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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by GreenEyedFireCracker

  1. GreenEyedFireCracker


    Pic 1 280 lbs day of vsg surgery 9/10/13. Pic 2 Nov 2 38 lbs down. Pic 3 Nov 22 45 lbs down. Love my sleeve!
  2. GreenEyedFireCracker


    And size 16!
  3. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Please Help! :(

    Hello! My advice! Stop worrying. I had a post very similar to this a few weeks ago. I lost 17 lbs in the 1st week. Gained 9 in the second week (I think it was water loss, and then water retention because I got real poofy). Then didn't loose again until almost the end of week 4. I had fear, thinking I was the only one who this surgery wasn't going to work for. EVERYONE looses differently. If you stick to your plan, the weight will come off. Try not to focus on the number. As we get more and more protein, we are re-building that initial muscle loss we lost. I am on week 5 now and at 30 lbs. Stalls are normal. The "three week stall" is very common and also stalls around your period and ovulation as well. But I am not worried or anxious anymore, as I know the scale will move again...how can it not...I still struggle to get near my 900 calories a day. Hope this helps!
  4. Hi All - Wanted to let you know you know about a new film coming out all about Weight Loss Surgery. I hear its very good and worth seeing! It's currently touring Film Festivals. I haven't seen it yet but it stars one of the ladies in my support group. Check out the facebook page or the movie's website for premiere openings. It will be on PBS in February and some independent film channels as well. The 'Girls' have been friends for years, bonding over hopes, dreams, food, and the shared experience of being obese. But, now, as some pursue weight-loss surgery, their center has shifted and upset everything they knew about happiness, friendship, and love. - Trailer http://www.allofmemovie.com/ https://www.facebook.com/allofmemovie
  5. GreenEyedFireCracker

    What was your first solid meal postop?

    Grilled Tilapia and edamame! Yum! Although I could only get about four-5 bites down. Solid food will fill you up fast in the beginning!
  6. Yay!! You look great! I am right there with ya girl! Its so hard being patient waiting for results! I am down 30lbs in 5 weeks.
  7. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Clear liquid protein alternatives?

    Unjury chicken soup flavor was good. Like drinking broth. It's online order only at www.unjury.com They also have strawberry sorbet which counted as a clear, but I never tried it.
  8. Hi - I am taking bariatric advantage Ultra Multivitamin. www.bariatricadvantage.com It has iron and all the B12 we need. My NUT says 1. Multi (for baritatric patients) 2. 1000 mcg B12 3. 1500 mg of Calcium Citrate - make sure it is Citrate and not Carbonate - this does not absorb well at all. Vitamin D helps calcuim absorb better, but it also in my multi. The iron is not mandated for me yet. I will have my 2nd pre-op on the 30th of this month which is when they will do the blood draw to check my vitamin levels. For me - I was all insurance 100% except for my NUT, psych and co-pays. My NUT was $300 and that bought me her services indefinitely forever. Maybe find a local NUT with the same types of pay structures locally? Someone located inside a bariatric doctors office?
  9. GreenEyedFireCracker

    My Rare Complication

    WOW! Ah-mazing! Considering I was sleeved on the same day, this hits close to home! So glad you are getting better! Just curious...did you ever contact your surgeon? Mine told me that there are a lot of people in the medical profession (including Doctors!) that aren't familiar with bariatric surgery and what to look for and how to treat.
  10. GreenEyedFireCracker

    So upset, low potassium

    I KNOW it must be frustrating, but think of it this way. All good things come to those who wait. Would you rather have the surgery now and have complications? IMHO = you are blessed to have a surgeon who is looking out for you. Recovery is can be brutal, even if everything goes as expected. Best of luck! It'll happen in no time.
  11. GreenEyedFireCracker

    7 months 12 days

    Yay! Congrats!
  12. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Drive Home?

    Oh no way. I was still on pain meds for one. Secondly it takes a couple of days for the anesthesia to wear off. I highly recommend not doing this. Do you not have a ride?
  13. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Scars after surgery?

    I have 6 - from the DaVinci Robot - i also had gallbladder removed laproscopically 16 years ago and yes the scars do fade, but you can still see them. They are skin color. I never minded them before because it wasn't like I was going to be showing off my belly, right? But these are right in the middle and larger and there are more of them, so i understand why you're asking. I work for a Pharmaceutical company - the one that sells the lapband actually (lol) and we have a top of the line Skincare line called SkinMedica - there is a scar recovery gel. It's meant for those who have have surgical procedures. I am using this in the hopes that one day I can get into a bikini! You can buy it here: http://www.skinmedica.com/skin-care-products/scar-recovery-gel-with-centelline-mini
  14. GreenEyedFireCracker

    my life is miserable since the sleeve

    How are you today? Any news? Did you speak to your surgeon?
  15. Yea, I agree - it's definitely not all rainbows and puppydogs...yet. But if you think about it we are still babies...so fresh outta the hospital, really! So I think, easy does it. All good things in time!
  16. Hi - I'm 4 weeks post op tomorrow and the sipping of water and chunking of food going down sounds like exactly where I am. The softer the food, the easier it is to go down. The chunkier and i know I'm only going to be able to get in a few bites before I am full. The couple of times I knew I overdid it is when I could just feel it sitting in my esophagus. So my experience has told me: small bites. slow bites. It is frustrating because as you add more foods, more "normal" foods after the liquid phase, you just want to eat! And enjoy it! I've been cooking a lot, and it's hard to cook for us sleevers in small amounts. I invested in a lot of tupperware..small containers...for leftovers. As far as your pain changing or worsening. I know abdomen muscles take a long time to fully heal and they are involved in almost all of our movements, so it could be that you've just strained your incisions. I would definitely throw my doctor a ring and just ask what they think.
  17. GreenEyedFireCracker

    my life is miserable since the sleeve

    Something sounds very wrong! I would contact my doctor asap. I have a friend who has had trouble moving from soft/pureed to whole foods - same symptoms, and her doc discussed putting her on a feeding tube. I would call asap! I hope it gets better!
  18. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Has anyone tried these? Look great

    Yeah I'm about a month out and my taste buds have totally changed. for me now sweet means a Dannon Light and Fit two times protein Greek yogurt vanilla. I don't even feel like I need the fruit.
  19. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Has anyone tried these? Look great

    They actually have little 4oz cups of low fat 2% cottage cheese. No fruit. I eat these!
  20. GreenEyedFireCracker


  21. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Back to work?

    Its something you're really going to have to wait and see. I went back after two weeks also, but I work in a call center and sit all day. The 2nd week post-op I couldnt imagine going back a week later, but every day that week I saw drastic improvements in amount of water and protein I was able to get in and my energy levels going back up. So, I'd say take it easy and see how you feel. It's hard when your on the job to get into that routine of staying hydrated, too! So make sure you have your liquid by your side!
  22. GreenEyedFireCracker


    I'm starting week 4 today. The same thing happened to me except I gained weight in week two. 9 lbs! After losing 17 the first week. Don't worry. The scale will move again. Stalls are normal. And the dreaded 3 week stall is famous around here....look it up. I had the same fears and it all came off and I'm still going down. Just follow your plan and you'll be fine!
  23. GreenEyedFireCracker


    Word. Me too!

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