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Rachel W

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Rachel W

  1. Rachel W

    Slow weight loss

    Thanks everyone for the wonderful insights and I look forward to continue talking with you all. I have learned that talking with others is a big help and the support is helpful. I know that I have some challenges and that I need to overcome these to finally be able to use this surgery at its potential. I know it is only a tool but I cant be commited half the time I need to be all in. So having the support is so helpful. So a big thanks to you that have responded and have given me support. God Bless
  2. I was sleeved on Feb 26th and I am feeling discouraged and somewhat depressed on the progress that I am making, not sure if I am on track or behind. My doctor says I am on track and a little ahead but I dont feel like this when I read others post. This last month has been a stall for me. I lost on 4# for the whole month and to be on schedule I should have lost 10# this month. Dr wants 10# a month as he states that the window of weight loss is closing each and everyday. So in reality I started at 378 pound pre surgery, Started the Phentermine diet which helped and got me to 343. was more than excited about the weight loss. Then 2 week pre surgery I was at 316 for surgery day I weighed in at 301. Today I am at 243 and have stalled for a month now I am feeling discouraged and depressed. I have not been much of a liquid drinker and Water is not my forte as I use to drink 6-10 cans of coca cola a day. so getting all the water in is hard for me. especailly since most of the drinks were comsumed with my meals. any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated. I have not been measuring my meals and I want to know if there is an app for counting protien? I am just assuming that I am get enough in and I dont think that I am since I am losing my hair like crazy. I try to eat fresh veggies and alot of chicken, Steak, Fish, and Turkey. I am almost tired of eating chicken alot. I am still greatful that I did have the surgery and I know that this is only a tool to help me succeed, but my exercise consisted of walk/run on the treadmill for a mile, then some weightlifting for 30mins. any suggestions on this would be helpful. I can not afford to go to a gym. Any positive suggestions would be greatful please no negative posts as I feel bad already and struggling with my choices. Thanks everyone.
  3. I was sleeved on Feb 26th and I am feeling discouraged and somewhat depressed on the progress that I am making, not sure if I am on track or behind. My doctor says I am on track and a little ahead but I dont feel like this when I read others post. This last month has been a stall for me. I lost on 4# for the whole month and to be on schedule I should have lost 10# this month. Dr wants 10# a month as he states that the window of weight loss is closing each and everyday. So in reality I started at 378 pound pre surgery, Started the Phentermine diet which helped and got me to 343. was more than excited about the weight loss. Then 2 week pre surgery I was at 316 for surgery day I weighed in at 301. Today I am at 243 and have stalled for a month now I am feeling discouraged and depressed. I have not been much of a liquid drinker and water is not my forte as I use to drink 6-10 cans of coca cola a day. so getting all the water in is hard for me. especailly since most of the drinks were comsumed with my meals. any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated. I have not been measuring my meals and I want to know if there is an app for counting protien? I am just assuming that I am get enough in and I dont think that I am since I am losing my hair like crazy. I try to eat fresh veggies and alot of Chicken, Steak, Fish, and Turkey. I am almost tired of eating chicken alot. I am still greatful that I did have the surgery and I know that this is only a tool to help me succeed, but my exercise consisted of walk/run on the treadmill for a mile, then some weightlifting for 30mins. any suggestions on this would be helpful. I can not afford to go to a gym. Any positive suggestions would be greatful please no negative posts as I feel bad already and struggling with my choices. Thanks everyone.
  4. Rachel W

    February 26th!

    I was sleeved on the 26th of Feb, and I have hit my 100# mark loss, however has anyone else noticed a stall in this last month for weight loss. I only lost a total of 4 pounds this last month of July and feeling very discouraged. I lost 5 # the first week then gained 6# the next week, Lost 4# the following and only lost 4# last week. so only gave me a total of 4# lost for the month. I did have a challenge on the second week as we bought a house and was moving so eating out was a bad thing and it showed and not able to stick to my normal routine. I am wondering if anyone has slipped yet and if they are having difficulty in losing any weight now that we are close to our 6 months? Any advice would be appreciated. I am still having a hard time with the water intake since day one as I was never a liquid drinker to begin with.
  5. Feeling depressed have not lost any weight in 2 weeks...

  6. Rachel W

    Rachel W

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
