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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by andielmt

  1. i had my first fill on jan 4 .5cc in a 4cc band and i do feel some restriction but if i eat a little to much or a little to fast my stomach feels really tight like its going to burst. is that the band that i feel. it really scared me when it happened to me once because i dont want anything bad to happen so now i am really cautious of how much i eat. i usually stick to the recommended amount but sometimes i think i eat a little more because ill eat something and wait a few minutes and then if im still hungry ill eat some more and thats when i eat to much and feel to full.


  2. for the first month after surgery i barely had any carbs. now i eat a little everyday between milk, yogurt and sometimes weight watchers meals which some have Pasta ( i usually only eat half of the serving size that it comes). well i havent had any sweets for a week so i treated myself to a small whoopi pie ( from the grocery store) and it put me out. i felt like someone gave me a sleeping pill. between the sugar and the carbs i couldnt even function. i layed down and couldnt get up for 2 hours. it may have been because of the sweet (more so the sugars) but sometimes if i eat pasta i get really tired also. so needless to say i guess ill have to stay away from those kind of things.


  3. i had my first fill last friday and have noticed a little bit of restriction. i can drink a 8oz sf instant carnation breakfast at 7:30 and be ok until 12:00 and i usually do ok at lunch but sometimes at dinner i can eat more if im not careful. i go for another appointment in 5 weeks so i may ask for another small fill. my first fill was .5cc in a 4cc band. i lost 4 pounds in 5 days so if this keeps up i wont need another fill for a while. i did gain 1pound today but i kind of ate alot yesterday. is it normal to flex up and down a pound or to? sirusman you have lost so much weight without a fill that good, most people cant do that, it must be working well for you. i have to say that all of you seem to be doing well so far. as far as eating to fast i need to be more cautious of this so i wont have problems down the road.


  4. i am now 7 weeks out and find myself eating fast like i always used to. at first for the first month i would get food stuck if i didnt chew well or if i ate to fast but now nothing gets stuck. i am not taking 1/2 hour to eat my food, im lucky to make it to 15 min. i know that i need to slow down but its a bad habit of mine. i hope that im not hurting anything by doing this.


  5. <p><p>today for lunch i tried something different for lunch. i had 2oz of white chicken in a can with Water (valley fresh white chicken in water) it has 1g of fat,15g of Protein and 70 calories and i added 1 tsp of light miracle whip(20 calories, 1.5 g of fat,) and put it on one slice of weight watchers rye bread (55 calories, 5 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fat) i like the weight watchers wheat bread better though. so all together there is 20 grams of protein and 145 calories and 3.5 grams of fat. after eating this i am full but if this isnt enough you could add some veg or fruit or something low calorie. i probably wont eat this everyday because i dont want to eat bread all of the time but its a nice change</p> <p>andrea</p></p> <p>i have to correct something. the bread has 5 grams of protein if you eat two slices im sorry but it still has 2.5 grams of protein which is better than none. is there any bread out there with more protein? if so let me know but im trying to count calories and fat also.</p>

  6. thats what the weight loss center here told me to drink after surgery and now in between meals is the sugar free instant carnation with skim milk or 1% milk 8oz. i drink it in the morning and im not hungry until 3-4 hours later. as far as slimfast i had one today and it didnt really do anything. it has 20 grams of Protein and has 6grams of carbs and 190 calories. im not even sure if i should waist my time with them if they cant hold me over until dinner


  7. <p>since i got my first fill on friday i have lost 5 lbs and have been sticking to 800-1000 calories a day and exercising. i have noticed a little difference since banded but not much. i dont feel to full when eating 1/2 a cup of food but im not starving either. i do eat a yogurt or fruit cup or Water inbetween meals which helps a little and helps with head hunger to. today i was really hungry though. i did good all day but when i got home i ate about 1/2 bag of 100 calorie pack popcorn and i wuffed it down like it was going out of style. i havent binged like that since ive had surgery almost 7 weeks ago. then 1/2 hour later i ate my supper. i cant believe that i could hold all of that food. i havent cheated on anything in one week and have done well on proportions until tonight. i even had one cookie today. for some reason i was really hungry today and had some cravings. i guess its normal to have days which you can eat more and feel like eating but now that im banded i dont want to risk anything especially my band.</p> <p>andrea</p>

  8. kagoscuba- i weigh 246 pounds and am 5'3 and am 33 years old if i calculated right according to the calculator i should be eating around 1800 calories a day. should i discuss this with my nutritionist? i know that they tell everyone who had the bypass or band to eat 800-1000 calories a day. its standard for everyone. what did your nutritionist tell you when you had the band?


  9. thanks for the feedback. i guess i could use skim milk if i am going to use the whey Protein. i like the idea of protein bullets. you said that you can get them at GNC? ill have to try them. im in the habit of drinking sugar free carnation breakfast (60 calories) + milk because thats what the dietician had me on when i had surgery. i could eat eggs in the morning instead. i was also told that its better to eat protein than drink it so i will do that. i will resort to shakes once in a while ( for example when im at work and need something in between) the low carb slimfast is low in everything and high in protein but it doesnt really stay with me but i guess its something to have inbetween meals if im at work. i would have some wheat crackers or something but i was told not to snack in between meals just to drink.


