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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. So after weeks of being miserable surgeon called Today and said I have a stricture and my LES valve is not opening properly so that's the reason why I am so miserable and continue to throw up and have all these problems.. The LES valve is the valve that opens to let food into the stomach. That along with the stricture cause for pretty much everything I eat or drink to sit in my esophagus and hurts so bad... I was referred to a GI doctor and I'm just waiting for them to call me back and get an appt so They can tell me what's the next step. I have a GI doctor I went to before but the surgeon wants me to go to another one that's within his "network/affiliation." I am concerned.. Has anyone had this before?
  2. Thank you so much everyone!! Prayers and good thoughts my way are much appreciated... FINALLY I got some kind of an answer... not from the surgeon but from the doctor that performed the test.. he said the valve from the esophagus to the stomach is not relaxing so food is just sitting there.. WOW! That explains EVERYTHING!! I havent googled any of this or the cure or anything but at least I got validated!! I hope my doctor is ashamed of ignoring me for so long when there's ckearly something wrong!! Again, thank you so much you guys!!
  3. I would love to post a positive, nice post once in a while but at this time I apologize because all you guys have read from me are complaints and frustration. I am 5 weeks 3 days post op and boy have I had a rough time. At first of course its rough for most of us.. I started doing better and then during soft foods I became sick again. (Hint: my horrible gais pain post.. lol.. it really was bad!).. After going to the hospital and visiting with my Dr I was assured I would be fine.. 2 weeks later and I'm still here. In these two weeks I called/emailed my doctor constantly to see what else I could do. I pretty much ate just a few ounces of food a day and drank as little as I could to avoid throwing up like crazy. Of course dehydration happened again. I visited with my GI doctor who changed my medicine for acid reflux to something stronger and also got new nausea pills.. Didnt work. BUT at least he tried to help.. I called doctor, surgeon, and asked which doctor was I supposed to be seeing because I felt like I was being ignored and my GI doctor at least tried to help by giving me stronger meds but I felt the surgeon should be the one helping me figure out what's wrong with me. I had 4wks off from work and my doctor's nurse practitioner did not take my complaints seriously all this time until this week which is the the week I went back to work. So of course scheduling is crazy! I have a full time job and its hard to just leave everyone hanging at work and mess up everyone's schedule! They did blood wrk on Tuesday and I'm now sitting at the hospital again to have a swallow test done. My appointment was at 8am it is now 10:35am and I'm still waiting.. the doctor never faxed the order. I even had to go pick that up because they couldn't fax that to the hospital for me! I knew there would be possible complications, but I feel like I'm alone. My husband tries to understand, and like he says I did this for a greater good.. My PCOS got really bad and this could potentially help us, a lot! That's why I did it. I want a baby.. and plus I thought it could help me health wise.. I can't help but wonder if I made the right desicion. The other day I even told my husband "we should have just adopted.." and when I said that I felt like I had given up.. which is so not like me.. I wish I could be like all the lucky ones who have no problems at all.. I'm emotional, I feel very dissappointed, sad, angry at my dr, I'm hungry, thirsty, upset, tired, concerned, I didnt lose any weight last week, I have gained 2 lbs this week I have no idea why, and I'm even constipated, (I know, tmi.. sorry!), but even that is soo not me.. I used to go to the restroom so much! If this is the new me, I don't like it.. Thank you for letting me vent.. And sorry I vent so much.. lol..
  4. hope1106

    Is this Sonic drink real? Sleever Friendly?

    I had to go to chick-fil-a.. AWESOME drink!! Bought me a gallon.. just add a little bit of water, ice.. perfect! Thanks so much for the tip!!
  5. hope1106

    Is this Sonic drink real? Sleever Friendly?

