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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    danaevett reacted to auburngirl in One Year Post-op with pics   
    I had my surgery on April 23, 2014. Greatest decision ever. I have lost around 130 pounds. I have been super happy with my success. It has been pretty steady the whole time. Recently it has gotten harder to lose but I am eating all the same things. I am not meet my Protein goals. I have done my entire thing on calories and just trying to stick to that amount of calories each day. I do a very similar program to Weight Watchers. I eat a ton of their food. Smart Ones oatmeal from Breakfast, Turkey and Chees for lunch or a TV dinner, and a meat, veggie, and carb for dinner. I always have a WW dessert everynight before bed. I have not had a proten shake since one month out. Cound not stand them. What I have done may not work for others but it has worked really well for me. Once I get to goal I have to learn to maintain. Someone told me the other day I did not need to loose any more weight. I know this is sick but it felt so good to hear. First Time Ever! The things I think that have made me most successful are a few things. I only drink water; I have timed eating, no grazing; I eat breadfast as late as I possibly can in the morning and lunch as late as I possibly can, this allows for more saved up calories throughout the evening; I try to excercise approx 3 miles 5 days per week.
    Just wanted to share my story. I remember when I was thinking about having this surgery I would sit on here for hours and loved to see pics.
    Here is a pic of me right now. I dont have one alone but it is with my husband. I also dont have a good before pic but just picture me at 300 pounds! I have lost an entire person at 130 pounds gone.
    To anyone considering this surgery I would highly recommend if you can make it work. It really was the best decision I have ever made! I wish I would have done it sooner!

  2. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
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    danaevett got a reaction from thesuse2000 in 4 Things I Wish I Would've Known Pre Op   
    I wish I had known:
    That my initial recovery would be as easy as it was. That there is an app for the iPhone that helps you eat slower. (Called "Eat Slower") That I can no longer gulp liquids like I used to. That I would hit a stall at 5 weeks out and how frustrating that can be. That I have food issues (I didn't really think I did). That eating a meal now is a let down. I sit down to a tasty meal and am really enjoying it, then I'm full. Wanting to eat more, but I can't. This has been the hardest part of the whole process. That I would still experience real hunger. (Most people say that hunger goes away. Mine hasn't). That I am still tempted by the wrong foods and I probably always will be. This is a constant struggle for me. Just to be clear; I would do it over a 1,000,000 times. I'm 7 weeks out and I've lost 32 lbs since surgery.
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    danaevett got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Funny   
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    danaevett reacted to princessheather in Wanted to share my results   
    Banded June 2010. Rid of 168 pounds!

