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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MRWILLIA6871

  1. MRWILLIA6871

    Really Stuck! Need a restart!

    . Thank you for this advice. I've fallen off the wagon and I need to get back on track. I think having a heavy protein diet might be just what I need.
  2. MRWILLIA6871

    Sick Of Compliments And Comments

    I've been having a hard time with people saying to me, "Now that you are skinny, you don't want to talk to us any more." What? Are they serious? The only thing that has changed about me is my body. I'm still the same kind hearted person that I have always been. It amazes me that everyone is making a big deal about this.
  3. MRWILLIA6871

    Bad habits that i cant stop....

    . I needed to hear this so badly!
  4. I am 4 months post-op. I have lost 46 lbs since my sleeve surgery. I feel that I should have lost more by now. However, I have not exercised a lick this month. In addition, I find myself eating potato chips on occasion. The funny thing about this is that prior to surgery, I didn't like potato chips. I'm determined to get back on track. I want to be at 50lbs. by December.
  5. MRWILLIA6871

    Happy 1 Yr Surgiversary to ME!

    Thank you for sharing your story! I am 2 months out and I needed some encouragement. I've lost 31 lbs. so far. However, I had a bad weekend and I need to get back on track. Congratulations to you!
  6. MRWILLIA6871

    Bad breath

    Hi Sleevers! Has anyone experienced noticeably bad breath since your surgery? I don't know what the issue is. However, this is really a problem for me. I'm to the point where I don't want to get too close to people! Dag nab it!
  7. MRWILLIA6871

    African American Sleevers

    Costco makes a great protein shake called Premier Protein! It's fabulous! You may want to try it. It has 30 g of protein in each serving. They come pre-packaged and all you have to do is refrigerate them.
  8. MRWILLIA6871

    Bad breath

    Whew! I'm glad that I'm not alone!
  9. MRWILLIA6871

    July sleevers!

    I was sleeved on July 16th. I started at 298. I was down to 281. However, since I began my purée diet, I am up to 285. I'm getting concerned. I thought I was supposed to be losing weight!! I've been somewhat constipated. It probably wouldn't hurt for me to call my dietician on this. How often should I be checking my weight? Is everyday too much?
  10. MRWILLIA6871

    July 2013 Sleevers

    I was sleeved on 7/16. I still battle with pain around my incision every time I get in and out of bed. I'm taking roxicet for the pain & that seems to help. You should talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. Good luck!
  11. MRWILLIA6871

    July 2013 Sleevers

  12. MRWILLIA6871

    July 2013 Sleevers

    I had my surgery on 7/16. I'm hungry! I just want a little treat. It's a little hard watching my family eat all the foods I love. I've got to find a way to keep my mind off eating.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
