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Everything posted by Mammecan

  1. Like everyone else..I am 8 weeks out & I can eat anything..I concentrate on my protein first...then my water..I just can't eat much..I don't eat any kind of bread, rolls, bagels...I haven't had any fruit at all & only carrots, mashed pot, & mashed butternut squash as a veggie..only because fruit is loaded with (natural sugar) that I just don't want & my NUT only told me to have carrots. Today I have had: my tea with skim milk, egg with lite swiss melted, protein shake & a protein bar..Lunch, I had a cheese stick with a pickle all wrapped in a piece of baked ham. I will maybe have a yogurt or almonds later, then dinner...what ever that may be..
  2. Mammecan

    Remind me again...

    I have a ton of stalls...I was at 187 for a month...now 184 for a few weeks BUT I went from a size 16/18 pants to a 12 that are starting to get loose..the upper part of my body hasn't changed much..Everyone is so different...
  3. Mammecan

    7 Weeks Out and Constantly Starving!

    Are you still losing weight?? I had surgery 8 weeks ago & have only lost 35 lbs..I would say you are doing quite well..when I get the hungry gurgles I have a protein shake & that works..I was told no fruits yet..(to much sugar)..and only carrots...Good Luck..
  4. Mammecan

    1 Week Post Op

    Happy Birthday! You are the same as me...I'm 8 days out, today is MY birthday & I weigh 199....
  5. I like Atkins bars & Premier Protein Bars (penutbutter) sold at Walmart...Not to be confused with Pure Protein..
  6. Mammecan

    Wife thinks I'm eating to little

    Im pre op but everything I'm reading and just looked at my post op meal planner...thats alot...for only being 3 weeks out...Good luck....80 gs of protein is plenty for the day...my NUT said over that is "useless"...just make sure you have the 80 grams & plenty of water..
  7. Happy Birthday....You'll have many many more Birthdays being healthy.....make this a memorable one with no food....When you look back..you'll be thankful & skinny..
  8. Finished everything yesterday...just have to wait for 5:30 AM November 19th!! Every doctor is different....I had to lose 10 lbs before my surgery date & I did....My doctor doesn't do liquid diets, I just have to keep those 10lbs off....I was so scared of what everyone was saying about there liquids & how hard it was....I am eating correctly so hoping to be down another pound or 2 by surgery...wish me luck..
  9. I have 2 pre-op appointments today, i with my surgeon, 1 with the bariatric nurse..My surgery is in 2 weeks..I don't think my dr does liquid diets...do you think I'll be getting pre-op blood work? every test I needed has been done already...the nurse phoned me the other day with 15 minutes worth of medical questions..so I am just wondering...
  10. Mammecan

    November buddies where are you?

    My 2 week pre-op is today 1 with the surgeon & then the other with the bariatric nurse..what should I expect?? I don't think my doctor does liquid diets...will they do blood work today? anyone else have 2 week before surgery appoints?
  11. My surgery is Nov 19th & my birthday is on Thanksgiving!! now thats alot of food to be missing....thats okay tho...we will have plenty more healthy & happy Birthdays & Thanksgivings!!!
  12. I use to eat grapes by the bag full, thinking they were good for me...wrong...I can have 13..thats it..3 strawberries..only a few blueberries..
  13. I am pre-op also.. thats alot of sugar...natural but still sugar...
  14. I got my PB2 at Walmart for 4.00..It looks like you did good tho...
  15. Do it for you!!! I am still pre-op but I have been close to 200 lbs almost all my life & at 57....I decided it was time for me...my only reget will be not doing it at an early age...Good Luck...
  16. I used what was on the scale at my very first bariatric weigh-in...
  17. Thank you Nomore cupcakes for posting this...this was an awesome topic for me..26 more days!!!
  18. Mammecan

    Hair Regrowth?

    I am not sure on that, still pre-op, but I got shampoo at CVS called "Bioton & Collegen" its in a dark purple plastic round fat bottle with a big gold cap. I think it is put out by "Organix" or a name close to that...It was around 5.00..my hair is nice & thick now, it does work for me...preparing for the loss...Good Luck!
  19. Hopefully by my surgery time I'll be in the 190's...so I'll will be in that catagory..closer to 70's tho...from the posts I am reading, it seems like the less you have to lose, the longer it takes and I'm 57 so it might even take longer for me!
  20. OMG...congratulations are in order....you look fantastic!!! Hard work pays off...Good for you!
  21. Mammecan

    hair loss?

    I am still pre-op but I have been preparing...I have thin hair but alot of it, so it looks like I have thick hair, its above my shoulders..I bought a shampoo called "Biotin & ??" at CVS for around 5 bucks..it comes in a short, round plastic bottle. I have been using it to thicken up my hair & it has helped alot..using it about a month now..
  22. Can you send me your address so I ca send you the money..thanks
  23. Mammecan

    Anyone from boston? Mgh?

    Not in Boston but in Portsmouth NH on November 19...GOOD LUCK
  24. I have been stocking up on my protein powders..I am in love with "Unjury.com" Their chicken soup protein powder is the best..I just had one & want another...doesn't have the smell of other protein drinks. Nice to drink a hot "protein" drink on this chilly day.. You can add anything to it for more protein!!...They just came out with cheese sauce that I want to try...
  25. I think thats why I like it so much...even when I drink my tea, I have extra milk...so its not that hot...don't mind warm soda either...

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