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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    danaevett got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    305.0 Ugh
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    danaevett reacted to LipstickLady in Yes, I had WLS and YES, I *AM* doing this on my own.   
    I've seen quite a few people around these parts talking about people they know who have lost weight "on their own" while they personally had WLS and I must say, this mindset makes me a bit pissy.
    Before having VSG, I tried every freaking diet out there. I exercised like a maniac. I tried drugs I knew were potentially harmful to my long term health. I resigned myself to being fat every single time I failed before slapping myself around and trying something new or trying something old again and again. I saw nutritionists, I saw gastro specialists. I considered a hypnotist, but I waved that off as hogwash. (No offense to anyone who tried it, just not my cup of tea.) I lost weight, I gained weight, I lost weight, I gained weight, I lost, I gained, I yo-yo'd myself right into a flucked up metabolism and mass frustration for myself and my family.
    I finally decided that I had no other options and settled on the Vertical Sleeve after researching my WLS options for almost a year. I went through 4 months with one surgeon before realizing there was no way in H E double hockey sticks could I let him cut me open before starting the process over with another surgeon that I felt comfortable with.
    I did all the pre-op work with a nutritionist (whack job!!) figuring that if I could concentrate on losing for those 6 months, maybe I wouldn't need surgery after all.
    I saw the counselor (WHACK JOB!!!) and never got to the root of my troubles other than the fact that I am a greedy piglet. (She swears I am repressing sexual abuse in a past life -- no REALLY, a PAST life, not just in my past. Uhmmm...)
    I did my pre-op diet for a month instead of the required two weeks because I wanted to.
    I exercised my fanny off (literally) over the last 7 months.
    I weigh, measure and log my food.
    I read labels.
    I make good choices putting my Protein needs first.
    I make sure to get in my 10k steps every single day even if that means running in place for an hour at 10pm when I know I have to be up, bright eyed and bushy tailed in 7 hours.
    I look for recipes that are healthier for my family that I can eat as well but I often cook two meals so they can eat what they like and I can eat what I need to eat.
    I put the fork down before I want to so that I don't spend the next 30 minutes bent over the toilet even when it took me an hour to prepare a meal and I've only had two or three bites because ,my tiny tummy isn't tolerating more than an ounce instead of it's usual 3 or 4.
    I read menus days in advance if I know I am going out so that I can order seamlessly with everyone else.
    I attend parties and conferences and work functions and eat mindfully so I can enjoy the event without calling attention to myself.
    I suffer through stalls in my head so that my family doesn't have to hear my incessant whining because I know they've suffered enough of my nonsense over the years.
    I appreciate everything my changing body has allowed me to do over the years despite the abuse I put it through and I appreciate how much it's thanking me as I am relieving it of all the excess weight.
    I went to kickboxing even when I don't feel like it and now I teach it so I don't have a choice but to go.
    I joined a high dollar gym and hired a high dollar trainer, not because I am a high dollar girl but because I am now forced to go.
    I look at my saggy skin and my floppy boobs and my melty thighs and my squishy bum and my hangy arms and while I regret that I didn't do this 5, 10, 15 years ago, I smile that I did do it seven months ago.
    I am losing this weight ON MY OWN. If you honestly think I'm not, please tell me who is doing it for me. They owe me a whole bunch of money, time and heartache for all the things I've put myself through over the last year+ and I owe them a HUGE amount of thanks for getting me where I am today.
  3. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Indigo1991 in Got naked, nobody died of shame...   
    You go girl!
  4. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    Gained this week. 300.0
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    danaevett got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Car Is Packed And Leaving For The Hospital 12/10/2013   
    My wife and children are worried as well. It seems to help that I'm confident in what I'm doing and letting them know that everything is going to be fine.
  6. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Car Is Packed And Leaving For The Hospital 12/10/2013   
    My wife and children are worried as well. It seems to help that I'm confident in what I'm doing and letting them know that everything is going to be fine.
  7. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    I'm down to 297.8.
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    danaevett got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    I lost one pound this week. Current weight 301.
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    danaevett got a reaction from RoxFC in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    I'm pre-op but I'm trying to lose weight ahead of time. I'm in. I currently weigh 302, and my goal is 290.
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    danaevett got a reaction from Susysleever in Marriage Problems 2 Mo. Out   
    I'll just say it bluntly. You need to get your head screwed on straight and forget about this other man. The man you have has put up with you for 21 years. You took vows to this man and he to you. You know that what you are doing is wrong; so stop it!