    I called Sonic and they said its a little carbonated but if you let it sit for a little bit it should be ok. I must try the chick fil a one.. Im looking for new flavors and since I will be going back to work, I need drinks for when I'm on the run.. Variety is always good.
  6. So before surgery I was a huge strawberry limeade slush fan!! HUGE FAN!! Today my husband came home so excited because he discovered they have a low caloried diet limeade. 0 sugar, 0 cals. Has anyone tried this?? I am soooo very tempted.. [ATTACH]18729[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18730[/ATTACH]
  7. Bahahahahaha.. u had me laughing so hard it hurts.. I did bring it home and I did practice breathing.. Yes, back on Monday. I'm actually kind of excited to have a routine once again. And I'm sooooo glad all this nastiness happened while I was home and not at work.. It can only get better from here..
  8. Daily Update: Hello!! I slept so much yesterday and felt so good. Was able to eat some grilled soft chicken.. so coughing is sooo not good!! What is all this stuff I'm vomiting/coughing out?!?! Mucus and bile.. Im even scared to brush my teeth!! My gag reflux is horrible.. anything that makes me cough makes me spit this out. I cough once, everything comes up and bam!! There it goes.. I refuse to believe this is normal!! (Lol.. I'm sure it is but I really HATE the throwing up feeling). I still feel pressure in my chest. You know like when you sleep on your side or on your stomach for hours and hours and your chest hurts from all the pressure on it and it feels so tight.. that's how I feel.. heavy pressure tightness.. I don't know how else to describe it.. my "rash" continues to spread and benadryl hasn't worked so far.. Tomorrow I go to surgeon and I told my husband if anything happens between today and tomorrow, DO NOT take me to the hospital I went to Saturday.. lol
  9. So I just got back from the hospital.. Dehydrated, anemic, UTI and I need to "cough up" what I have in my lungs (??? ) and remain calm... don't dorget the remain calm.. Honestly, I feel more puzzled than before.. The fluids did make me feel a lot better, but I didn't get an explanation. The ER doctor was asking me to tell him the difference between the different WLS out there because he wasn't sure which one was mine.. At first he I think he thought I was having a panick attack, which I probably was, because I had so much going on.. He said my blood work came back fine so he didnt feel the need to do a EKG. I didnt even had an X-ray done. He just listened to what I said and asked me to take deep breathes. . On my discharge papers it says I went in for ABDOMINAL pain, and that I had an EKG done.. I am more confused then before and exhausted. I'm gonna add pictures of my rash, which now it's also in my hands, arms and spreading to my stomach.. Maybe someone can tell me if they've experienced this.. oohh and when I ask about the rash, he said it should go away on its own or ask my doctor if I can take benadryl... Thank you everyone for putting up with my many many problems.. [ATTACH]18643[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18644[/ATTACH]
  10. I thought about this too.. my keft thigh has been kind of numb since the surgery, and I have noticed both my legs and hands get this tingling feeling pretty often.. so I thought maybe I'm not walking enough so even here around the house I try to move as much as I can.. My husband has been telling me to go to the hospital.. I know there's something not right.. but I would hate to go and the dr telling me its nothing.. I have my 1 month appt on Tuesday. I'm wondering if I can make it til then.. I just honestly can't even think straight anymore. What worries me the most is the heavy feeling in my lungs. I try to comfort myself and remind myself that I have no cough, no fever, but then I come bk to reality and I know that doesn't mean its ok.
  11. So I called nurseline last night and she said I was more than likely coming down with a respiratory infection.. she suggested to go to the hospital or try some things at home.. she told me what meds to take so I could kind of isolate the symptoms... I took medicine for the nausea and sure enough it knocked me out until right now. My husband said I complained too much in my sleep and touched my left shoulder. Woke up not nauseous but my ear is hurting and I can feel my lungs heavier.. I thing the nausea is coming from my throat hurting. . Now I'm just praying its nothing serious.. thank you everyone. I will keep u guys updated.
  12. Oh my God.. I didn't think of the insurance nurse hotline.. I hardly ever develop any rashes.. this is why I love u guys! U guys always make me feel better and give me great ideas.. I will call insurance right now.. I live in front of a hospital I just don't want to overreact, but at this point I seriously don't think I'm overreacting... will keep u guys updated.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
  13. I am on soft foods..since I started the scale had not moved and I experienced a little constipation.. other then thick protein shakes I've been doing much better.. I can drink gatorade, I can drink water and I'm eating a little more.. Wednesday around 5pm I was eating a cheese string, which i have been eating ok, and just felt like a rock was sitting on my stomach.. I assumed i ate too fast.. After a couple of hours i still felt so full so i decided to take a walk and I walked for about 15 mins.. All night I was miserable.. I could feel something was not right.. Thursday I woke up extremely nauseous and I felt as if my throat was full of saliva.. I also had this horrible sweet taste in my mouth.. I went the whole day just drinking a few sips of water and ate a jello.. you could hear my stomach roaring full of gas from the other room.. around 7pm I couldn't do it anymore and I had to throw up.. bile.. lots of bile. Im still extremely nauseous, I have not felt this much gas since the 1st week out of surgery. I almost feel as if I have a balloon in my diaphragm and as it inflates my lungs and my chest are compressed. . I have a rash all over my chest and shoulders.. its not itchy its just lots of little bumps. No fever, fatigue, sleepy, when I take deep breaths I feel as if I had some phlegm at the bottom of mu lungs.. I don't know if any of these symptoms are related but I'm getting concerned.. Its 1:57am and I'm sitting up on this couch trying not to panick or throw up. I called my doc but did not receive a call back. I'm not sure what to do or what could be wrong. I thought it could be a leak, I know I have no fever but last year I had bacterial meningitis with no typical signs at all.. am I just scared? Should I be concerned? Had anyone experienced this?
  14. But how about water? I can eat 2-3oz but right after I eat I am sooooo thirsty.. I try to wait 30 mins.. if I drink water I can only do a couple of sips of water, but if I drink gatorade G2 I can do a good 10oz in a very small amount of time.. so I'm scared that drinking too much might stretch my stomach as well.. or does it really just go through your stomach?
  15. I am on soft foods and I'm wondering, how much and how often should I eat? I read somewhere if you over eat or eat too frequently your stomach can stretch again. I know it's early to worry about this BUT I am trying to retrain myself and get rid of all the bad habits.. Thanks!

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