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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon7370

  1. I had my sleeve 7 months ago and have lost 106 lbs to date. I have felt run down of late suffering from a mouth ulcer and irritating cough also a Water infection and a rash that looks like a mild dose of shingles. My hair is also very thin. I suffer from Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (an autoimmune disease of the liver, sleep apnoea and fatty liver disease. I take Ursodeoxycholic Acid 600mg and Provigil 400mg for the PBC. I am on a Multivitamin plus Iron once a day. I only manage to eat about 10grams of protien a day. What additional supplements should I take to feel better and get back on track?
  2. Sharon7370

    solid foods....not good

    I was like that for about 3 months after the operation eventually got it under control and have only been ill less than a handful of times. It eases and gets better
  3. Hi I was sleeved 20/12/13 and have lost 107lbs so far. I'm stuck in a it of a rut weight loss wise at the moment and my hair is falling out badly! I worked out that I am probably only managing 10grams of protein a day. I do take a multi vit once a day. Any help tips or advice would be great
  4. Sharon7370

    Are protein shakes the answer

    Off to see my consultant this afternoon, hopefully I can get some help with the hair loss and general feelings of being run down. Feeling very fatigued to at the moment.and weight is plateauing even though I still have at least another 40 lbs to go
  5. I had a drink immediately after eating last week because I had a bad cough and needed to try soothe my throat, straight after that I was in the bathroom staring at the bottom of the toilet bowl!!
  6. I'd say go with what makes you feel happy in yourself. Have you had the one where they say you cheated by having the operation. I got that one last week from a lady who had lost 3 stone dieting on her own (she'd put it all back on mind and I was noticeably slimmer than her)
  7. Pre consultant appointment -4lbs Pre op diet-10 lbs Month 1 - 20.8 lbs Month 2 - 15.82 lbs Month 3 - 15.68 lbs Month 4 - 9 lbs Month 5 - 15 lbs Month 6 - 3 lbs Month 7 - 16 lbs 41 lbs to go fingers crossed
  8. I'm 7 months out and just look ridiculous with the amount of hair I've lost, my hairdresser even suggested I get a pixie crop last week and this may well be my only option. As I have an appointment on Monday with my surgeon I'm holding on to see whether I am missing something from my diet that may help. I discovered through research that I was not getting enough protein in me I need 100 grams to help me lose weight I'd be lucky if I was getting 20 grams so I have added protein shakes and so far today I have managed to get 64 grams of protein in. I also take zinc and biotin to strengthen the hair when it does grow. I know nothing I've told you will help with your hair loss but your not alone if that is of any comfort.
  9. Sharon7370

    Are protein shakes the answer

    I was doing herbal life shakes before the op to help lose the weight and had some left so I've got some to use up. Just been to holland and barratt and bought 2 huge tubs of whey protein at 78grams per 100 grams of powder shall try it and see if it makes any difference in the meantime I will buy a hat
  10. Sharon7370

    Are protein shakes the answer

    Do protein shakes count as a drink or food, I'm not worried about the calories of them because I don't eat enough calories too worry its the half hour between eating and drinking I'm concerned about. If its a drink then no wait time for a cuppa if its food I have to wait half an hour
  11. Sharon7370

    After the surgery

    Photos taken when my new life began
  12. Sharon7370

    First post op pic

    From the album: After the surgery

    April 2013 70 lbs lost
  13. Sharon7370

    Work reunion do

    From the album: After the surgery

    May 2013 83lbs lost
  14. Sharon7370

    Professional Shoot

    From the album: After the surgery

    June 2013
  15. Sharon7370

    Professional Shoot

    From the album: After the surgery

    June 2013
  16. Sharon7370

    Professional shoot

    From the album: After the surgery

    June 2013
  17. Sharon7370

    Before new life

    Photos taken before surgery
  18. Sharon7370

    My original Facebook profile pic

    From the album: Before new life

    I took so many photos just to get 1 I was sort of happy with
  19. Sharon7370

    Party 2011

    From the album: Before new life

    I hate this picture and every other one taken of me before I lost the weight
  20. Happy post op Birthday
  21. Sharon7370


  22. Sharon7370


    From the album: Sharon7370

  23. Sharon7370


    From the album: Sharon7370

  24. Sharon7370

    Any New Uk Sleevers Out There?

    I have my 6 month post op check in a week, I think they are doing bloods then.
  25. I only eat 3 meals a day I couldn't manage any more than that

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
