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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Mel1071 got a reaction from skinnygirlwithin in Best and worst "compliments"   
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    Mel1071 got a reaction from A.c. Nelums in Any Tennessee Sleevers Out There?   
    Overall I'm feeling pretty darned good. Had mine at Centennial with Dr. Houston. Cannot say enough good about him and the staff at Centennial - especially the nurses.
  3. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to Kiap82 in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Fifty pounds down today!!!! AND I have a major NSV happening right now. I'm sitting in plane waiting for everyone to board and asked for and extender like always.... But I didn't need it(barely) lol. Yay!!! It's a great start to vacation weekend.
    HW 320 12/3
    SW 313 12/17
    CW 270 yay!
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    Mel1071 got a reaction from cabstewart in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    There is another NUT but I doubt she will vary much - this is the standard for the clinic and is outlined in the aftercare manual. I am really tempted to do some research and find another WLS doc/clilnic's aftercare suggestions and try following those and see what that does for my weight loss. I understand staying low carb - but going excessively low carb and staying in ketosis for what could easily be a year just does not seem like it can be healthy. What happens when I do start eating carbs?
    Thanks for letting me vent.
  5. Like
    Mel1071 got a reaction from SuperFab in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    Thank you all so much for your input! I appreciate you all very much. The doctor's office is always saying if you are having issues, contact the dietician - they are here to help you succeed. But anyone who is going to lecture me about eating an 8 gr of carb yogurt because it exceeds 5 gr and also tell me fiber isn't going to help my Constipation issues just isn't high on my list of trusted sources I mean, it's not like I was asking to eat a bunch of simple carbs - I just want to boost my complex carbs in hopes of getting that fiber in.
    As I'm getting in plenty of Water and Protein my main goal now is to up my activity. And if doing that means I need to up my carbs/calories, then so be it. Because one of my main goals of having this surgery was to get to the point where I'm more active and able to do more things with my husband. I think I may have a cathartic burning of my aftercare manual lol
    Thanks again!
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    Mel1071 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Rosie ODonnell reveals she had VSG in 2013   
    Lord Blackout

    • 3 hours ago

    You still looks fat hihihi

    Who does this Joe think he is!? I hate it when people try to make their lives better and jerks like this guy put in his 1/4 of a cents worth.......
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    Mel1071 reacted to McButterpants in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    I can tell you I couldn't function on what you're allowed.
    I restricted my carbs in the beginning - on my own, not dictated by my doc/nut. I felt like crap. I had no energy. Then I started exercising and it got worse. I was down in the 20 range for carbs at that point. I burn between 500-700 calories in a 60 minute cardio work out, depending on what I'm doing.
    After going to my doc and explaining my situation I let her know I increased my carbs to about 50-60 and she agreed that would be good and to concentrate on the Protein. She asked how I'm getting in more carbs - I told her I was adding low-glycemic fruit to my shakes (berries or peaches) or I added 1-2 tablespoons of fat-free refried Beans to a meal and I started adding 1% milk to my shakes. She said these were great ideas.
    Right now, I'm taking in 800-1000 calories per day. I'm getting about 50-60 carbs per day and meeting my Protein gold of 80 grams of protein. I exercise 5-6 days per week - mostly cardio right now, 60-75 minutes. I have lots of energy and I feel great.
    My suggestion would be to go to another bariatric nutritionist to get a 2nd opinion. I think the theories here are correct - you need more. 500 calories is not enough to sustain you.
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    Mel1071 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in My Trainer said....   
    My trainer gave me a lecture today on the amount of food I eat. He said that when we have a session I lose between 400-600 calories and have to up my intake of food so that my blood sugar does not dive. He suggested complex carbs. So today I ate a Protein Bar all made with fresh fruit, hemp, Chia, flax, Protein powder dried fruit and nuts.
    This is the first time i did not crave sugar after a workout or feel depleted of energy. The hour went by so fast and I was ready to do more...
    Could he be on to something...
    One day you wake up and people are telling you you need to lose weight..Then people tell you you need to stop losing weight... One day they say you eat to much and then you eat to little... sometimes I just have to give my head a shake because I can't believe that someone told me I have to consume more calories....Me....imagine!!!
    Have others been this confused too...
    I went to my writing class the other night and watched as everyone was milling around and realized that I am one of the smallest people in the class... I was always the biggest hands down...Everyone seems happy and not self conscious at all. They don't even know I was morbidly obese ( I hate that word ). so they would never understand what I have done or what I have accomplished. I am just another person in a class with a bunch of people taking a course......unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!
