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Posts posted by danaevett

  1. Just curious, but why is it that I see veterans that choose not to have a profile pic? Seems like once you reach your goal weight, or close to it, that you would be proud of how you look and want to post a profile pic, even before & after pics. Maybe some people want to keep their identity secret. I can fully understand why someone that has not lost their weight would not want to post a pic. I guess, when I read a post from someone, I want to be able to see what they look like. Makes everything a little more personal. By the way; if you're one of the people that chooses not to post a pic, I'm not trying to pick on you, I'm just curious.

  2. I know that it is somewhat different, but I dip tobacco. I've done it since I was 12 years old (35 years). I found a non-tobacco, non-nicotine dip called BACC OFF. At first I started dipping one dip of the non-nicotine dip and then three with nicotine. I'm now at three dips of non-nicotine and then one with nicotine. I'll be out of regular dip in less than three weeks. When I'm out, I'm done. Usually, when I make a change, I do it cold turkey, but this time I'm weaning my self off it. There is a website for BACC OFF. Hopefully this will help someone out there.


  3. 1. Being able to put socks and shoes on without getting out of breath.

    2. Not being afraid that I'm going to sit in a chair and it break with me in public.

    3. Getting rid of my fat pad around my privates.

    4. Buying trendy clothes instead of settling for what's available in my size.

    5. Not having man boobs and feeling comfortable with having my shirt off at the beach.

    6. Having a cute lady sneak a second look at me.

    7. Being able to make love without getting extremely out of breath.

    8. Knowing that my wife thinks I'm attractive and not just telling me that to be nice.

    9. Not being thought of as lazy or dirty because I'm fat.

    10. No more aches and pains.

    There are many more but these are the first ones I thought of.


  4. We have almost exactly the same stats. I'm unsure of what my goal weight should be so I'm going to set my goal for 215 and adjust as needed when I approach that weight. If I'm happy with myself at 225 when I get there, I'll stay. If not, I'll lose some more. I figure I'll be considered pretty much a god in the ladies eyes anywhere in the vicinity of my goal so I'm not worried. lol

  5. I'll just say it bluntly. You need to get your head screwed on straight and forget about this other man. The man you have has put up with you for 21 years. You took vows to this man and he to you. You know that what you are doing is wrong; so stop it!

  6. As it turns out, I absolutely love skinny jeans and slim pants now! I'm a shortie, so it's really nice to actually feel "petite"! I've fallen in love with the skinny jeans and slim ankle pants at White House Black Market.... Very pricey but well worth it in my opinion. :) my thighs no longer rub together either! This is so fun.... Who else is loving being "little"? I think I could actually squeeze into a size 0.... Yikes, never thought I'd see the day! :)

    Great job. Let's see pics.

  7. We all form prejudices in our head against something or other. Me? I hate left handed people from Iceland who wear sunglasses indoors. THE NERVE. But seriously, we're all human and attractiveness has been shown to drive all sorts of decision making (that it shouldnt). Don't be shocked if many doors are opened professionally too. The human brain is conditioned to form snap opinions and make instant assessments of others (fight vs flight, prospective mating partners etc). We all belong on the discovery channel. It really shows the need for us to be intentionally kind to those that society disfavors. Since we've been there and seen it from the other side, shame on us if we don't reach out to encourage anyone we see struggling with their weight.

    Jay, My private message capabilities are not working right now. I've sent in a report about it. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.


  8. My doctor is requiring me to quit dipping. I have to be quit at least one month prior to surgery which will be in January or February 2014. I've been substituting non-tobacco, non-nicotine dip for my regular dip. I've cut my nicotine dipping in half already and shouldn't have a problem completely doing away with the dip. By the way; I've dipped for 35 years, and yes, I still have all of my teeth and they aren't yellow. lol

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