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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Laura9643

  1. Hi Olivia! I am sorry to hear about your injury. I know your physician advised to stop all sports activity, but have you thought about doing upper body strength training? That might be a good stress reliever and keep you a little active without irritating your knee. Of course, I would clear it with your physician but lifting weights or medicine ball work for the upper body, free weights, etc. while seated could be a way to burn calories and help you feel active again.

    I also like the idea of painting, reading or meditation to take the mind off of things. Is your physician having you do many type of physical therapy for your knee?


  2. Laura you have done so great, we have just about the same surgery date. What is you secret? I know your a lot younger.

    I am not sure! I just focus on the Protein for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I stopped taking Protein shakes at the two month mark per my nutritionist. I also stopped eating Protein Bars for the most part unless I am in a hurry. Breakfast I usually do greek yogurt, cottage cheese or an egg white omelette. I always bring my lunch to work so I can make sure I am in control of the portions and do a Protein (fish, chicken, turkey) some cheese and or cottage cheese. dinner, chicken breast usually. I try to get in exercise a few times a week. Oh and I drink lots of herbal tea and Water during the day. If I am exercising more, I take in more calories. If I take in carbs, it's usually in the form of vegetables or fruits. I try to stay pretty regimented in what I eat and eat a lot if cottage cheese- I like it and a small amount fills me up. Hope this helps!

  3. I used nectar vanilla bean torte as well as Chike coffee. But, I stopped Protein shakes at the two month mark per my nutritionist and surgeon's recommendation/plan. They don't believe in continued Protein shake usage and prefer patients get their protein in solid food wise, however, they always said a Protein Shake is better than no protein at all and said they would be fine if I was having an issue or on the go and not able to find solid protein.

    I have saved all of my Protein powder for my husband who is having surgery in 2 weeks.

  4. I would not worry about it. But you could talk to your nutritionist and see if you're eating enough with working out- sometimes you have to iincrease the calories. Sometime around my period I will retain Water and not lose. But really, if it is just once, and you're not consistently gaining don't worry. If you're consistently gaining keep a food and exercise journal and discuss the details with your nut. They should be able to see what the issue in the journal right away. Hang in there and keep up the good work!

  5. Some things I journaled about before I had surgery-

    You're scared because you're going to lose control over the food...

    When in fact it's the food controlling you. You're scared of being thin. You're scared of the attention. You're scared of being whatever you'll be when the weight is gone. You're not sure who that person is or if it will still be you. You're scared of not being able to hide. You're scared of no more excuses. You're scared you still won't be happy after the weight comes off. You're scared you will. You're scared to give up the things you eat that you think make you happy, that are the same things that in the end make you so sad. You're scared of the journey ahead and at the same time are so excited of the possibilities. You're done being scared.

    Again just some things I wrote down before my procedure 6 months ago.

    On another note....my husband is having VSG on 3/7. He is still scared after seeing me be successful with this lifestyle change. He's mourning food right now just like I did before. I don't think he realized how scared I am, and his family is about his weight. He is 375 and 5'10". If he could feel how fearful we are for him, I think that might change his perspective. He and I have had conversations about if he was scared/is scared from dropping dead from a heart attack or due to his weight. He said no.

    I think looking back, I should have been more scared of what I was doing to myself vs. surgery. I hope my husband sees that too eventually.

    Good lucks everyone, you'll do great!

  6. I had what felt like a racing heart for two months before surgery, couldn't sleep and was miserable with fear. 6 months later I wish I had done it sooner! Fear is normal because you have never had this done. But I can say it should have been more fearful of keeling over from being overweight than from surgery.

    Hang in there!

  7. I emailed my nut. She said the hair loss was common, and I could take Biotin, but she didn't expect it making a difference, but did go on to say some people swear by it ...then went on to say it might have just been the hair kicking back in and not related tony Biotin. Clearly she is not on the pro biotin camp side. But... She did say it was only temporary. I did some searches and found articles that also say the same thing- this one is fairly informative if you'd like e link to read-


    I did place a biotin order online for the strawberry dissolvables and also read varda has a new line of Shampoo and conditioner hat is supposed to help with growth.