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    Mel1071 got a reaction from SuperFab in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    Thank you all so much for your input! I appreciate you all very much. The doctor's office is always saying if you are having issues, contact the dietician - they are here to help you succeed. But anyone who is going to lecture me about eating an 8 gr of carb yogurt because it exceeds 5 gr and also tell me fiber isn't going to help my Constipation issues just isn't high on my list of trusted sources I mean, it's not like I was asking to eat a bunch of simple carbs - I just want to boost my complex carbs in hopes of getting that fiber in.
    As I'm getting in plenty of Water and Protein my main goal now is to up my activity. And if doing that means I need to up my carbs/calories, then so be it. Because one of my main goals of having this surgery was to get to the point where I'm more active and able to do more things with my husband. I think I may have a cathartic burning of my aftercare manual lol
    Thanks again!
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    Mel1071 reacted to Healthier2day1227 in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    I can see why you are frustrated! 500 cal doesn't seem like enough especially down the road. I think it's baffling that so many drs have vastly different guidelines. But some of them I think are designed so they can say you didn't follow their instructions and that's why you weren't successful, sort of to cover their asses. My nutritionist doesn't suggest dipping that low but you could always turn it around and ask them why they have 500 cal when others allow higher, see what they say. Hang in there in the meantime sounds like you've lost a lot!
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    Mel1071 reacted to FishingNurse in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    Wow that is crazy. I would have been so weak and sick. I never counted carbs or cals really...in the losing phase only Protein. (I would guess during losing phase after I was healed I was getting 1100-1200 cals a day.) Worked for me! I would get 75 grams of Protein a day or more. I think you are allowed to modifiy your surgeons guidlines... what ever works for you!
  12. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to eyoung in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    I dont have my manual in front of me but 500 cal is very dangerous. It puts our bodies into starvation mode. Sounds like u should go with your gut here and seek other help.
    Congrats on your loss and on your Water intake. Thats amazing! I let about 30 to 40 in
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    Mel1071 reacted to SuperFab in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    You can't exercise on 500 calories. Also if you're not losing weight it's probably from eating too few calories. I'd definitely talk to some of the vets about this. They are more in tune with caloric intake. If you don't exercise you're gonna lose muscle. This sounds hinky. I can see it at first, but not til you lose 75%.
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    Mel1071 reacted to SuperFab in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    Once your calories are upped you should start losing more. Plus, do not forget that everyone has stalls.
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    Mel1071 reacted to Recycled in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    Hmmmm, what are they gonna do if you don't reach their monthly goals, are you subjected to shock treatments or banished to some remote island. As others have said, they are guidelines. You're not a machine that they can calculate exact results. Just follow what you know is sound advice. Who cares if they don't like it. If you get the results you want, that is what counts.
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    Mel1071 got a reaction from gourmetone in 15 grams of carbs/500 or fewer calories a day until I lose 100 pounds?   
    I am becoming a bit disenchanted with my WLS clinic. I'm losing at a decent rate (down 35 pounds since surgery 7 weeks ago). What I am not happy about is my clinic's mandate that I follow a diet that has me eating no more than 15g of carbs a day, less than 500 calories a day. Plus, this diet should be in place until I lose 75% of my excess weight loss (which, for me, is 100 pounds - or 65 now)
    I met with the dietician yesterday and came out of the meeting very frustrated. She didn't like the fact that I ate a yogurt that has 80 calories, 0g fat, and 12g of Protein - why? It has 8 carbs. "You shouldn't be eating more than 5 carbs per meal" was her reply. Mind you, when I eat that yogurt I'm not going over 15 for the day - but no, it's not good because it's more than 5 carbs for the meal. And it's because I'm going over 5 carbs a meal that my weight loss isn't as fast as other people's.
    I also mentioned that I'm a little tired of depending on Miralax on a weekly/biweekly basis and that I was concerned my Constipation is being caused by a lack of Fiber. She said no, it's not a lack of fiber and that I just need to up my Water intake. Um, I'm already getting between 64-80 a day! And to say fiber isn't an issue is utter BS in my opinion.
    It's not just the NUT who says this - it's in the clinic's aftercare manual. I am really tempted to find some other doctor/clinic's aftercare suggestions and follow those for a bit and see what happens.
  17. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to DeezJeanz in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    I'm enjoying how every1 is still encouraging each other on this journey, esp threw these stalls that are inevitable. I think, at 19 days out, I may b heading for my first stall. Was weighed at my first post and will weigh tomorr for the lbs loss board but so far, same weight, up n down same lb. Will officially weigh tomorrow, Lord willing, post then change or not but bc of u all b4 me, I'm not panicked one bit, just gonna embrace it n move onward! Like som1 said, this tool IS GOING TO WORK NO MATTER WHAT, so with that assurance in mind, I'm ok at this point. Second post op on Friday, so, will luk if its a true stall or just the fact that my body was adjusting to finally having food:). Gna and God Bless You!