  10. when the nutrionist say to eat 800-1000 calories a day how do they base that? everyone is different i used to eat fast food at least once a week on top of sweets and didnt gain a pound in 5 months before surgery which must have come to more than 2000 calories a day. so for me now to only eat 800-1000 calories a day is such a big difference that you would think that the weight would melt off. how do you know if you should be getting more. is the drastic change preventing me to lose? i am now exercising 4-5 times a week for at leat 30 minutes. i havent really noticed that my clothes are loser but some people think i look a little thinner and some dont notice. i guess i will have to do the best that i can and stay away from fast food and sweets and keep on drinking plenty of Water. this is such a big improvement over what i used to eat so i should look at it thay way and realize that we are going to be healthier in the long run.


  11. my nutritionist told me on friday to stay away from Protein Drinks because by the time you add everything in the calories add up. i have Protein Powder called (whey) and its 150 calories for one scoop then you add 1 cup of milk which is 115 calories and then i add a few strawberries which is 50 calories so the question i have is this too many calories if i use the shake as a meal? i wont get in the habit of this everyday but once in awhile when im home i would like to have one instead of eating the same thing all of the time. i do have low carb slimfast shakes that have 20 grams of Protein and 190 calories but it doesnt stay with me for long. the shakes that i make are thicker and make me full. also when i drink an instant carnation Breakfast in the morning it says to mix with 8oz of milk i have 16oz paper cups that ive been drinking instead ,is this bad? sometimes 8oz doesnt fill me up but the thing im worried about is if i drink the 16oz for breakfast this will be more calories so i need to be careful. the instant carnation breakfast works for me because it is quick and it usually fills me up until lunch.< /p>


  12. i was wondering why we sometimes dont lose even when our calorie intake is alot less than it used to be. i went from 2500 or so down to about 1000 calories a day. you would think that the weight would melt away. i am eating no fast food, hardly any bread or Pasta, mostly fluids and Protein. i am not getting enough fruits and veg in but i had a hard time with this before surgery because i would choose bad things over good things. i have definitely come a long way from what i used to eat. yes i cheat once in awhile but it shouldnt be enough to keep the weight from coming off. i am now 7 weeks and didnt lose for about 2 1/2 weeks and now i just lost about 3 pounds in the past few days. i know that wieght loss is slower with the band but if we are eating less all away around why arent we losing so much?


  13. in the past few weeks i have been so tired. especially on my days off i take a nap because i get tired after lunch. today was bad i got really tired in the morning then in the afternoon i was so tired that i slept for 2 hours. this is really bothering me that i am so tired lately. it seems like i am sleeping all of the time. i told my nutritionist and my doctor but they didnt seem concerned. i am even exercising now so you would think that i would have more energy. should i make an appt with my reg doctor to have blood work done?


  14. seeming how i just got my first fill today how long should i wait if i still get hungry soon? i am starving right now only eating 1/2 cup of food with each meal. i think that i will give it a week or two trying to eat what they recommend and if i am still hungry maybe call my doctor. since ive been banded i hardly have times that i am starving so it has worked for the most part so i cant complain about being hungry. today is the first time that i can say that i am still hungry. maybe i havent been hungry lately is because ive been eating more per meal more than recommended.


  15. i just went to the nutrionist today and she said that i should be getting full on 1/2 a cup of food. ive been eating at least a cup if not more. i asked if i could have a Protein Shake each day just to get my Protein in but she said by the time you add a few strawberries and milk it will be high in calories. i am still trying to get the diet down pack. they say protein first, then veg, starch, fruit. sometimes the protein doesnt fill me up that well. i went to the doctors today as well and she gave me an unexpected fill of .5 cc. i thought that i would be really full seeming how i got a fill today but i dont fell much difference. i am a little sore from the fill but cant really tell that i have restriction. i will have to really try hard to eat a little and stick to protein until my next fill. i am suprised to say that my fill didnt hurt at all. my doctor gave me some laticane first. she believes on giving small amounts of saline at first to be cautious. i have a question- i bought some low carb slimfast that have 20grams of protein with 190 calories is this ok to drink once a day? at my informative meeting before surgery they didnt recommend drinking Protein Drinks.< /p>



  16. i just went to the nutrionist today and she said that i should be getting full on 1/2 a cup of food. ive been eating at least a cup if not more. i asked if i could have a Protein Shake each day just to get my Protein in but she said by the time you add a few strawberries and milk it will be high in calories. i am still trying to get the diet down pack. they say protein first, then veg, starch, fruit. sometimes the protein doesnt fill me up that well. i went to the doctors today as well and she gave me an unexpected fill of .5 cc. i thought that i would be really full seeming how i got a fill today but i dont fell much difference. i am a little sore from the fill but cant really tell that i have restriction. i will have to really try hard to eat a little and stick to protein until my next fill. i didnt buy and sweets this week and i put my husbands m+ms in the garage not in the house.


  17. tampajohn i am going to the nutrionist tomorrow hopefully this will help. i noticed that when i was nauseas i only ate 500 calories a day and didnt lose, now i am eating around 1000 give or take, i am trying to keep track of my calories, i noticed that they add up quickly when i snack or drink them. in the beginning it was so easy i had strict plans to follow and it came off, now that i am eating reg food its hard to keep track of everything. before surgery it was scolded to me to eat 5 fruits and veg a day now that i had surgery i hear Protein, protein, protein then the fruits and veg. i feel so confused on what to do. i dont think that i am getting enough protein in lately either, i am tired everyday. and as far as liquids i need more. well its been 6 weeks for me and the first 4 was easy to follow because i had some restriction and now i dont so i need to really pay attention and hopefully when i get a few fills i will do better because everything i eat has to count.


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