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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmBeR09

  1. AmBeR09

    First Post-op Post

    headed into day 2 post op and I say kudos to only slight discomfort. The gas is the hardest for me. I dry heaved all day and night after surgery. Thank goodness that's all over!! But here I am up at 450a my time in desperate need of pain meds and still waiting on the nurse.
  2. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I'm not a gagger but holy Moses yesterday!! And the gas by far is the worst. It sits under your shoulder blades and even in your ribs. The more you walk, whether you want to or not, it relieves it. Thankfully I am in a private room! Sadly, I am the only person besides staff that I've seen walking. You will rock this too!! I can't wait to read your updates.
  3. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Are you seeing dr carauna or carvetta? I am at sisters hospital. I was fine until I went down to pre op. there are lots of patients and staff in the room. One placed an iv. One asked questions. One was anesthesia. They were all very nice. They actually put valum in your Iv before you go into the surgery room. I was out pretty quick after that and of course post op is always a blur. I was there an hour or so. When I got to my room it was off the stretcher and right into the bathroom. I was scared but did actually quite well. They gave me the medicine cups of water which they tell you to take once every 15min. All I did was dry heave and sleep. If someone stays with you they can help you to the bathroom. They check your blood pressure and change out iv meds a lot. At midnight I was npo. You honesty are so uncomfortable from gas though that you don't think about food. I wasn't taken for my upper gi series at 11. The stuff they have yo drink taste like vanilla ice cream x1000 sweetners and is like syrup. Thankfully my nurses caught on quick that i had been dry heaving so Gave me the nausea medicine. I have had no dry heaving since this morning. At 12 i showered and walked more to excape the gas pains. At 2 I got a tray. A juice, ginger ale, and soup surely seems like a lot of food and doesn't taste wonderful either. I've been up most of the day and am beat. I know all experiences are different. I pray you don't get the nausea. My incisions look great. Dr says if I can drink 4 medicine cups an hour and keep them down I can go home Tom at 11. My biggest suggestion would be bring your own pillow, don't forge chap stick, and walk walk walk as much as you can. Best wishes to you!! I'll keep everyone updated and thanks for checking in on me and for the get well wishes.
  4. I was sleeved yesterday. Lots of nausea and dry heaving but I'm hanging in there!! I also am down 14lb from my pre op diet!! Good luck today everyone
  5. How'd everyone make out!! Besides lots of dry heaving and nausea I am ok! The gas pains are the worst
  6. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Thanks for the thoughts I went In at 1130 yesterday morning. I lost 14lb from the pre op diet. I have 5 incisions. Every time I dank after surgery I'd dry heave or puke. The puke had some blood in it which they said was completely normal. I did walk 3hr after getting on the floor trying to get rid of some gas. I think that was the worst part of it all. It's hard sleeping on your back!!! I was brought a tray but had very little interest. And now I am npo for X-ray tomorrow. They'll check my intestines and abdomen after drinking some chalky like substance and making sure all is well and there are no leaks. This last time I got up to the bathroom was the 1st time of no dry heaving. I was so excited!!! Everyone has been wonderful so far!
  7. I have to be at the hospital at 830!! Not scheduled until 1140 tomorrow morning!!
  8. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Tomorrow is my day!! It doesn't seem real. I had all these crazy thoughts and feelings and now it just doesn't seem real! I just drank my last protein shake.
  9. Good luck ladies!!! I have been very very good on my diet. I'm pretty jealous that some of you are allowed cottage cheese, applesauce, soup, and unlimited veggies!! I'm only allowed clear, sugar free liquids, and 4 protein shakes a day. Day 3 was my roughest!! My family ordered Chinese for dinner last night and although it smelt great I didn't take even the smallest bite
  10. I can't believe the 11th is 5 days away!! I got my medical clearance from my pcp today, I also am averaging at a lb a day, my pre op diet is 10 days long with clear liquids and protein shakes, a cup of non starchy veggies (which I have had 2x). With losing the 6lb it made my day!!
  11. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Went for my medical clearance today!! Day 6 of pre op diet and down 6lbs. Makes me happy to know the pre op diet is working!!
  12. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hmm. I'm curious because I'd like to know how much I have lost from this lovely pre op diet. I don't own a scale because I know I'd be on it constantly. And in pre op class they said 4 patients that had surgery that morning had lost an average of 10-18# apiece
  13. AmBeR09

    Having a Hard Time

    The broth has helped me a great deal!! Maybe it's the warmth or the chicken/ beef flavor, anything that helps works for me!
  14. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Did they weigh you in the day of surgery? I haven't bought a scale and don't really want to!! I'm finishing day 3 of me pre op diet, I cannot wait for it to be over!
  15. AmBeR09

    Taco Pizza

    I can't wait to be post op and try this. Tacos were my downfall!!
  16. AmBeR09

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Best of luck!! I'm the 11th. My nerves have been all over the place. I've never been so emotional about anything before!
  17. AmBeR09

    Having a Hard Time

    Mines 10 days, I'm allowed 4 protein shakes and as much broth, sf Popsicles, sf jello, g2, and water I want? I'm still hungry even having these things but keep telling myself only 7 more days!!
  18. I'm sept 11th and craving lots but have stuck to my diet. This is day 3 for me!
  19. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I heard rumbling... Not rain I don't think!! I didn't do the three nut classes, instead I did a 1:1 and an over the phone follow up. Anything that saves on gas
  20. AmBeR09

    Pre-op verse Post-op protein shakes

    I'm on day 2 of 10 of mine. I'm allowed 4 shakes a day, no fun additives allowed, all clear and sugar free drinks in between, along with sf Popsicles and sf jello. I'm so hungry!! But so far have rocked it. I feel like nemo and dori " just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" best wishes!!
  21. AmBeR09

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I understand the point of the eval but also agree that the questionare was obnoxious!! I didn't see Ann Marie for my psych eval but a doctor close to me. You still have to meet 1:1 with her and do a follow up but never did she try to blame depression or an eating disorder. She actually pointed out where it came from that I never thought of before. She's very nice. Just sometimes there's that weird silence and you wonder if you are supposed to say something more or if you haven't said enough. I really do like her though. And even though the psych eval sucks, it's a step closer to your new future.
  22. AmBeR09

    Pre-op diet ---crash diet?

    If it helps you any, my surgeon at my pre op class stated that a patient stated the did the diet, he went in and closed her right back up. The patient admitted they did not diet at all. The liver was too big for him to work around. Also that someone that follows (mine is 10 day pre op diet) usually loses 8-18# so that's well worth it too. Hope that helps!

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