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    danaevett reacted to piercedqt78 in NSV and an emotional night and I couldn't be happier!   
    My bariatric group hosted their first meet and greet, that was loaded with some great vendors giving out some nice goodies, and holding a few drawings for some cool stuff. Then they held an amazing fashion show using some of their patients that were willing to walk the catwalk in some beautiful outfits. They also provided some tasty Snacks, some healthy some not so healthy. (I will question that when I see him in the office next week). My mom, hubby, daughter, and daughter's best friend attended with me as my "support people" As the fashion show was coming to a close, I notice my surgeon standing in the back watching, and I slipped back to talk to him for a moment. I haven't seen him for 4 months, like I said I have an appt next week, he looked at me and seemed puzzled, he said I know you, but I don't know where I know you from. He thought I was a spouse of a patient. I reminded him that he did my surgery last May, and that I had lost 130 pounds, his mouth dropped open, and then it clicked who I was in his mind. He asked how I have been doing, and how I am feeling now that I am at my goal. I told him I feel amazing, I was so overcome with emotion that I just stepped forward pulled him into a hug and started to cry, on his very expensive suit. He hugged me back to my surprise (he is very professional, and doesn't have the most friendly personality, very to the point and blunt in the office) and said that he was just blown away with my success, and that he was PROUD of me, and wanted me in the next fashion show. My family had joined us at this point, and my mom made the comment that I was too thin, and he corrected her and said I was not too thin, I looked perfect. He said I looked like a barbie doll, and he wouldn't change a thing about me. I thanked him for saving my life, and he reminded me again tonight of something he said to me on the day of my surgery. He couldn't "fix me", but he was giving me the tools to fix myself. That has stuck with me, and when I start to think of cheating on my food plan, (I NEVER diet, I have a life long food plan) I think of the amazing tool he has given me, and how he told me it was up to me to make this tool work for me. I have worked my sleeve to it's fullest and I am proud to say that I have gone from a size 22/24 to a 4 yes that's right a 4. I am going to walk in the next fashion show, and I am not only going to walk, I'm going to strut my stuff. I am so proud of the work I have put into my new self, and I and forever greatful for the tool that Dr. Uchal had given to me. My life was changed on May 8th 2013, that will be the day I Celebrate my rebirth. I just wanted to share with you all, it was an NSV but seeing all the other women that had made the same amazing transformations that I have made brought me to tears. At the end of the show, they announced that the ladies that walked in the show tonight had lost a total of 2,200 pounds. Amazing. And my mother who needs the surgery told me that she was too old. Well tonight she met a woman that is older than her that was sleeved and lost 156 pounds. She looked AMAZING, and my mom asked her a ton of questions. I think she might actually look into being sleeved. This is something I have prayed about for the last year. My mom is diabetic, high blood pressure and high cholestrol, and she had to have back surgery, and now she needs knee surgery. I keep telling her the surgery would change her life. It would help her live longer, healthier and happier. She told me that she would do the surgery but doesn't want the excess skin, I told her I would rather have her with excess skin, and Alive, than bury her with tight skin. I don't want to lose my mom to obesity, when help is available. I think that actually sunk in tonight. I guess we will see what she does. I did my surgery to be here for my daughter, and I hope she is willing to do the same to be here for myself and my daughter.
    Tonight was a great night. It also made me decide to help set up a monthly meeting for my area. I posted in the local group area so I guess tonight not only made me happy, but also made me see that I have a lot of support and motivation to offer.
  7. Like
    danaevett reacted to diana89131 in 110 pounds gone forever   


    I had Surgery on May 31, 2013. Surgery weight was 267 as of today I am 157.

  8. Like
    danaevett reacted to skinnygirlwithin in 5 months out with pics   
    I am 5' 6.5", 41 years old. Surgery was Dec 11, 2013 - i have lost 75lbs.
    My before picture is from Nov just about 3 weeks before surgery and my after is from May 11th (my 5 month annv).

  9. Like
    danaevett reacted to dreamscometrue in ONDERLAND! Hallelujah!   
    I have been waiting for this day for so many years and prior to surgery, I didn't think I would ever see my weight starting with a "1" again. I have read over and over people on here writing that magical word "ONEDERLAND" and I couldn't wait to be the one to type it! Today is the day!!! I am a few days short of 5 months post op, and today on the scale read those magic numbers... 199.8!!! Who knew that could feel so good?! Just for anyone curious, I am 5'7 and started out at 277.6lbs. This is kind of a lame post, but since I chose not to tell people about my surgery, you guys are my PEOPLE! I've attached a few pics along the way . I still have another 30-40 lbs to go, but today I'm celebrating the success so far!!

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    danaevett reacted to Mrs.RRn in My sexiness-- PG version   
    So... Over 100 lbs down and treated myself to a photo shoot. I'm in LOVE!!
    Here's some not-so-naughty shots (before editing/ retouching)

  11. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Funny   
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    danaevett got a reaction from itzmekc in Gulping water when your really thirsty?   
    I'm 9 weeks out and I can gulp it as long as I don't try to do it too soon after eating.
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    danaevett reacted to emttina in 100 lbs   
    I am down 100 lbs today. I lost 20 lbs on ww before surgery and had surgery 9/7/2013 done from 265 to 164 loving the new me !!!!!!!
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    danaevett reacted to gruiz27 in my 3 month update before and after pic   
    20 years old .. 5'7
    Sleeved Feb 6,2014

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    danaevett reacted to JanetPRN in 7 Month Update   
    Here's a few pics of my sleeve journey so far. The first collage is pre-op and 1 month post-op. The next is months 5-6-7. To date, I've lost 73 lbs, dropped from size 20-22 down to an easy size 10 . The weight loss has slowed down to about 1 lb a week, and I really need to get exercising more regularly to tone and tighten what I can. After 7 months I find that I need to keep diligent about my eating habits ; my sleeve feels good restriction but the brain wants "more". Got to work on that!

