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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mammecan

  1. I still don't do any salads & I'm almost 3 months out..Funny because I was craving them too..I don't think they reccommend them til after 5 months..Lettuce does not digest. You can have a cocktail, it might kick your butt fast...just remember alcohol dehydrates you badly, you might just find out you don't like it any more...I always drank Kahlur Sombreo's & I hate the smell & taste now..I don't eat any fruit either because of the sugar in it, so I stay away...

  2. It will get better...I promise...In the beginning it is so hard..I could only do a few bites of anything..I ate bites of egg salad made with real mayo..mashed potatoes, tuna salad all made soupy, yogurt...I did drink warm broth..It was the worse trying to get Protein Drinks in..I couldn't handle the smell or the taste,I had to hold my nose.. I loved them before surgery & now I love them again but the 1st month, no way! My energy level was so low & I got depressed and questioned why did I do this..but after a month everything started to make me feel better & better..Now I can eat anything...Good Luck but you'll be just fine..

  3. I was 207 the day of my surgery Nov. 19th its almost been 3 months now..I have only lost 27 lbs since my surgery (10 before surgery)...but I have gone from a size 18 to a size 12 pants..& a 2X top to a L..I lost more inches than weight. I am a Fitness Pal freak..I measure everything & do everything right..I am just a slow loser..I went to my NUT & surgeon last week...they recommended me going from 900 calories to 1200 calories a day..I had a Metabolic Test done (which is just breathing into a machine) to rate what I should be doing, well that said I should be eating more calories & that my body was in a starvation mode (hmm). I am trying this new calorie change for a month to see if I can lose more weight..they did suggest that the more calories should come from Protein only..

  4. I was 207 the day of my surgery Nov. 19th its almost been 3 months now..I have only lost 27 lbs since my surgery (10 before surgery)...but I have gone from a size 18 to a size 12 pants..& a 2X top to a L..I lost more inches than weight. I am a Fitness Pal freak..I measure everything & do everything right..I am just a slow loser..I went to my NUT & surgeon last week...they recommended me going from 900 calories to 1200 calories a day..I had a Metabolic Test done (which is just breathing into a machine) to rate what I should be doing, well that said I should be eating more calories & that my body was in a starvation mode (hmm). I am trying this new calorie change for a month to see if I can lose more weight..they did suggest that the more calories should come from Protein only..

  5. I was sleeved on Nov 19th..I have lost 25 lbs...post surgery...I eat everything I am suppose to, keep my calories under 900..drink a ton of Water, keep my Protein up, take my Vitamins..I can go a month then only lose 1 lb...I had my NUT check my fitness pal...I have an appointment soon..I have to have some test so we can figure out whats going on...which will be balancing my nutrition differently..I may need more or less calories, more or less carbs etc...how my metabulism is running...I am thankful I am not gaining....I did go from a size 16/18 pants to a 12 but my top half hasn't changed any..

  6. Yes Bamaboo...I was a hugh diet coke freak...a 12 pack a day!!!! (and never drank water) Thats all I wanted right after my surgery too...just a swig..bubbly & burn....when I was about 4 weeks out, I took the cover off a bottle of diet coke & let it go flat....pour it over ice & got my fix..no bubbles, no burn tho...now I don't want it at all...I did crystal lite after surgery & now its, why bother...I just drink Water...

  7. I was the same way but now going into my 9th week..I can eat almost anything only a couple of bites...Its funny, I loved bread...I don't want it or miss it now..Things I loved & ate all the time, I just don't want anymore....I do have pizza, but only a little piece & I'm full.....I even have chips!! but 2 or 3 and I'm done...don't want anymore...I went to McDonalds, had a small cheeseburger, no bun & had a couple of bites & I was full....cereal, I only eat 1/2 cup of Special K Protein with a dash of skim milk...As long as you fill up on Water & Protein, your not going to want the food you use to eat...YES, right now you want it only because you can't have it & thats the only reason....You will be amazed with yourself in a few more weeks..I was...

  8. Yes Mary...I would do it again, but if you asked me before the first month was up, I would of told you "no"...I'm a slow healer & the first 3 weeks were bad as far as not being able to eat or drink or get my Protein in....No pain, never any pain....just weak & lazy...Now, I am fine..can eat most anything, just very small...when I go out to eat, I usually get fish or chicken..eat what I can then take the rest home for another 2 meals!!...Drinking is no problem, nor getting my protein in....I have only lost 34 lbs, but I have lost a ton of inches...And I feel good!