  11. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Susysleever in Marriage Problems 2 Mo. Out   
    I'll just say it bluntly. You need to get your head screwed on straight and forget about this other man. The man you have has put up with you for 21 years. You took vows to this man and he to you. You know that what you are doing is wrong; so stop it!
  12. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from honeyg317 in Any February 2014 Sleevers?   
    My 6 month medically supervised diet will be complete on January 13th so my surgery should be in February. Insurance approval is supposed to take less than 30 days. I have BCBS of AL. I'm getting VSG. It can't get here soon enough.
  13. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    Do you add my info to the Excel sheet, or am I supposed to?
  14. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from RoxFC in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    I'm pre-op but I'm trying to lose weight ahead of time. I'm in. I currently weigh 302, and my goal is 290.
  15. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Susysleever in Marriage Problems 2 Mo. Out   
    I'll just say it bluntly. You need to get your head screwed on straight and forget about this other man. The man you have has put up with you for 21 years. You took vows to this man and he to you. You know that what you are doing is wrong; so stop it!
  16. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from RoxFC in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    I'm pre-op but I'm trying to lose weight ahead of time. I'm in. I currently weigh 302, and my goal is 290.
  17. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Dani.o.dani in I'm Dani And This Is My Story   
    Thanks for sharing.
  18. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from RoxFC in Christmas - New Year Challenge   
    I'm pre-op but I'm trying to lose weight ahead of time. I'm in. I currently weigh 302, and my goal is 290.
  19. Like
    danaevett reacted to Bronco0605 in Lost 10 Pounds Since Surgery~ ! No Longer Morbidly Obese!   
    This first week has not been easy at all. Yesterday it really hit home why I did this to myself. I lost ten pounds in one week! I am now under that 40 BMI! No longer morbidly obese, I am so excited!
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    danaevett reacted to unbesleevable1 in Bile Vomit And In Bowel Movement   
    i'm not sure what you mean about your bm being 'bile'. Bile is what gives the bm its color, all the time. Chills and nausea makes me think of infection. Take your temp. is it over 100? Are you able to keep any liquids down? Try gatorade or pedialyte. Dont worry about the sugar at this moment, your body needs the sugar (if you're dehydrated).
    If you have a fever, can't keep liquids down, vomit blood, pass blood in the stool, or any thing else weird, get yourself checked out at an e.r.
    it is not likely you ruined your life. new sleeves can come with some attitude. I myself, shat myself just the other day while driving to work. just keepin it real.
  21. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from sophiepants in Dizzy   
  22. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Susysleever in Marriage Problems 2 Mo. Out   
    I'll just say it bluntly. You need to get your head screwed on straight and forget about this other man. The man you have has put up with you for 21 years. You took vows to this man and he to you. You know that what you are doing is wrong; so stop it!
  23. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from VSG AJH in Am I Selling My Sleeve Short?   
    We have almost exactly the same stats. I'm unsure of what my goal weight should be so I'm going to set my goal for 215 and adjust as needed when I approach that weight. If I'm happy with myself at 225 when I get there, I'll stay. If not, I'll lose some more. I figure I'll be considered pretty much a god in the ladies eyes anywhere in the vicinity of my goal so I'm not worried. lol
  24. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from MRWILLIA6871 in Dealing With My Depression :(   
    I suffer from depression too. My advice would be to get some exercise if you're not already. That alone will make you feel some better. Are you on medications? If so; be sure to take them like you're supposed to. You may want to contact your doctor to get your meds adjusted. Get out of the house some. It helps. If you don't have one already; find someone that you can lean on. Sometimes we just need to feel loved. Speak positively. Say "I feel great" over and over again. Soon your brain will start to believe it. And finally, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! Do not let it get the best of you. Give it all you've got. You haven't come this far to give up now. Hang in there. You've got this!
  25. Like
    danaevett reacted to gmanbat in Got An Email From My Surgeon.. I Was Happy To Endorse Bariatric Pal!   
    I received an email from Deb Dawley the Bariatric Clinical Director for the Center of Weight Loss Surgery in Bowling Green, Ohio where wife and I received excellent care during our weight loss surgeries at the skilled hands of Dr. Peter Lalor. It concerned an email they received from Bariatric Pal encouraging them to recommend the site to patients.
    Deb sent out a mass email to patients asking for feedback on the site.
    I was more than happy to endorse this Godsend of a forum to the surgeons, staff and directors at the Center of Excellence where Deb and I were launched onto our new and healthy path.
    What little I have contributed to this forum has been compensated many times back at me by the support, uplift and general camaraderie afforded by it's existence.
    Thanks, Alex, and may Bariatric Pal provide a vehicle for changed lives for many, many years.

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