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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LBD

  1. Haha... I felt like that about my GasX tablet... Kinds looked forward to it. I had 10 days of clear liquids, which was tough. It's hard but just hang in there! Now I am completely relieved one week out because I can have yogurt, protein shakes, and creamy soup. I let the soup cool down a bit and add unflavored Syntrax Protein powder. Doesn't change the taste at at!.
  2. I haven't started taking these yet, but will be later this week. If you are taking these, do you need additional supplements?
  3. I'm just starting full liquids tomorrow... Just isopure for me for the past week. I can't believe that I'm excited for a regular protein shake... May even go crazy and add a teaspoon or two of pb2! Woohoo! Really, I'm excited, lol! Very grateful to whomever put together the huge list of protein shake recipes... There are so many that I'd like to try!
  4. Thank you... Coromaga... Is that fish oil?
  5. LBD

    Working out post op

    If you're working out vigorously, do you adjust your calorie or protein intake?
  6. LBD

    2 week liquids-scared!

    I had two weeks of bariatric advantage shakes, 3 per day & also 2- 100 cal yogurts. The two day clear liquid (no protein) thing was rough, and I've been drinking Isopure for one week now. Tomorrow begins full liquids for me, so I can have creamy soup & regular protein shakes again.... I cannot wait & may have cream of chicken for breakfast, lol!!! Lost a bunch of weight though!
  7. I'm 5 days out of surgery and feel great, just a bit weak from lack of calories... When the nurses asked me what my pain level was, the worse it was was a 4, then after that it was 2 or nonexistent. The gas was mostly just uncomfortable but it's totally gone. I think that a lot of people that initially have problems with nausea may have had a bad reaction to the anesthesia, which can be common. I have had several surgeries, and this has been by far the easiest... The liquid diet, especially the clear part has been tougher for me than the actual surgery. What's amazing is that in 5 days, I've lost 10 pounds! 22 pounds total in 18 days. Best of luck to you!
  8. Syntrax sells unflavored medical Protein powder. Haven't used it yet, but I understand you can add it easily to lots of things for a protein boost without changing the flavor. I'm just not sure about cooking with it or adding it to hot beverages... I think it lessens its efficacy, but not certain... Anyone know?
  9. Thank you, just feel like I am so easily winded... Hoping maybe in a week I won't feel so weak!
  10. I had my surgery on the 15th and since then I've been drinking Isopure and nectar protein drinks- haven't bothered with juice, broth or jello because of the lack of protein. I know I'm only a few days out but I just feel positively weak and always need to sit down or lay down between pretty simple activities. I'm doing great otherwise... I guess this is typical between the recovery and lack of calories, but I'm wondering if most people start getting their energy back during stage 2?
  11. LBD

    October Sleevers - Who else

    Good luck to all of you!
  12. I bought PB2 in the Peanut Butter section of our grocery store... Also on Amazon. They also have a chocolate peanut butter flavor. Both powders are great in vanilla or chocolate Protein powder shakes.
  13. LBD

    How do I tell him I am not interested?

    The third G's a charm! Agreed, just be honest & tell him that you are dating someone else... It was very early in your relationship, so he shouldn't be too hurt anyway. After a little bit, he will probably appreciate your honesty... He sure was honest about his feelings towards you! Maybe phrase it like that... "You were honest with me about our lack of chemistry... So I feel like I need to be just as clear with you. I am dating someone else, and I wish you the best." Good luck!
  14. Best of luck to you!! New and exciting things to come! Can't believe I've lost 19 pounds since October 2! Yippeee! Off and running.
  15. Yes I definitely want to eat after not eating anything for so long!!! I think it's pretty normal... Partly in my head though. My husband just took my oldest son out to a movie and to this really great Japanese buffet... My son came home and started to describe everything... Had to make him stop for the love of all things holy!
  16. I often imagine this show being played prime time on French television... Disparaging remarks about gluttonous gross Americans would be the talk at street side cafés... Lol. He is pretty impressive though... I cannot imagine that he wouldn't have a giant bucket waiting for him after the filming.... Don't think I could watch it now... Last time I watched it he was eating a cinnamon bun the size of my dog!!!
  17. LBD

    October Sleevers - Who else

    I feel like for me, this was the easiest of the 4 surgeries I've had by a mile. Really was not in pain post op, except for gas pain. The last time I woke up from surgery, I was on a ventilator and had a miserable few weeks of recovery so this was a huge relief!!! Home with my boys, no nausea, incisions healing well but feeling pretty weak and tired even though I have chosen to just drink clear protein drinks, forgoing broth, juice etc. because of the lack of protein. Body is recovering and I am looking forward to next Tuesday when I can have creamy soup which I will savor!!!! I am also sorry for those who are having a more difficult transition- nausea, etc. sucks! Feel better soon. I'm actually heading out with my youngest son to a six year old's birthday party! Think I will observe with my protein drink... No limbo for this girl!
  18. LBD

    Pureed Food!

    I still have 3 more days clear liquid, then another week of full liquids... Never been so excited for an egg before!!! I need a new ticker... 10 days till EGG.
  19. LBD

    October Sleevers - Who else

    So sorry to hear that you are having trouble... My surgeon prescribed a drug called Pantoprazole sodium which is an acid reducer & it's in a really small pill form. Hope this helps!
  20. LBD

    Even I am amazed!

    Absolutely inspirational! I am new to this and hearing your story makes me feel empowered! Thank you
  21. LBD

    Crunch Snacks?

    I read that someone recommended Beanitos... Looked like a mostly bean based tortilla chip. I actually saw them at Rite Aid of all places! Sounds pretty good/healthy though for those of us who need crunch... Definitely going to try the dry roasted edamame though!
  22. Glad to hear it! I wouldn't have lasted just on broth either!
  23. Did your surgeon give you a weight loss requirement? My understanding is that people typically lose 10-15 lbs on a 2 week preoperative diet... I lost twelve pounds in the first 5 days then stopped losing completely... My surgeon didn't say he was happy or unhappy with that but apparently it was enough. Weighed myself this morning, 3 days after surgery and I was down another 4 pounds... Hopefully not just stomach weight! This morning I was half expecting to go up because of all the fluids they give you in the hospital. Looks like my body finally decided to release the pounds, lol. Good luck with your pre-op diet and surgery!
  24. LBD

    October Sleevers - Who else

    You are allowed to eat already? I'm surprised!
  25. LBD

    Sleeve vs bypass

    I had been asked the same question and I understand that there are more issues with malabsorption with gastric bypass... Also as was mentioned above, the rearranging/replumbing thing seems a bit much considering that the sleeve is now an option... Then you also have the added benefit of the ghrelin hormone being removed by the VSG and it was a no brainer for me.

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