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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chickie

  1. Chickie

    Band Unfill???

    Honestly, it depends on what you did to lose the weight. If you relied pretty exclusively on restriction to lose weight, you are going to need restriction to maintain. If you modified your lifestyle, and eat healthy whole foods, and exercise on a daily basis, a couple of different things might happen. Your weight loss might slow down to a crawl when you get close to your goal weight, and struggle to get there, or you might get to goal, and with very little modification to your current eating and exercise, you will maintain, or (like me) you might find despite your best efforts to stop losing, you don't. And really, that third scenario's the only one that calls for an unfill total or otherwise. Your best bet, is to get to your goal weight, and reassess the situation when you get there.
  2. Chickie

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Can you hear me giggling from way down here? :sneaky: "I actually had one gal in a public restroom what I used that smelled so good" I can't imagine EVER asking someone in a public toilet what they were using that smelled so good.
  3. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Same game, different players. Justifying ones own position by attacking someone else's. I don't need to justify my position to anyone, I just am, and I am happy with it. I am just an easy target because I represent everything that they are not. *Healthy (I haven't had to go to hospital for malnutrition and low potassium) *Happy (who calls strangers unattractive for no reason? Is this something a happy person does?) *Fit (But apparently that is an addiction transfer) *At a healthy weight (but healthy is unattractive) So whatever.
  4. Chickie

    Losing too much weight

    Yes..... I have an addiction transfer because I exercise for the recommended 30 minutes to an hour a day, and enjoy it :tongue: And I don't preach shit, so I think you should stop trying to justify your position by over analyzing everything. I didn't say anything about her weight, or your, and I don't think that I have ever said that anyone should be a particular shape or size. YOU were the one who said that I would think you were fat or some horse shit to that effect. My only opinion on the matter is that a healthy goal weight is attainable, for everyone (and it's attainable without starvation and malnutrition) Have fun girls. People like you and Grace can attack my look, saying I am boney, and too thin for your taste, but really, it's a form of flattery. Because, if I wasn't something that threatened you, or your idea's or opinions, you wouldn't bother with me. I am happy to be a healthy weight, happy to have a healthy diet (not on a diet like a large % of the population), healthier than the average 27 year old, and just happy to be alive :thumbup: And clearly happier than the two of you put together.
  5. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Can something be done about the whole "I know she thinks I am fat" bullshit? I never said anything of the sort, whereas they have said that I am unattractive. It's kinda hypocritical actually. Funny too. But I digress. After a good 5km with my beloved, and a coffee, I am feeling rather mellow, and actually feel sorry for those women who have nothing better to do than try to cut others down (or up to?) to their size on the internet.
  6. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I hate it when someone talks shit about my size. Says "good for you, you have come a long way" then says I have "That look" that she finds unattractive. Fuck her, and her tootsie rolls. I find her attitude unattractive.
  7. Chickie

    Losing too much weight

    See, this is the sort of bullshit that bothers me. I honestly don't give a fuck what shape or size YOU are. You could be square for all I care. But start talking smack about how think people are unattractive, you are going to touch a nerve with a few people around here, not just me. Yes she may have been talking about herself, but when it was worded so poorly, and painted such a broad generalization, it's hard not to touch the nerves of a few people who are a size six or under. I did not attach Grace, how the hell you got an attack from what I said, I have no idea. Sarcasm absolutely! And attack, nope. So go analyze someone else please. And yes, you and all the other people who don't wantto be a healthy weight should look into why you have such a fear of being a normal, healthy size. It isn't healthy to want to be overweight. And Grace, Good for me but I do have "That look"? I hope eating tootsie rolls and icecream works out real well for you my dear.
  8. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wheetsin has it exactly right. It's salty, bitter and oh-so-yummy
  9. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What about vegemite?
  10. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What about sticky buns? Half of one even? Is that considered a healthy choice? What if I wash it down with ice cream and Mt Dew?
  11. Chickie

    Losing too much weight

    Yes Grace. We are unattractive because you say so. Because you traveled the world, and know it all, we are unattractive. Good to know.
  12. Chickie

    What did you pay

    Yes you can Scott, although from memory you only get a % of the total over $1500.
  13. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It's 3:30 Sunday arvo here... I am personally sitting out some wicked AF cramps and waiting for the liquid panadol to kick in.
  14. Chickie

    Losing too much weight

    Thank you. I was trying really hard to find the right words to say exactly this.
  15. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me......
  16. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It does suck :wub: :frown: :frown::frown: :frown::frown::frown:
  17. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I get that for her, in her mind that might be too small for her, but it was worded so poorly, that it could be taken to mean that anyone under a size 6 is unattractive. At anywhere between a 00 to 2 in US sizes, it's hard not to read that and wince.
  18. Some surgeons use staples to close the incisions.
  19. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I hate it when I am teetering on a size 4 when anything under a size 6 is well, unattractive :thumbdown:
  20. I was asked to wait till I left the hospital.
  21. Chickie

    130 pounds!

    I lost pretty consistently over 16 or so months.
  22. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Gee that was annoying! I was trying to post, and getting error messages.
  23. Chickie

    How many reach goal

    Not offended, just amused :shades_smile:
  24. Chickie

    How many reach goal

    And there are people who have empty bands, no restriction and stay at goal :shades_smile: Not everyone who is at goal has a super tight band Shortgal.
  25. Chickie

    Lost 100 lbs? What band do you have??

    They are often called 'The Rules" They are; Not to drink while eating Not to drink 30 minutes before, and 30 minutes after a meal Exercise Eat Protein first (although personally, I don't) Not to drink calories

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