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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rocknrollmama1980

  1. I guess carnival will be saving a lot on my ticket! Has anyone travelled this soon out? We already booked the trip. I'm not worried about temptation. I just don't want to die:)
  2. rocknrollmama1980

    Cruise 6 weeks after surgery

    Thanksgiving cruise to Mexico, Belize and other places I'm blanking on
  3. rocknrollmama1980

    Cruise 6 weeks after surgery

    I will be on normal food by then too. I think I am most worried about the black jack table:)
  4. rocknrollmama1980

    Books to help on this journey

    You rock!
  5. Does anyone have recommendations for books that help deal with food Issues, emotional eating etc? I have the emotional first aid kit:)
  6. rocknrollmama1980

    October Sleevers - Who else

    I lived there 28 years:)
  7. rocknrollmama1980

    October Sleevers - Who else

    Btw what is everyone's preop diet ? Mine starts October 3rd and is protein shakes, 3 servings of dairy a day and one cup of vegetables a day
  8. rocknrollmama1980

    October Sleevers - Who else

    I'm October 11th too! I am in orlando. Word up to my Annapolis peeps though. Make sure to hit up Chris' charcoal pit:)
  9. rocknrollmama1980

    Any October sleevers?

    Just received my date. October 11th in orlando. Anyone else the 11th?
  10. So my Doc wants me to loose ten lbs prior to surgery. The problem is my surgery might be 3 weeks or less away ( not scheduled yet ... Will hear def date next week) any advice for dropping ten quickly but safely? The only suggestion they provided was cut my food in half an exercise ten min a day.
  11. rocknrollmama1980

    Need to loose ten pounds

    Thanks guys! I know I can do it.. I'm just falling into that trap of "this is my last xyz" which I know is not true. I am also going to try and learn to knit so I can keep my hands busy at night.
  12. rocknrollmama1980

    Need to loose ten pounds

    I'm starting my morning with a protein shake, lunch I try to do a lean cuisine... But omg publix turkey subs are so good! and dinner is typically something grilled. My prob is and always has been nighttime eating after the girls sleep:(
  13. So I make my final choice between sleeve and rny on Monday. I have been following the forum and have some questions. I have (as far as I know) never had ulcers. Will the surgery cause me to get ulcers this causing a complication?
  14. I am officially waiting to be sleeved! Thank you for all the feedback. Mamachef... How was your surgery?
  15. rocknrollmama1980

    Question about complications

    Trust me, I am aware there ar snigger complication. I just saw many that were resulting from ulcers. I did not know if the surgery caused Them or if they were mainly in patients who had a history of them.
  16. so what happens if you get the stomach flu? I have two little ones that brig home everything possible. Will my stomach explode or something ?( I know that won't happen... Right?)
  17. rocknrollmama1980

    New here

    Hi everyone, I'm not sure I'm posting in the right place, but I hope so! I am a 33 year old woman looking at the sleeve procedure. I started with the lap band but through additional research think that the sleeve is the way to go. I am 5/5 and 240lbs. I have struggled with weight all my life. I'm sure you all know the story...loose it and back it comes. I have never not been in a battle with my weight. I have had my thyroid checked, tried every diet under the sun and nothing. What's interesting is that my eating habits are not insanely bad. I have read about post up lifestyle and I'm like, oh that's what I eat now. I'm so tired of the struggle though. I am wondering though... (my apologies as the return key doesn't seem to be working on this computer) does anyone regret their choice? I have this fear that I won't be able to stop losing weight if I have the surgery and will become a 89 lb sickly person. Does their come a point where you can maintain? Are their any blogs or articles you would recommend reading? If you knew then what you know now...what would you tell a person looking into the surgery. It looks like I could go in as early as October. I don't want to make a rash choice but I feel like I am ready. Thank you all!
  18. rocknrollmama1980

    Any other 5'5 ers?

    I am still in the starting phase and debating between sleeve and roux en y. The surgeon recommends bypass for all his patients over the sleeve. I guess I am still scared of the bypass. I meet for my one on one the 26th so I can discuss it more then. I am 5'5 and 245 lbs. did anyone else fall into this category or a 41 bmi?
  19. rocknrollmama1980

    Any other 5'5 ers?

    Thanks guys, I have always struggled With weight and I firmly believe that if I don't do this I would be at 260 or more in a few months. I know my weight is a little on the lower end which Is why I guess I am surprised that I would consider bypass. I am starting to get reflux though and other issues associated with weight. Ultimately I will trust the doctors. I spent the day reading the complication section though:( now I am terrified.
  20. rocknrollmama1980

    Gastric Bypass Surgery Progress Pictures

    Glad there is another punk rock mama out there! I thought I was the only one out there tormenting my kids with tour stories:)
  21. rocknrollmama1980

    Davinci surgery

    The hospital I am looking at uses the davinci robot system. has anyone had that process for surgery and what was your experience? Part of me thinks " wow that is cool" the other part thinks "what if the machine malfunctions and accidentally scrambles my insides??!"
  22. Thanks guys I appreciate all the help. I went to the info session and a support group meeting on wed. I am now more confused. Dr. Kim said that even if you have no medical problems he would recommend the roux en y over the sleeve. Did he tell you the same thing? I meet for the doc evaluation on the 26th. I guess I could be open to roux en y but I'm terrified of massive complications. I don't want to end up with seizures or in the hospital for 3 months. Arghhh!
  23. So I am 99.9 % self pay. My concern is what would happen if something went wrong. Like if I had to stay in the hospital as a result of a complication... Would Cigna pay for the stay even though it was related to something I didn't go through them for? Or what if 5 years from now my gallbladder is removed... Do I have to pay bc I paid for the surgery? Just wondering how that might work.
  24. I have never been so afraid of rejection in my life.

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