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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CrissyRing77

  1. CrissyRing77

    Bluepoint Surgical Group

    You will have 4 shakes, 1 Soup & 1 Bar daily for two weeks, I wasn't given a choice upfront, but they said we are more than welcome to come back and exchange if we didn't like something...the vitamins I was required to buy from them, it's for the first 3 months post op, then you can buy your own! If you can get out of it great I have a ton I'd give either of you they made me nauseas lol! They really aren't that bad but I am not into fruity stuff...
  2. CrissyRing77

    Bluepoint Surgical Group

    I had my surgery with Dr Hami at the fairfax location, well Fair Oaks Inova! In my opinion he is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Seriously I could just hug him! He is the head of the whole group, mostly oaks out of Woodbridge or Stafford but does appts Monday in Fairfax! I had a wonderful experience with him and would trust him with my care agin 1000 times over! Please feel free to PM any questions!
  3. I order the tazo passion IcedTea bags on Amazon by the case and brew it at home, sweeten with equal, lemonade is too high sugar and I love how it tastes alone! It's allllllll I drink and btw it's herbal and caffeine free so drink away!
  4. Here's last nights dinner Cream Cheesy Chicken tenders with veggies and salad, I forgot to take an after shot, I ate 1 1/2 tenders half my salad and all of my carrots and snap peas also ignore the gross appearance of my chicken I put extra sauce on top, it was pretty prior to that and SO GOOD! Then this is my lunch today one egg made into egg salad with 1 TBSP light mayo and baby carrots with light ranch, I ate it all
  5. That looks abt what I can eat! I also sometimes find the amt I can eat is not consistent even with the same meal. I do know if I wait longer than a half hour to drink I am not hungry for much longer, tho it makes it hard to get my liquids in...so I try to only wait longest after lunch.
  6. CrissyRing77

    Before and After Pics

    Ahhhhh I am ecstatic for you congrats!!!! I remember seeing your pics at the beginning of my journey! Well done!
  7. Lunch today, some left over chick peas from the kabob place we tried last night(sooo yummy btw) and two of my fav Serrano ham & Manchego Cheese roll ups! I almost finished! I find these little tiny bowls keep me on the right path, they are 1/2c, so I try to fill it half way with a "side" like almonds, berries, veggies or salad then try not to eat it all Usually I can't because I eat my protein in most of it's entirety first! And yes that's a Gerber baby spoon I stole from my kids, regular make my bowls tip over lololol! I'm really enjoying making my tiny lunches interesting!
  8. Hey guys I'm amidst a huge stall(well it broke and I lost a pound and it's stopped again) and it's been about 6 weeks of this! Anywho I have my appt next week with my surgeon but I was wondering if maybe I'm not taking in enough calories! I feel like I can eat more for sure now closer to 2/3c, tho I try to stick to my doctors guidelines of 1/2 c. But I'm curious what your calorie intake is like...I asked at my two month and the nut said 650-800 at that point. I average about 750/day. I'm scared to up it and it not change then me be used to more food you know how that slippery slope goes! I will go by my docs recommendations but in the meantime just looking to get an idea of where the "average" person is at right now!
  9. CrissyRing77

    How many calories a day at 3 months?

    I was released to all food at 8 weeks and have been eating all meats even had steak on that first day! The only thing that gives me issues is shredded beef from a Mexican restaurant no matter how long I chewed it wouldn't digest!! . I may try to kick the cheese :/ tho it's gonna be hard! I haven't started exercising at the gym yet bc I had/have an enlarged spleen so they won't release me yet. But I'm active with two small boys and walk when i can. I seem to be right in the middle or only slightly lower than most....
  10. I used to get the same twinge of pain/discomfort but now it's more like how I felt preop when I was full...occasionally I'll get hiccups. But for the most part I feel pretty "normal" now lol!
  11. CrissyRing77

    Craving food

    Ugh I remember it all too well and yes I craved food, I think that's normal! They didn't operate on Your mind and even tho your tummy wouldn't like food at this point it has a hard time processing all the smells and things it "misses". That's the beast called head hunger! I was on full liquids post op what are you on? Have you tried a variety of cream soups (strained) those were ok and the variety was welcome, I also enjoyed the Unjury Chicken Broth mixed with different spices. I thinned Greek yogurt with skim milk and just hung on until I hit mushy foods at 3 weeks. Hang in there it'll be over soon!
  12. CrissyRing77

    Honest replys please

    I haven't yet but my surgeon said 6 months I'm only 3. I wish I could even think of it, but alcohol killed my tummy preop I am so scared it will be worse post op!
  13. CrissyRing77

    so embarrassing!

