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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MRWILLIA6871

  1. I am five months post and I lost 54 pounds to date. Over the last five days, my stomach has been killing me. I can't eat more than a few tablespoons of food before I feel like I have to throw up. I've also had a lot of sharp pains running throughout my stomach. It's getting to the point where my stomach hurts even when I drink liquids? Has anyone ever felt this way before? I'm really concerned.

  2. Even without shaving calories down you might see results just by shifting your diet back to basics. That's assuming you're kinda doing whatever you want right now. It's easier than sort of "dieting" your way back onto track. So for a week, shift to a Protein heavy diet and resume shakes if you can. Push your Protein counts up high and don't worry about calories for this week. Fruits and veggies only after you've had protein, but try to get a few servings in a day. I did this recently to reset and feel incredibly full and like I eat all day long. It nipped the carb monster and nighttime cravings in the bud. From there transition back into lower calories, cutting slowly until you're at a place where you're losing pretty consistently. At that point up your carbs back up for energy and Fiber. And without too much trouble, within a week or two you should be back at an easily maintainable diet that's well rounded and will keep you losing so you can finally reach your goal. Good luck! ~Cheri


    Thank you for this advice. I've fallen off the wagon and I need to get back on track. I think having a heavy protein diet might be just what I need.

  3. I've been having a hard time with people saying to me, "Now that you are skinny, you don't want to talk to us any more." What? Are they serious? The only thing that has changed about me is my body. I'm still the same kind hearted person that I have always been. It amazes me that everyone is making a big deal about this.

  4. Ok brush it off! No use beating up on yourself now. You still have the sleeve. This is going to be hard trust me. But cut out all the crap cold turkey. Don't starve yourself but fill up on lean Protein and veg only. It's going to take awhile to get over those cravings but once you do. It will be easier to to stick to a clean diet and start losing again.

    . I needed to hear this so badly!

  5. My advice to you is do not stock up on any Protein Shakes because after surgery your taste buds may change. That happen to a lot of people. Including me. I threw out so many shakes mixes because I couldn't drink them. I'm 2 weeks post op and I can drink GNC and weight watches high Protein I still struggle but I make my self drink them.

    costco makes a great Protein Shake called Premier Protein! It's fabulous! You may want to try it. It has 30 g of protein in each serving. They come pre-packaged and all you have to do is refrigerate them.

  6. I was sleeved on July 16th. I started at 298. I was down to 281. However, since I began my purée diet, I am up to 285. I'm getting concerned. I thought I was supposed to be losing weight!! I've been somewhat constipated. It probably wouldn't hurt for me to call my dietician on this. How often should I be checking my weight? Is everyday too much?

  7. Sleeved 7/23 down 15 lbs. I'm on liquids for 2 weeks. Does anyone else have pressure under breast bone? When getting outta bed it felt like something ripped. Yikes

    I was sleeved on 7/16. I still battle with pain around my incision every time I get in and out of bed. I'm taking roxicet for the pain & that seems to help. You should talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. Good luck!

  8. Any other newbies on this journey out there?? Had my sleeve on Tuesday' date=' 7/16; so I'm 9 days out. Day 3 has been the worst so far. Think I possibly have temporary (I hope) lactose-intolerance as I'm struggling with some bowel issues; but beyond that, I feel very good. Not being hungry all the time is wonderful. Still hard to get in the habit of not drinking for 30 min. before; during; and 30 min. after eating. How is everyone else making out?[/quote']

    I had my sleeve on 7/16 too! I have had a great deal of diarrhea since the surgery. Right now, my biggest issue is being hungry in the evening. I'm getting tired of the liquids. I'm ready for some solids!

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