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Posts posted by andielmt

  1. i have a five year old and i showed him my belly after surgery because he likes to jump on me alot so i wanted to show him that i had a booboo so he wouldnt jump on me. he did tell everyone that i had my stomach cut open but he didnt really ask why. i did tell him that mommy is trying to lose weight. he didnt really ask any questions. right now i am able to eat reg food so he doesnt notice much. i am 6 weeks out. in the beginning when i was eating less he didnt notice. once he saw me having a pb and said mommy are you going to throw up and i said that i got my food stuck because i ate to fast. so he can tell when i am having problems with food.


  2. thanks for all of the feedback, i am going to my doctor on friday and i will ask for a fill soon, as far as pizza i will stay away from it. i liked how i felt emotionally when i ate Protein and stuck to it especially in the first month. now that i have slipped and have had some things that i shouldnt i feel really bad about myself. it was awesome in the beginning when i couldnt eat much and i have to keep this in mind and know thats why i got the band is because it is adjustable its just so hard to be patient but for me to lose 20lbs in one month is more than i have lost in 5 years.


  3. i am convinced that i stretched my stomach, i ate 1 1/2 pieces of pizza ( chewing very well) and it didnt even phase me. before surgery two pieces would have satisfied me. just a few days ago i still would get full on little amounts now in the past few days i can eat quite a bit. i am trying not to overdue it. it worries me that i can eat pizza and have no effect. it felt good in the beginning because i would get full on small amounts and i lost 20 lbs in a month now i havent lost and i am afraid that i am eating to much. should i go back on the diet that i was on when i first had surgery? i ate only Protein, eggs, turkey, ham, Protein Shakes and yogurt. they say that i can eat regular foods now but im not as full and i am not losing either. any advice? i need some feedback because i am feelling really bad right now. thanks


  4. julie wow you have lost so much weight that is awesome i hope that i can lose that much. i do have some things i need to work on obviously especially sneaking a sweet in a day. that is my old habits but now its time for new improvements. one thing that has helped is buying sugar free Snacks like pudding it is low cal and no sugar if i can cheat on that it will be better than eating reg sweets and i makes me feel really bad everytime i cheat so i need to remember that and learn its just hard to break habits.


  5. thanks i am now 6 weeks out tomorrow and will be seeing my doctor on friday. i will discuss getting a fill. i feel like a failure though because when i went to her two weeks ago she said that i was doing awesome and that i dont need a fill because i had lost so much weight within a month, now when i go in i think that i am going to ask for a fill soon, yesterday i was able to eat like i did before surgery ( first time since being banded) personally i didnt like that, i liked how i felt for the first 5 weeks because i got full quick and didnt eat much but for the past two days ive been hungry and also making some bad choices which can lead to hunger such as eating my husbands m+ms that he got for christmas. you all are right i need to get the junk out of the house. what about Pasta should i avoid that? to much of carbs will make you crave sweets and make you hungry?


  6. well i have done really well in the first month i followed the rules and lost 20lbs then week 4 i got really nauseas and only could eat about 500-600 calories a day and didnt lose a pound, it was hard to get anything in because i had no appetite. now i am on week 5 and am eating reg foods. i havent gained anything but im not losing anymore. i have to admit something, each day i have cheated and had something sweet for example a handful of m+m or a piece of chocolate from a box of chocolates, i am so mad at myself because ive done so well and now that i can eat reg food ive slipped back into my old habits. i do realize what i am doing wrong i only hope that i can get a grip on it. i have thought about going to a weight loss counselor that they offer here for weight issues but i dont have insurance right now so i have to wait. i am going to try to stay focused and eat more Protein and no sweets and exercise more i just need to vent and see if anyone else had this problem


  7. thanks fort bend, i think that i am getting impatient because i did lose 20 lbs in one month and now i expect for it to come off and when it doesnt i get discouraged. i even gained a pound today when i stepped on the scale. im not nauseas anymore so i should be able to get a 1000 calories in so maybe this will be better than eating 500 calories a day. i do need to exercise, i havent really done much since surgery. take care


  8. inthe first two weeks i lost 14lbs and then in the following two weeks i lost another 6 and now this past week ive only lost 2 ilbs. i am eating reg foods including Pasta now. for one week i was so nauseas that i was only eating about 500 calories a day now that my hunger is back im back up to 1000 a day. today for the first time in weeks i felt like i ate alot. it seemed so much easier in the beginning to only eat chicken, eggs, tuna, yogurt and instant carnation and the weight melted away. now i have a bigger selection of food and i feel more out of control because i dont have such a controlled diet. i know that im supposed to eat Protein first but sometimes i forget. like today i had a weight watchers meal with meatballs and pasta it said that it had 20 grams of protein but i know that i should of chosen a better meal. i cant help being hard on myself because i feel like im slipping into my old habits a little. if i can stick to chicken and other protein everyday that would be better for me but is that realistic to eat that everyday? is it ok to have protein in a sandwich if the bread is whole wheat? i dont want to eat to much bread or pasta but i need to change my diet up a little. any suggestions. i go to the dietician on the 4th so i guess i can express my concerns to her. is it normal to feel a little bad when you start eating reg. food again and the weight loss slows down?