    I didn't have accidents thankfully but those four weeks on liquids(pre and post op) were shall we say busy with trips to the restroom! My warning I received from a veteran was make sure you have a stool softener once you hit soft foods and sure enough I was free of one problem and onto another in the course of a few days! Miralax is now my BFF! Good luck!!!
  14. CrissyRing77

    I would like to see your " most have" foods.

    Oh boy I have so many...I'm 3 months out. Beef Jerky Almonds-Low Sodium or a small amt of Smoked 2% Land O Lakes American cheese Wegmans 98% FF Turkey Deli meat Manchego Cheese & Serrano Ham appetizers from BJ's(they make a great lunch with some berries & almonds-just ham wrapped around cheese) Premier Protein chocolate RTD 1/2 burger w/ cheese, no bun & a bit of lettuce, tomato & pickle(from the topping, I chopped it and eat it all like a burger salad then take home the other half to have a salad the next day) sugar free Hazelnut Creamer & decaf K-cups for my coffee fix once a day! Apples Raspberries Hummus Chick Fil A 4-piece Kids GRILLED chicken Nugget meal with fruit which I can't finish and unsweet tea. There's more but these are my frequents! Love this thread!
  15. How odd I got a delivery notice and no approval call lol! Check your email! I just happened to see the shipping notification.
  16. CrissyRing77

    How much did your surgery cost?

    Just under 20k out of pocket for me...includes my preop testing and labs, vitamins for 3 mos & 2 nights hospital stay. Ouch! But worth it!
  17. CrissyRing77

    Why is my doctor pushing for bypass?

    My doctor pushed for the sleeve for me, not that I wanted bypass, but he said when it comes down to it, the losses are not hugely different and he typically recommends bypass to folks with comorbidiities which I had none, other than slightly low levels of the good cholesterol. Do you have boarderline or have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or even painful joints? I'm sure there are a zillion other comorbidiities they are concerned with but these are the big ones.
  18. Are they the kind with the red top or the foil!? I had just started getting the red tops and I was so happy bc I didn't have chalk on my lips lol! Hoping they come in the "new" style but hey free is free!
  19. CrissyRing77

    Before and After Pics

    I don't have a full body comparison on my phone but this was my aha moment last week when I finally thought I looked different...I'm sure some already saw my post but I'm struggling bc my stomach will not shrink so while my pants are huge I can't go down a size yet blah, but whatevs it will catch up, right!? Surgery was Nov 20th 2013, Preop diet weight 211, Surg Weight 202.5 Current is 165.5.
  20. Holy Cow I just got a shipping notification so that must mean my Premier Protein is covered!!!! Thanks SO much for the heads up! I haven't received the call yet but my stuff should arrive on Tuesday I find it interesting that my surgery was not covered! I have Blue Cross of Idaho and CVS Caremark for RX! How awesome!!!
  21. I just called them back(they had asked me to call over a week ago but my Aunt passed away so been out of town) She clarified my info asked for Health Insurance first and said typically when filling out the online form you should put your health insurance info & ID then when they call you you provide your prescription info, thought that may help some of you who are confused at sign up like I was. My doc already faxed back my prescriptions and I should know by the end of the week if I am approved! Fingers crossed!
  22. I have cvs Caremark too can you tell me what info you plugged into the online app? I have to call them back tmw they need more info, I'm sure I put in the wrong numbers.
  23. I am down 43lbs 211-168 in 3 months...day to day I struggle to see changes! My belly is not changing but everywhere else is, this is depressing bc while I am down a size or two I could be down more if I was proportionate! This leads me to feel like I'm stuck! I have been stalled for a few weeks losing very little(maybe 1-2lbs) but today I had an AHA moment when I saw this selfie! I have another 55lbs to lose but hurray for changes even if it's just my face

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
