premier protein bars in my truck just in case. I like the "omelet in a cup" idea, too. You could also try a ham and egg roll up...take a deli slice of ham (or turkey,) and roll up scrambled eggs, cheese, etc.
  12. Kindle

    nothing makes me puke

    Wow! Our experiences have been very different. My diet plan didn't allow regular food until 40 days. I'm 8 weeks out now and can maybe eat 2 tbls solid food 1-2 x day. I can eat 1/4 cup or so of yogurt or soup. Anything more and I'm too full to drink anything. I'm sure I'll appreciate the restriction further lit, but right now it's tough getting in all my nutrition. Do you know what size bougie your surgeon used?
  13. Drinking is a full time job, for sure. I can't ever stop drinking. It was actually easier in the beginning before I started eating solid food. Now I get so full with even a couple tbls of solid food I can't drink for 1-2 hours. Because of that, I make sure I get at least 30oz before I eat anything solid for the day. I stick with yogurt, Soups, soft cheese, and Protein shakes until late afternoon. I'm fine unless something "tips the scales" even a little bit. I've had 2 bouts of diarrhea from a Clostridial infection and I needed IV fluids both times. I got severely dehydrated (low BP, high HR, dizzy) within a day. A friend of mine had gastric bypass years ago and I've seen her in the ER several times for dehydration. I always wondered "why don't you just drink more?" Now I know how hard it is. I am only 2 months out and from what I've read, I'll be able to drink/eat more later on. Sure hope so!
  14. I brought protein powder with me but never used it....you are on clear liquids the whole time you are there. I also brought propel zero packets to mix in water for the plane ride home which I did use. Besides bottled water, The Marriott provides chicken broth and Popsicles, both which were great. When I was there, I bought decaf tea bags at Walmart because warm stuff went down easier. I also picked up Isopure at GNC and it was gross....ended up bagging the protein thing and got pedialyte at Walmart instead (had a fun time deciphering the flavors based on the pictures on the labels since I don't know Spanish) As of the last day, the nut clears you for drinkable yogurt. They have a huge selection at Walmart and it was nice to sip at the airport waiting to fly out. As for other stuff, I brought GasX strips, baggy clothes (you will be very bloated), comfy slip on shoes, ipad, phone, a book and chargers. Fortunately all of the pants (sweats) I brought had pockets to hold the bulb from the drain. I used a safety pin to attach it to the inside front of my PJ's so I didn't have to worry about rolling over it in my sleep. They send you with all the Meds you need upon discharge (you need to pay $160). Don't worry about bringing your vitamins, you don't start them back up until day 7 I think. Good luck! OCC and Marriott staff are great and they will take very good care of you.
  15. Kindle

    nothing makes me puke

    I've never vomited either. Even being nauseous from being on flagyl for diarrhea. I've definitely gotten full a couple times, but I'm just super uncomfortable for hours (kinda wish I would puke). And at 8 weeks I can pretty much eat everything (just a very tiny amount). Chinese, Mexican, spicy soups, BBQ, etc. I have never tried any bread or pasta or sweets, though, because I'm not supposed to eat those things anyways. The choices of what goes in are mine, but like McButterpants, my sleeve is definitely doing it's job on restriction.
  16. Talk to your surgeon and doctor. Maybe even consult a pain management specialist. They may have other options for you besides the old standby NSAIDS and narcotics. For me, chiropractic, acupuncture, resveratrol and tramadol have been great for my neck and back pain even before VSG.
  17. Kindle

    OH SH!T!

