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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by trisey

  1. OMGOODNESS !!! Attention all sleevers that have already gotten there sleeve done....
    Does ANYONE still have gas pain? If so, how do you relieve it?
    I have terrible gas in my chest everytime I eat. I walk alot and I sip but my god this gas don't quit. TMI but I totally wish I could fart more often. I have the gas x strips but it's almost like they don't work. i mean they work a little but not as much as I would like. Does anyone have an alternative? I'm dying it's like having labor contractions in your chest. Sometimes I won't eat for fear of the pain. Just sip Water or a proetin shake. I started soft foods yesterday but this pain has been here since the surgery. PLEASE ANYONE HELP ME!?!?

  2. I'm 21 years old post op.I'm already down to 261, when I intially started I was 310. My family is super supportive. My mom had a bypass when I was 7 so she and my husband have been my rock. I never really had an issue with my weight until after my son was born in 2011. It became so hard to lose the weight. On top of that I take medication that makes it nearly impossible to keep weight off. I never thought about bariatric surgery. But once I found out about it it became fixated on my mind. I would goggle all day looking at post op patients and their success and wanting it so bad to be mine. Finally went and sat down with a surgeon and found out my insurance COMPLETELY covered it and listent o the pros and cons and decided what the hell let's do this thing. Now I'm almost 2 weeks post op (October 1st was my date) and I'm happy and energized. A little frustrated because I can't eat like I use to but when I step on that scale I quickly think man forget them chips look at this scale.

  3. @trisey && @tardis76 HEY MY SURGERY TWINS!! lol trisey don't be nervous about that scale girl! I went to my post-op yesterday and was like OMG what if nothing has changed?! (Since I'm so use to that) and to my surprise I was down 21.5lbs ! They cleared me to have 3 shakes a day and 64oz of Water also to start my Vitamins ... Yesterday I took literally all day (10am-11pm) to finish 1 EAS shake and I didn't even get in a full bottle of Water .... Today I drank a full shake from 12:30pm till 2pm so that was a big jump and I've been getting a little more water in. They told me not to worry because just starting out we won't be able to jus into 3 full shakes and all that water .... So slowly but surely! Do you guys have Instagram or Facebook? !

    @@genniexfresh Hey love,
    I gotta become more consistent with my post. I'm in school as well trying to keep up with everyone is ...whoooa lol. But yay congrats on the droppage man! I got in the scale yesterday I'm down to 261.2 lbs. I haven't been that small since my son was born lol. My husband claims he's starting to notice it in my midsection. I can't seem to see though. It's been a little easier get the liquids down. My husband took our son and me to Luby' ... OMG I wanted eveything.. but instead I had some Soup and was full before he or my son even finished their chicken lol. He laughed. My husband is 5"11 210lbs on a bad day and he plays basketball all the time so weight has never been a problem for him. I find myself telling him that hey you don't need to eat that 3 meat burger get a salad.. Or I'm gonna be so small and your onna blow up lol I try not to moniter what he eats but its hard when I'm monitoring what I eat lol. I got some whey Protein and I actually like it... Blend it with some almond milk and ice and its like a shake. @tardis how you doing love? and yea i have both my email is triseworlds@gmail.com

  4. @@tardis76 awesome. I don't go for my weigh in until 10/21 since my doc is only availble on tuesday. Have you tried other Protein Shakes? I tried Atkins and muscle milk. Both made me feel like I was on the verge of spilling my guts. And I hate that feeling. Ugh is it so hard to find a tasty Protein Shake lol. I've been drinking broth and propel Water. The propel is pretty good and I usually hate flavored water. I've also had alot of applce juice water downed. I can't wait to start the purees tho. That's next wednesday for me:)

  5. Hey my fellow October sleevers,

    How is everyone doing? People that's been recently sleeved, how you feeling? Well the gas has subsided... I'm feeling loads better besides the pain from one of my cut. Plus I have a mild cough and it kills me to cough of sneeze. Feel like I'm gonna bust each time I do it lol. Also my stomach feels so tight. Like I've been doing mad sit-ups. I don't know how much weight I've lost since the surgery ( October 1st ) my post-op appoinment was today but I had to miss since my little bambino got sick. I'm kinda scared to get on the scale to be honest, I'm scared it won't move much. My mom had a bypass when I was 7 so she keeps telling me it'll be okay, "your gonna lose it sunshine". She's 6'0" probably 140 lbs on a bad day lol. But I'm worried about getting in all my Protein. It's hard because if i sip too fast I get terrible gas bubbles. Too slow the day will pass and I'll still be on shake #1. And I drink EAS. It tolerable but I'm not too happy with it. I feel like I'm talking yall ear off so somebody anybody HIT ME UPPPPPP:)

    Prayers up for you guys:)

  6. hey everyone

    I was sleeved October 1st in houston, tx. I just got home last night. I'm glad it's done now I'm just wodering when the pain will subside. My doc keeps saying to walk it out.. which i am but i can't seem to pass gas lol. Other than that I'm pretty okay. my husband just went out bought some foods for me to eat and a brand new mattress (tempur pedic) so I can be comfortable. I just really want this pain gone.. Congrats to everyone else out there that's has already been sleeved and to everyone waiting.. im praying that itll be smooth...inshallah:)

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