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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Entries posted by mailsuriel

  1. mailsuriel
    So, its almost 5 days since i got sleeved...and i yet dont know what and how i feel!!... A bit at sea for more detailed info on getting sleeved, so joined up this site in the hope to make some friends who're sailing the same boat and learn from their experiences...
  2. mailsuriel
    Hi...13 days since the sleeve...going on ok so far...no issues...unless one calls the grumbling noises from the tummy & the horrid hunger pangs an issue!!!... What does one do...how does one cope with a raucous tummy and a hankering, gnawing feeling within??... My doc says i need to be on clear liquids for a month...is t that a tad too much??

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