  9. i was just about to put a similiar post on today. for 1 week i have been so nauseas that i was only eating around 500 calories a day now today i am starving and not nauseas and seem to being alot more. it sucks because it was nice to be full on a few bites here and there now today i feel like i have no restriction at all. i also can tolerate today Pasta which bothered me last week. i have only been on reg food for one week now i am 5 weeks out and lost 20lbs in 4 weeks and last week when i only ate 500 calories a day i didnt lose anything. how disappointing. am i going to lose anymore? should i be concerned? i know that i havent gained any but now that i am eating reg food i dont want to gain.


  10. ive noticed that my weight loss is so unpredictable now. for the first two weeks i lost 1 pound per day and then i slowed down. i went 6 days without any weight loss and then lost 5 in two days. i am almost 5 weeks out and lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks but havent lost anything in the past 5 days. is it because im not eating much and my body thinks its starving? for example somedays i eat around 1000 calories and somedays im so nauseas that i may only eat 500-600 calories. should i be more consistant on the calories? its hard to eat or drink anything when your nauseas. should i eat anyway when my stomach is feeling icky? they say dont eat if your not hungry but somedays i barely get anything in. and as far as weight loss is this normal to go days without any weight loss.


  11. wow rochelle you have lost alot of weight did you lose all of this after the band? im not so worried about the nausea because it comes and goes but i am still having problems with fatigue. different times of the day i get extremely tired like im sick tired or something i have to lay down when i get like this. its weird because before surgery if i ate really bad this would happen due to the carbs or sugar but now i am barely eating. ive been tested several times for diabetes but the tests always come back normal. this concerns me


  12. ive been doing pretty good so far but this week i had a handful of m+ms at work and a handful of chips. i have been nauseaus all week everyday it comes and goes throughout the day. should i be worried? i am now trying to eat like i did the week of surgery to get my stomach back to normal. maybe it was to soon to have chocolate, i should know better but its hard when all of that stuff is at work in front of you. overall i have had some self control but m+ms are one of my week points.


  13. i had redness around my port incision after a few days of surgery and didnt have a fever or anything but 6 days after surgery it spread and got really bad and i had to go to the emergency room for antibiotics then on that following monday i had to have my incision cut back open for it to drain and now i still have an open wound which is still healing. just make sure its not sore or spreading any bigger


  14. i went for a one month follow up today and have lost 20lbs so far. my surgeon said that is really good especially for a band patient. she said that i cant have a fill for awhile because they had to reopen my port incision 7 days after surgery due to an infection and because it hasnt closed yet she cant give me a fill. she said that because i am losing weight i may not even need a fill at all right now. i go for my 6 week follow up on the 4th of january and she said we can talk about it then. i thought i was doomed at one time because i went 6 days without loosing a thing now i have lost another 5 lbs in a few days so i hope it doesnt stop. it would be awesome if this keeps going. i do have days that i feel like i can eat all day and sometimes i do snack a little but then i have days that i am full for most of the day. i am having a hard time getting my fluids in and fruit and vegetables. its hard to think about drinking when your full or nauseus. if your suppose to eat Protein first how do you get enough vegetables in?any ideas?


  15. i am now 4 weeks out have noticed in the past few days that my hair on the top of my head forehead is thinning out. i am mortified. i have thin hair to begin with now you can see my sculp. i havent noticed much hair in the shower but i can see the loss in the mirror. how do you get enough nutrients when you can only eat so much a day? i am making a few bad choices so that doesnt help, i am aware that when i eat something that isnt on the diet i try to replace it with something healthy. if i could just skip the other stuff. i also am finding it hard to get enough fluids in, any suggestions? i want to be healthy and have hair.


  16. i am one month out tomorrow and the doctor okd me to eat regular food now. i have slipped like everyday this week for some reason. talk about feeling like a failure. i am doing well for the most part but am not getting enough fluids in and i have eaten something each day that i shouldnt have. yes it may be a bite or two or small amounts (better than before surgery) but i wish i could stick to it 100%. some of it is definetely mental. we know not to do it but sometimes we just give in because thats what were used to. i realize that i need to drink much more inbetween meals and get more Protein. its hard when you are eating less to get everything in such as fruits, veg, Calcium, protein. we have to try to make the best choices we can because our intake especially after a restriction is going to be less and we wont get enough nutrients in, i think this is a problem for me because my hair is really thinning on the top and i am mortified. it has been thinning for the past few years but in the past few days ive really noticed it. i wish you well and maybe we can email each other back for support.


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