  9. Mammecan, Thanks for your input,I have a question ,do you know why we have to give up caffeine? I congratulate you on your first step to success. In my mind you are a hero. Keep up your positive attitude. Stay safe, be happy,live long.......Mary

    Caffeine depletes nutrients that you are struggling to get into your body, it slows the healing process. It causes Water retention yet dehydrates you....being 2 months out now, I drink tea (& maybe too much)...but no soda's..the carbonation will kill your belly...I didn't have to wear those support hose..but you have to walk, walk, walk...I had the sleeve so it could be different for the bypass...

  10. Mine was the same as above...You just listen, yes the surgeon should be there..It is a long haul from the first meeting to your surgery...Mine was March til I was finally scheduled in Nov. but every place is different...I had to go to more group meetings, see a nutritionist twice, do a one on one with a shrink then 6 more group classes with him, go to physical therepy twice, see my own primary care for tests & an approval, have an ekg, blood work, a scope of my stomach (put under), do follow ups with the nurses and get my weight down 10 lbs (some could be up to 40-50 lbs)...quit smoking & give up caffeine...phew...but I did it & couldn't be happier..I wish I did it a long time ago..Good Luck!

  11. I am 57 and had my sleeve surgery 2 months ago...Its the best thing I ever did...still have a long way to go but I feel great..It was hard the first 2 weeks but everyday gets better & better..I went from a size 18 pants to a 12...My bottom half is shrinking faster than my top...I started in March of 2013 & it was alot of work going to all the group meetings & PT & a NUTritionist & the surgeons nurses & my PC dr & 6 classes with a shrink..then finally with the surgeon..blood tests, ekg's etc....I had to quit smoking & give up all caffeine, which I did.it was a long haul til I got my surgery date of Nov.19th, 2013....BUT it is so worth it....My ins paid 100% but I had to pay the shrink 300.00 out of pocket...The sleeve is a much easier surgery & recovery than the bypass..

  12. Its hard, it really is...I am 8 weeks now & still have little minor problems..I could not get anything in either. I was told no fruit of any kind..to much sugar (including natural)& no Protein in it..I still don't eat fruit..Just stay with the Greek yogurts..Dannon lite & fit has lower sugars & higher protein..you might get in 2 bites or egg salad with lite mayo..a couple of bites, but you have to get that Water in..get crystal lite..it goes down easier when its warm & a Protein Shake, add skim milk for more protein..Get PB2 powered Peanut Butter, Walmart sells it..I at mashed potatoes early on too..I'd get a small container at KFC & that would last me all week...You'll feel better, I promise...and walk, walk the house back & forth if you have to...

  13. Keep you chin up...You'll be fine..it was up to week 5 that I felt like crap..But like everyone else says and it is so true...Protein & water!!! I couldn't stand shakes..I couldn't handle the smell or the texture..I'm at week 8 now & I drink them & actually like them now..I drink alot of hot/warm tea with skim milk...bottled Water a room temp..I can eat almost anything (couple of bites). I did get very emptional/depressed in the beginning & did ask myself on several occasions "wtf did I do to myself" again like everyone else says..it passes..Hang in there, its tough right now & I promise it will get better..

  14. I'm 8 weeks today just advanced to all foods...I am required to have only 3(2oz)meals and 2 Snacks in the form of Protein shakes, no snacking on food, however I find it's better if I get my shake in as Breakfast and split one meal as two Snacks my nut said this is fine, they just don't want us snacking instead of getting our Protein in. So this is today's menu...keep in mind only been on real food since Monday lol!

    B-Premier Protein Shake(RTD)

    S-1oz Beef Jerky

    L-2oz grilled chicken and small and of salad veggies.

    S-1 oz slice Deli Turkey wrapped around a pickle spear.

    D-1 1/2oz grilled chicken, Slice of cheese & two slices of Tomato.< /p>

    S-RTD Premier Protein

    You haven't updated your weight loss...how's it going?? are you losing?

  15. Like everyone else..I am 8 weeks out & I can eat anything..I concentrate on my Protein first...then my water..I just can't eat much..I don't eat any kind of bread, rolls, bagels...I haven't had any fruit at all & only carrots, mashed pot, & mashed butternut squash as a veggie..only because fruit is loaded with (natural sugar) that I just don't want & my NUT only told me to have carrots. Today I have had: my tea with skim milk, egg with lite swiss melted, Protein Shake & a protein bar..Lunch, I had a cheese stick with a pickle all wrapped in a piece of baked ham. I will maybe have a yogurt or almonds later, then dinner...what ever that may be..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