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    danaevett got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
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    danaevett reacted to LovingmeForever in 7 weeks after plastics!   
    I couldn't be happier with my new me:)
    First picture - 06/01/2012
    Second picture - 04-22-2014

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    danaevett reacted to SLF1027 in 8 Months Out and 122 Down!   
    I had my sleeve done in September 2013. It's been 8 months since surgery and I have lost 122 pounds. I came from 350, BMI of 52 to 228, BMI 33. I walked into surgery wearing size 28 pants and a 30/32 top and today i noticed my size 18's were a little saggy in butt! I walked 4.5 miles today before I got tired and that in and of itself is a miracle! I'm so glad I made the decision to have this procedure, it has helped me so much. Though I am doing well, I struggle EVERY DAY to make good food choices. I'm (head) hungry all the time for all the wrong foods and it's a constant battle. Some days I lose, but most days I do well.
    My original goal was to get to the size I was in junior high school, size 18. But now that I'm here, I've readjusted my goal to a "normal" BMI of 24, which means I have 63 pounds to go.
    I thank all of you for your support as I silently stalk all of your posts. They help me stay on track and stay motivated to be better
  19. Like
    danaevett reacted to longtimecoming7 in Curves for days! 6 months. Picture.   
    Hello all
    I'm 5' 7"
    HW 240
    SW 230
    CW 176
    GW 150
    Was size 18. now size 12, I have a pair of 10s that I can squeeze on. I like to wear these around the house and tell my kids that the can borrow my pants if they want. They roll their eyes.
    The weight, so far, has not "fallen off" as I see it does for some others.
    I did not go from a size 18 to a size 2
    I am splendidly average, and for that, I'm jazzed!
    I have a ways to go, I will arrive.

  20. Like
    danaevett reacted to Mrs.RRn in 11 months post op (w/ pics) :)   
    Highest weight: 245 lbs
    Surgery weight: 240 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs
    Current weight: 129 lbs
    Revised goal (from surgeon): 115 lbs by May next year
    Height: 4' 11"
    Age: 26
    At 11 months post op, I've adapted well to my new "normal" life. I LOVE to workout: running, weights, yoga, workout classes. I've completely given up rice, bread, potatoes, and Pasta. I don't eat fried foods or candy. Basically, I eat real food- Protein, veggies, fruit, nuts, yogurt, cheese. I never feel deprived or left out- it's all about the mindset.
    And I'm starting to love shopping instead of crying and dreading.
    Here are my pics
    I also added other photos & photos of food I eat (hopefully this helps someone) in my 11 month pic gallery.

  21. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from Imvalentine in Comorbidities and surgery   
    I had diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea. I did just fine. I'm 5 weeks out and the diabetes is gone.
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    danaevett got a reaction from BeagleLover in Dealing With My Depression :(   
    I suffer from depression too. My advice would be to get some exercise if you're not already. That alone will make you feel some better. Are you on medications? If so; be sure to take them like you're supposed to. You may want to contact your doctor to get your meds adjusted. Get out of the house some. It helps. If you don't have one already; find someone that you can lean on. Sometimes we just need to feel loved. Speak positively. Say "I feel great" over and over again. Soon your brain will start to believe it. And finally, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! Do not let it get the best of you. Give it all you've got. You haven't come this far to give up now. Hang in there. You've got this!
  23. Like
    danaevett got a reaction from cbwalker79 in 4 months and 1 day   
    You look great.
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    danaevett got a reaction from NewSetOfCurves in Biggest regrets about getting the sleeve?   
    I would have gotten it done sooner. No kidding. I'm 26 days out and have lost 21 pounds since surgery. 21 pounds makes a huge difference. I also lost 19 pounds on the 2 week liquid diet before surgery for a total of 40 pounds. I feel great. I'm only 54 pounds away from my goal of 215 now. I predict it will take another two months or less to lose that.
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    danaevett got a reaction from toni1960 in Surgery date was 3-12-2014   
    My surgery was March 6th. I'm down 32 pounds since then. I've been taken off all of my diabetes meds and cleared of diabetes. Also; my blood pressure med has been cut in half. You and I are doing great. Way to go.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