  18. Like
    Mel1071 got a reaction from Jenny12 in Surgiversary! Shortie goes from size 20 to size 0! Pics included   
    Jenny, you look amazing! I wanted to say thanks because you were a huge help and inspiration to me on my journey. We share the same surgeon and you were so great about answering questions.
    I am thrilled to say things went ridiculously smoothly. I'm a little over 3 weeks out and I've lost 24.4 pounds.
    From one shortie to another, thank you so very much!
  19. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to DeezJeanz in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Ik uve all felt like me first day home, I'm weak n restless but reading all of ur well wishes for me, I'm so puffed up w joy that I couldn't go to bed wo telling u all that I sincerely Love you all! I don't throw that word around easily. You're an amazn bunch of troopers and u say how strong I am but I've drawn my strenghth not only from God, but from each and every one of you. I thank God for each of you and we are going to be some kinda healthy lookers n 2014! You too, stay positive, stop worrying over stalls and remember, its been years since we've lost weight. So don't fret stalls, we have the rest of our lives to get our own weight off! No time limit, no rush, no comparisons...only our individual journey that we can share w each other. I am soooo amazed and proud of this Dec 2013 group!! We have n continue to support each other threw it all. From Dec 1 to Dec 31, we've had each others back. Now we share a bench that's getting lighter n lighter. Plz read this posts as I've written it to each of you. Threw my struggles, I read ur posts tho I cudn reply, YOU, helped me keep the Faith. Again Ty and you all are an amazn group of individuals. To Atl nd Mn, you both did an awesome job keeping up w nearly 300 people, thank you. And to those who stepped in when the two had surgery, Ty as well. If I had a wish, it wud b to meet you ALL:). So, I'll shh now, may b the meds, lol. But let me end by sayn, God bless you all, thank you all, and we are on our way, we will get threw this. And hmm, who'll b the first to post pics?? I can't wait. Gn my life long friends:)). Dee Dee
  20. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to DeezJeanz in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    I was told a few ago that I'm gttn DISCHARGED TODAYYYY! Praise God n THANK U ALL FOR UR PRAYERS N SUPPORT:). XOXOX. I'll luk when I'm home:))))
  21. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to DeezJeanz in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Hello to all postop sleevers, I pray that its gotten/getting easier for yall!! Tya again for paving the way for us. Dec 30 th is finally approaching, so I ask that you all take a moment, plz, to pray for our group. Ty in advance:). I pray that God will guide the surgeons hands for tomorrows group and pray that we all have safe passage to the losers bench, free from all error and minimal discomfort. I pray that all that will b asked of us, we will b able to accomplish with flying colors. I pray for the families, esp the kids who are struggling w our decisions, reassure them that God is good and He will take care of us! Know that I will continue keeping us all lifted in prayer. Tya, congrats, and a big XOXO, to u all. Please let the group know how u all are doing as soon as u can, as will I. Bc of our postops advice, I want to encourage us all to walk, sip, walk, sip, walk. Take ur gasX with u and pillow for helping w bracing the coughs. Put our trust in Him and all will go accordingly. I want to add all of this as well to the Dec 31st group, as I may not b able to do so, but know u R all in my thots! Take Care, God Bless and make space for us on the losers bench cuz here we come;) sleep tight if U can. Dee Dee:)))) And just in case, have A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  22. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to krwest001sleeve in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    I was sleeved on December 6. I have lost 22 pounds so far. My goal is to lose 100 pounds and to NEVER shop in a plus size store for myself ever again.
  23. Like
    Mel1071 got a reaction from mistysj in Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol   
    The whole straw thing cracks me up. I was given straws in the hospital and still use them. It is in my surgeon's manual that they are fine to use. And yet straws just set some folks off lol. Since day one I've been getting in at least 64 oz (some days closer up 120). My surgeon is thrilled with my progress and so am I.
  24. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to RunningA5K in Next Christmas we will all be at our 1 year.... what do you hope to wear?   
    So, I have spent some quality time on Pinterest and realized that I am so used to wearing oversized, hide my fat, schleppy clothes that I have absolutely NO idea what my style is going to be when I can wear clothes with style. It's so weird looking at all of those pictures of skinny ladies in skin tight clothes...I just keep thinking 'never gonna happen'.
  25. Like
    Mel1071 reacted to RunningA5K in Next Christmas we will all be at our 1 year.... what do you hope to wear?   
    My hope is to be able to wear something that didn't come from Lane Bryant!

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