  8. Early last week I hit my leg with the door of my vehicle. Now I have this really nasty bruise on my leg. Its really dark purple or black. Its gotten darker instead of lighter all week. I have my 6 week appointment tomorrow so I'll ask about it then. But I was just wondering if this is a sign of a Vitamin deficiency? early on I had problems with my Vitamins. I've started taking them but maybe its to late now.

    When I was in the hospital they had to stick me once for the first IV and then had to relocate it to my other arm the next night (I was in e hospital 3 days) but didn't get it situated until the 3rd or 4th stick. So, I had several large bruises that progressively got darker and suck around for several weeks to a month. The heparin injections in my stomach also left large purple bruises that took a month to go away. I am guessing they're from the blood thinners. Keeping my fingers crossed its not a Vitamin deficiency.


  9. Just went home today!!!! Sitting in my bed..ahhhhh. Day is surgery felt pretty good... Yesterday however felt like a Mack ruck rolled me over!!! Like mocha said... Gas issues... I kept burping but nothing from the other end and had TERRIBLE pressure with every teeny sip of Water etc. think I maybe got in 2 or 3 oz total a few sips of broth and two spoonfuls of Jello. This morning they were considering keeping me another day.

    Mocha' date=' I tried that too... Lots of walking... Nada. Last night I slept nearly completely upright hugging my pillow .... Uncomfortable but not as much a the gas issue. Finally things started moving properly I think it was in a large part due to that. I also rubbed my low back kinda like you do with a baby trying to get it to burp and that oddly also helped. Best of luck to you my sleevesista!!!! Today I've gotten much more hydration in... An entire Popsicle... About 4 oz water at the hospital , my liquid meds, 1/3rd so far of a sugar free done flavored water bottle... And a few sips of a Protein drink.... So getting closer to the initial goal of 40 0z :)[/quote']

    Congrats to you and Mocha both!! Sip sip sip... That's all you can do in the beginning!

  10. I am approaching 15 days post op and my Nutritionist said I could have Chike iced coffee mix with milk if I limit it to one a day... And that was starting at ten full liquid stage day 8. That's 20 grams of Protein with 2 espresso shots. I was pretty surprised but am going to limit it to a "treat" here and there. It went down fine (sipped it for 2 hours while at work) and i didn't have an upset tummy. Every program is different...that is for sure!

  11. If you have a GNC near I would suggest Isopure RTD so you can get Protein. Not sure if they taste ok but heck anything to get you out of your fog. That is a long time on clear liquids & no protein.

    I wish I could. I even called the dietician and she said no protein.

    A little juice diluted with Water twice a day and a cracker if I feel light headed.

    They are serious about the no protien... :(

    Only a couple more days.... Thanks for the advice though! I was looking at all of the Protein Shakes and water I have in the fridge for after surgery and wanted to down one so bad.... lol. I was good though and had a Coke Zero instead hoping the caffeine helps!


  12. I am Aug 21st too! I think I would want to smack her for bringing that donut by me. My husband said I was cranky yesterday. I am on my 3rd day pre-op diet. The first went ok, I was hungry throughout the day and went to bed hungry. Yesterday my stomach wasn't begging as much for some "regular" food and today was better than yesterday. I hope it continues to get better. You can get through this...a lot of people have gone before us and have been successful. :)

    Hi everyone- I am have been on liquids since Wdnesday morning. And that is Clear Liquids (not full) so no Protein Shakes. Water, flavored water, soda, broth, Jello and popsiciles. I am having a horrible time and feel tired, weak, shakey, fuzzy, and have headaches. I just brewed a cup of coffee (which we can have, no cream, no sugar). Thank goodness I only have the rest of today and Sunday-Tuesday like this. However, I am EXTEMELY worried about going to work Monday and Tuesday like this. Heck, I am worried about driving in about an hour to go to the chiropractor. Any advice?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
