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Posts posted by FibroDiva

  1. What did I miss, you guys?


    Are you sure you need this?

    You know you can't eat/drink that after surgery, right?

    You need to do this for your health, not your looks.

    Have you tried anything else?

    Oh, my friend had that. She went senile/gained it all back/joined the tea party.

    It's insane what people will say to us!

    Here's another one.

    Oh, when my friend told me she had a friend who had the surgery she wanted me to meet . . . I thought you would be one of the super hugmongus women.

  2. Thank you Cmt7831.... I don't think its the pain meds that we're making me nauseated because I was barely using it. The morphine kept me sleeping so I didn't want to go to sleep.. They have been giving me anti-nausea medication sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Any way I'm feeling a million times better today and waiting on some Water (YAY !!!) and for them to remove the foley.

    Take it slow. The first couple of days post op are rough. Once they remove the foley, you will start to feel better.

  3. @fibrodiva how was it are you eating mushy foods yet

    Thanks for asking. I'm doing better, My Fibromyalgia pain is back to its pre-op level and I can now sense my surgery pain which is controllable. I'm not taking any pain medication at all.

    I saw the nutritionist yesterday and she told me I can start a protien diet tomorrow. She says I can not start a full liquid diet until Septemember 12 and won't be able to move to soft foods until September 26.

    I'm glad to see so many earyly Augusters have already started soft foods. I know that the LCMH crew wants me to lose at much weight as quickly as possible but I do want to take it slow so I can begin exercising and strengthening muscle along the way.

    Have a comfortable day everyone.

  4. I finally got my referral, but the bariatric coordinator tells me that I can't start the process unless I've been with my pcp for at least a year? So I contacted my insurance BCBS of Illinois H M O...and they told me, it doesn't matter the time frame to receive a referral.

    My guess is that, the surgical center has their own requirements... one being that you have to be with your pcp for at least 1 year. Well I have the referral and at least I know that my pcp is weight loss surgery friendly.

    I'm going to talk to the coordinator again, because she also said that because I have H M O, they require that too... which is not true.

    What do you think guys??? Do you think I should just find a center that will accept the referral or do they all require you to be with your pcp for a year?

    My center required that I see a pcp and cardiologist from their group even though I had my own. My insurance BCBS PPO through the city of chicago only required that I had 6 months of visits with a pcp, and, 1 visit with a cardiologist, a psychaitrisit, a pulminologist, and a personal trainer, all of the above for the express purpose of discussing weight loss. So even if I had all these doctors and my center accepted them, I still had to have the required visits and couldn't discuss other health concerns.

  5. So excited for you! That's great! And I will look into that evergreen hospital thank you! I've been getting some negative feedback from a couple friends today so I'm kinda down. I made the decision and I'm going to do this but it's so hard to hear "just really work out and eat right" and you're just gonna gain it back. I think I'm just not goingt to tell anyone anything from now on. Thank yiu for letting me vent!

    Just remember you are doing this for your health, not for what anyone else may think

  6. That's great! I was sleeved on July 29th and have had not had any meds. after bring released. It appears that I've developed a slight cough and congestion. Remember, I here in Miss. and the weather if extremely hot. Today I scheduled for full liquids. Has anyone tried egg drop Soup? I'm planning to strain the eggs out if it.

    Take care of yourself.

    That egg drop soup sounds like a good idea.

    My mom was from New Orleans and cooked with sachets. She would fill little squares of cheesecloth with the seasonings of her choice and toss them in whatever she was cooking. This way she got the flavor she wanted without having to worry about fishing out or straining seasoning flakes out of food items she didn't want people to see this flakes.

  7. Hello Everyone,

    I am one week away from surgery day, 8-14. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Nervous because I am about to let go my love affair with food and excited to be a healthy new me. Nervous because I will take this journey without my soulmate by my side, newly widowed. Excited because he ALWAYS cheered me on with anything I ever wanted to do.

    I guess since its 2 weeks of liquids and 2 weeks of soft food, I really wanna know what people were able to tolerate and some meal choices for when its time to be able to eat real food again.

    Continued Blessings All



    So sorry for your lost, you will have an angel over your surgeon's shoulder.

  8. Congrats !!! Glad to hear you're doing well.

    Sent from my ADR6330VW using VST

    Thank you TV-Duhhh!!!, now I have to fight the urger to baby sit. I miss hugging my grandchildren but they are all so young and will not understand why YiaYIa cannot pick them up.

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