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Posts posted by 1gorgeousgodzilla

  1. My surgery is scheduled for 1/13/14 and I start my preop diet on 12/30/13 and lately I've been putting down so much food. I feel like such a loser, but in a way I feel like it's my last hooray. I know it won't make the mental journey any better, but I am reading Emotional First Aid Kit. I don't know I'm probably just making excuses, which is why I'm over weight and need the surgery in the 1st place.

    You know I chowed down prior to my preop diet! My brain really thought I'd NEVER be able to eat again. I look back and think how silly that thought was, but at the time it was REAL. You are not alone :-)

  2. My wife and several others have had great success with the book New Rules Of Weightlifting For Women. It pretty much lays out a workout program that any beginner can follow. It's simple and involves mostly full body compound lifts as Aroundhky described. It also gives alot of detail as far as sets/reps/weight to be lifted. It's an all around great book for a beginner and they have other books once that one gets too easy....more advanced.

    Thanks so much for the recommendation. Adding Weights to my workout is at the top of my 2014 list- right under joining a co-ed kickball team in my area! This book will be my gift to ME!!

  3. If you go to your profile in the website and set your surgery type, you will only see forums for your surgery type and general forums that are not divided by surgery type.

    I'll move this thread to the monthly support forum and you may get more replies there.

    Oh I didn't know that! Thanks for the info

  4. I think it's just a matter of people being accustomed of you looking a certain way. I get amazed stares whenever I would wear a 'fro instead of weave. Now multiply that by twenty when you lose weight. Just like it is taking my head/thinking a while to catch up with the changes in my body, the same goes for the thought process of other folk. Hate that you are feeling like a sideshow, but they are adjusting to the new you.

  5. Since I was doing most of the cooking.....there was no one to tell me anything.

    I must admit, I'm more guilty of being the food police these days to others. When I see someone eating way too much of the nasty unhealthy food they shovel in their mouths....it's all I can do not to tell them how many calories they're eating. I have to bite my tongue because I don't want to be that person.

    Butter I felt the same way this Thanksgiving, seeing those plates piled to the heavens was really making me queasy. But I didn't want to be that girl either.

  6. Even the phone app sucks, IMO. It's too full of stuff. I wish you could set preferences so I can weed out the band & bypass stuff. It's frustrating to get into a thread then find out it doesn't apply to me because it's a different surgery! For those who want to see everything, great. For the rest of us - overload. This change is not for the better.

    What a great suggestion- we need some kind of filtering option over here Alex!

  7. OMG!!!! Last night my own body oder woke me up. It's horrible! I actually thought there was a dead mouse in my room. But it's me. My boyfriend is coming to visit me in next weekend. HELP!!! Any soaps and hygiene products that helped????

    I am so sorry you are going through this but, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've become so standoffish that I suspect some will accuse me of "changing" after the surgey. When the truth of the matter is, I don't want to offend anyone with this b.o.

  8. I had a boyfriend who remained friends with one of his ex's. we were at the "meet the friends" stage and she made it obvious that she had no desire to meet me. Barely said 3 words. Later found out that the "pet" name she and her fiends had for me was-- you guessed it--Godzilla. Presumably, because I was large and ugly (merely a guess since they have said anything to me).

    So my name is a reminder that people may judge us, but their opinions never define who we are as people. At the end of the day, I can lose weight. however, there is no surgery to cure geriatric mean girls of their narrow minded bishy ways. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  9. Hello my August brothers and sisters! It is great to see everyone doing and looking so great! I also was sleeved on 8/19. Everything has been going smooth and have really found a side of me I haven't seen since high school...a side that likes to exercise! I am down 46 pounds since surgery on 8/19 and down a total of 69 pounds since pre-op! I feel great! Walking 3 miles a day minimum and have gotten back into bike riding. Keep it up everyone...looking great!

    Good lord man! You are DOING IT! Your fitbit stats are proof :-)

  10. I'm 10 weeks post op and having the same problem. At first I thought I had super enhanced smelling abilities after the surgery, but noooooooo. I'm just stankin' more than usual. It has made me super self conscious, eventhough I brush my teeth and shower multiple times a day. I keep waiting for it to go away, but not sure how long this lasts.

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