    Water retention and hydration status plays a huge role in daily weight fluctuations. I had to go to urgent care 3 days ago because I was dehydrated from diarrhea. They weighed me when I went in, gave me a bunch of IV fluids. I went home and drank even more. I didn't eat anything all day. The next day was my normal weekly weigh in, and I was up 11 pounds from the day before! Believe me, you did not gain 4 pounds of fat overnight.
  18. Hopefully your 7 year old will want to help. My business partner just had a pretty involved ovariohysterectomy with a lot of endometrial adhesions, and her recovery has been longer and rougher than my VSG recovery. Her husband works out of town, so her 8 year old son has become her caretaker. He makes sure she doesn't lift anything over her 8 pound limit and even yells at her if she tries to do too much. He feeds the animals, cleans the litter box, takes out the trash, gets her drinks and snacks, loads and unloads laundry, and will even make his own meals when he's hungry if she's asleep or resting. Such a cool kid.
  19. Just thought I'd share some stats for those of you that weigh everyday and get freaked out by gaining a pound or two some days. I went to urgent care yesterday because I was really dehydrated (I've got a clostridial infection causing diarrhea). They took my vitals including weight before giving me 3liters IV. Needless to say I felt instantly better and returned home. This morning I did my normal weekly weigh in and I was 11 pounds up from yesterday! So keep in mind how much hydration status and Fluid intake/output plays a role in your daily weight fluctuation.
  20. Kindle

    sick for 1st time since sleeved

    You really need to work on fluids. Shoot for things with electrolytes like G2 or pedialyte. I had diarrhea from a bacterial infection and got so dehydrated I was like you...dizzy, collapsing and very out of breath. I went to the urgent care clinic and my BP was super low and HR super high. They gave me 3 liters IV fluids (after 4 attempts to get a catheter in) and I was instantly better. The fluids brought my BP and HR back to normal and the dizziness and shortness of breath were gone.
  21. I spent the first 3 days post op shopping and walking around in TJ. My sister was with me but I wouldn't have had any problems being by myself. My stomach muscles were a little sore but not debilitating. I drove myself home from the airport (5 hours) on day 4 and plowed my driveway with my ATV on day 5. I had no pain and no problems showering, getting in and out of a waterbed or taking care of 3 dogs, 3 cats and 2 horses. I used a pitcher to fill the Water bowls because they are thick, heavy ceramic bowls and I carried a couple hay flakes at a time rather than a whole 1/2 bale. But as you can see, everyone has different postop experiences. You may want to have a friend "on call" to come by and help if you find there is something you can't do, but you may not necessarily need someone to actually stay with you.
  22. So the C. diff retest came back positive. At least I know the problem. As for how I got it, my doc thinks I could be one of the rare "healthy adult" carriers. Although the source of infection is often a health care setting, DNA testing has shown many other species carry the same strain as the one that infects people. I am a vet tech and have been exposed to dozens (maybe hundreds) of Clostridial diarrhea cases in dogs, calves and foals. Not all of these were C. diff species, but a lot of them probably were. So the chances that I picked it up at work sometimes over the last 12 years is probably more likely than having picked it up during my 21 hour surgery stay. It's just the combination of antibiotics (both for surgery and a tooth infection), GI surgery and PPI knocked out enough of my good flora and let the C. Diff take over.
  23. I was doing so great for a week and now I'm sick again. Same watery diarrhea. But this time I'm running a fever and am achy and fatigued. My PCP is skiing in Colorado, so had a lovely text conversation about my bodily functions with him and his wife yesterday. He called in labs and wanted me to stop in the satellite clinic for a blood draw today. The mountain pass between here and the hospital is closed due to avalanche or I would have gone to the ER last night because I could barely walk without passing out. So spent 3 1/2 hours at the clinic today. Had super low BP and high HR. (Thus the fainting). Took 4 tries to get a catheter in and got 3 liters fluids until I finally peed. BP went back to normal and I feel MUCH better. They sent in another stool sample to retest for C. diff plus all other bacterial and parasitic things they can. Should have bloodwork results (CBC and chem) by end of day. Made appt with Gastroenterologist for Thursday in case it's not something "simple". Meanwhile sipping a banana Protein shake and making phone calls to reschedule apps I had to cancel today. Ugh!
  24. Kindle


    Geez, that's fabulous. I'm 7 weeks out and down 14 pounds. Quit comparing yourself to others.
  25. 12/20 surgery. Lost just 14 pounds, but feel fine with it. Actually don't think I'm getting enough calories. Only carbs have been veggies, high protein oatmeal, and puréed peaches, mangos or blueberries I mix with my plain Greek yogurt (still way less sugars than the flavored yogurts). Get protein from meat, cheese and shakes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
